Category Archives for "Abundance-Law of Attraction"
Abundance and the Law of Attraction
Abundance and the Law of Attraction
(Photo adapted from the original image by digital sophia on flickr)
Lipsticks are a woman’s best friends, so it seems. In good times or bad, they are always there for each other! The reason why I say this is because lipstick sales are expected to go up while the economy comes down. Don’t believe me? Well, I just found out about the official Lipstick Indicator, an economic statistic to watch out for. If the findings are true, I am now inclined to propose that new lipstick purchases may just be the ticket to attracting wealth and abundance! Before you protest, hear me out….
(Photo by spacemonkey on flickr)
Be Careful What You Wish For or You Just May Get it so the saying goes!
Seated quietly in a romantic corner of a dimly lit restaurant was a married couple in their 60s. They brought their glasses of champagne together in a toast. There was every reason to celebrate. It was their 30th wedding anniversary that day.
In a whiff of smoke, a tiny yet beautiful fairy appeared before them, hovering over the table. She said, “For being such an exemplary married couple and for being loving to each other for all this time, I will grant you each a wish.”
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Start to nurture your soul to improve the quality of living. If you are currently starving yourself of love, warmth and all things chocolate, it is time to do things differently. Starving your soul is tantamount to a refusal to say yes to the joy of enjoying rich beauty and abundance around.
By starving your soul of needed nourishment, you end up carrying a negative vibe. It is evident when you are constantly swearing, complaining and being rude to others. Soul starvation makes you bitter, needy, angry and resentful. It is even possible that you feel lonely because friends inadvertently shy away from you.
Conversely, when you nurture your soul, life feels full. You become a lover of life. Every little experience opens you to delight. Rose buds unfolding their miracles. Unicorns riding on rainbows in the sky. Red strawberries coated in fresh cream. And the scent of early morning dew. Invariably, living life with an exuberance puts you in a heightened state of energy consciousness
Apparently, all you need is 68 seconds of pure thought to bring about the manifestation of a major miracle. According to Abraham-Hicks, your intention setting begins with a block of 17 seconds.
How Thought Creates A Major Miracle
In a nutshell,
A block of 17 seconds generates an energy expansion equivalent to 2,000 action hours and results in the creation of a mini miracle.
Pure Thought
(Seconds) |
Energy Expansion (Action Hours)
Mini Miracle
Medium Miracle
Large Miracle
Major Miracle
Remember the key is to have pure thought; that is a thought with absolutely clear intent. It means that you do not have any have any sabotaging or canceling thought that follows the first. If you can have pure thought after pure thought, you increase the number of combustion points. By passing the mark in 68 seconds of pure thought, you would have transmitted a positive energy of intention into the Universe.
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For the law of attraction to work, taking both obvious and inspired actions is necessary. For abundance to manifest, you must move towards your desires both on an internal and external level. Internally, your desires must be clear, strong and in alignment with your soul purpose. Externally, you must take appropriate affirming actions.
“An idea not coupled with action will never get any bigger than the brain cell it occupied.”
— Quote by Arnold Glasow
(Photo Credit: Derricksphotos on Flickr)
In metaphysical terms, if you focus on thoughts of lack and worry, then outcomes that vibrate with scarcity will be what you are likely to attract. Want to lead an abundant life? Then, you need to move away from such thoughts and towards cultivating wealth consciousness. Again, you may find that this easier said than done. After all, many of your thoughts have been pretty much inculcated since young; they lie inside your subconscious mind and you have no real awareness of what these are.
However, since thoughts translate to actions, you can look to your actions as a guide to what you are really thinking. I’ve identified 7 examples of everyday actions that you need to put a stop to:
![]() Photo from Personal Album; Silence All Around |
Yesterday, I came upon the quote below while reading The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel . I had picked up the book from where I left off before going to Thailand for my meditation retreat. SaiF had reminded me that “Silence” was mentioned in this book, in his comments to my post on Experiencing the Gap: The Space Between Thoughts. While searching for what Charles Haanel said about being in the Silence, the word “law” from the quote caught my eye as well.
In the most popular sense of the word, Gap is the label of an all American clothes brand with stores worldwide. Over in London, the term “Mind the Gap” is an announcement often heard at its Underground railway system when a train arrives at a station. Passengers are told to look out for and to avoid the significant gap between the train door and the station platform. In economics, “Gap analysis” refers to a business resource assessment tool.
Of lesser known, is the concept of Gap from a meditative perspective. Spiritual teachers and meditation masters tell us to not only recognise the Gap but Be in It. They recommended that much benefits can be derived when we do this. Admittedly, the Gap is a profound concept, which in its simplicity, not quite as easy to grasp especially if we have not been conscious about it. Yes, it is possible that you have experienced it at one time or another, as you go about your hectic life.
(Photo Credit:Tofslie)
I was taught how to reduce my junk food cravings in 9 minutes in a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) workshop I attended over the weekend. I thought I’d share with you this today as you can use the very same steps to eliminate the impact of negative beliefs on your mind. The method, known as “Submodalities Intervention Process”, sounds fancy, but don’t let the term scare you off! It is really quite easy and can be completed in 9 minutes or less.
Mental housekeeping is the act of taking care of your mental home. Your mental home “houses” your mind, the seat of real authority that controls your total well-being. We often pay close attention to our physical home but little to the state of our mental home. Considering that our mental home holds the thoughts that can change our outer reality, this can be a real shame.
Mental housekeeping is needed because we have in our minds, many negative thoughts. Everytime we say “I can’t”, “I will try”, or “I don’t want”, we are engaged in negative thinking. When we think negatively, we are not going to get what we desire. This is also true, according to the Law of Attraction. Instead, we really should be focusing on what we want to bring about positive results.
Your mind, which controls a lot of things about your physical body, holds thoughts that are handed down from the generations before you. Additionally since the time that you were born, you have already received countless thoughts, impressions, ideas, prejudices and judgements. Yet, much of what you have received to make your mental home, is accepted without questioning or further thought. Hence, it can be said that you are really the result of past thinking.