What Is Wealth Consciousness?
It is important to realise that wealth consciousness is a mindset. Wealth is not money, although having some money is part of having wealth. On the other hand, wealth is more than money. It is definitely more than the 5Cs (Cash, Car, Condominium, Credit Card and Country Club Membership) as described in my previous post.
“The first step to having wealth is to know what it is. And few people know what it really is, in and of itself. What is wealth? What causes it? What causes the cause of it? Let us start with money, the world’s symbol of wealth, and then move deeper. Money is not real.”
~ David Cameron Gikandi, “A Happy Pocket Full of Money”
Unfortunately, most of us, without knowing any better, see wealth only in the physical and superficial sense. Our egos have us believe that the amount of physical possessions we have define who we are (“Your Sacred Self” by Dr Wayne W Dyer). Hence, we mistakenly believe that the more we have materially, the bigger our egos will be and accordingly, the closer we are to happiness. In reality, money is nothing than more than a symbol to the true essence of wealth.
So what is wealth then? Wealth is all the things of meaning, all the beauty, all the abundance that exists in the world around you. If you think of wealth in terms of money, then you will need to believe that there is plenty of money to go around and you have a share in that, too. To be conscious of all the abundance that is available to everyone, to be aware that there is plenty of money for everyone, is to have wealth consciousness.
If your state of mind is attuned to abundance or wealth, it will soon become manifest. If your state of mind is attuned to lack of money or lack of whatever, that lack will also become manifest. To create that state of mind that is inflexibly attuned to abundance or wealth is to create wealth consciousness.
When you have an active wealth consciousness, you no longer dwell on losing what you may have. In effect, you do not allow fear of uncertainty to infiltrate your consciousness. You don’t want fear around; you have to let it go away, because you will never be free until you break the fetters of fear. Remember, what you think about and focus your attention on will expand in your consciousness and eventually exclude all else, so it is best not to focus on lack but on what you do have.
“Look, instead, at the value within you and within people, and the flowing and exchanging of this value between people. Our internal value, is what creates money. Money is the shadow of our internal value. Develop this internal value in yourself and in others and your external money and wealth will correspondingly rise automatically, without fail.” ~ David Cameron Gikandi, “A Happy Pocket Full of Money”
When nothing else concerns you except what more you need, nothing can satisfy you and that truly will make you poor and needy. But when you rid yourself of worry and poverty consciousness, you leave yourself open for a new consciousness to come in and take root. By freeing your mind of all attachment, you unclog the channel through which will flow all the abundance and wealth that comes from the infinite. You will have created Wealth Consciousness.