
7 Everyday Actions That Reflect Your Lack-laden Thoughts

(Photo Credit: Derricksphotos on Flickr)


In metaphysical terms, if you focus on thoughts of lack and worry, then outcomes that vibrate with scarcity will be what you are likely to attract. Want to lead an abundant life? Then, you need to move away from such thoughts and towards cultivating wealth consciousness. Again, you may find that this easier said than done. After all, many of your thoughts have been pretty much inculcated since young; they lie inside your subconscious mind and you have no real awareness of what these are.


However, since thoughts translate to actions, you can look to your actions as a guide to what you are really thinking. I’ve identified 7 examples of everyday actions that you need to put a stop to:


1. Taking For “Free”.

I know! I know! It sure is tempting: the tiny soaps and bottles of shampoo, bubble bath and moisturizer that lined up neatly in the bathroom of your hotel room. You call housekeeping services, asking for more supplies, each day of your hotel stay. When you check out of the room, half of your luggage is stuffed with free soaps and bottles.


Another scenerio. Do you sneak home from your office, stationary items like paper clips, stacks of blank paper or pens? Your thoughts run like this: “Who is going to notice the small amounts that I take anyway? This is a big organization I am working for; they can more than afford to pay for office supplies.”


Stop! Abundance experts like Louis Hay, author of You can Heal Your Life, and wealth mentors say that little acts like these count towards a feeling of lack. If you take things for what you have not paid for, you are basically implying that you do not have the means to afford them.


Money is a form of energy exchange. If you stop free flow at its track, you are creating an obstruction for more abundance coming into your life. In short, use and pay only for what you need.


2. Hoarding Supplies.


Overstocking is a form of behavior which is pretty common. Check to determine why you are stocking your pantry with a six months advanced supply of food. Is it because you are fearful of going hungry? Do you feel comfort when you have got more possessions than you ever need? At what point do your survival instincts kick in?

Hoarding is a sign of unease. You do not trust that you will have enough and that is why you hoard. It may be really that you have not had enough food to eat during your lean years. However, if being poor is no longer the case for you now, then there is no need to continue having a habit that is born out of a struggle for survival. It is time to let go of these thoughts of insecurity. Holding on to them reflects poverty thinking!


3. Refusal to Help the Less Fortunate.

Do you avoid every donation request that is made to you? See a disabled person needing help on the streets and you run away? An insecure person is one who feels that he or she has not enough; that is why it is impossible to share or do more for others. Insecurity is seeped in lack and scarcity.
Hoarding money in your bank account and not circulating it is also not a good idea. As mentioned in point #1 above, money is a form of energy exchange. If you use money as an act to serve and help others, it carries with it a vibration of love and abundance. More prosperity comes back to you eventually.


Try doing a random act of kindness for a stranger, to expand wealth consciousness. However, also note that you should not be expecting anything back in return. A random act of kindness should come from the goodness of an overflowing heart.


4. Not Taking Good Care of Yourself .


Those who suffer from low self esteem are often guilty of not taking good care of themselves. They choose to stay in battered relationships, jobs that rob their lives or are contented with poor health. They do not take much needed vacations, spend time alone or nurture themselves in any way.


Having low self esteem is about the lack of self love. Loving yourself is not about boosting your ego. It is about valuing your inner Self. If you do not have enough love for yourself, you will tend to attract situations of scarcity. You will find yourself often in situations where you do not receive love.


Forgiveness is an act of love that comes from the generosity of your heart. So make sure that you also forgive yourself. Hence, spend time creating inner spaces. Learn to love yourself unconditionally.


5. Not Saying “Thank You”.


When someone gives you a compliment, are you gracious or are you too embarrassed to accept it? If someone wants to give you a gift, are you afraid of accepting it because you think you do not have the means to give anything in return?


Be sure not to reject abundance when it is given to you. It is always a good idea to concentrate on receiving increases like more compliments, gifts and prosperity; rather than on thoughts of lack or undeserving. Keep the energy flowing freely through you. Simply smile and say “thank you”. Even if you do not like to gift, accept it and pass it on to someone else who does. In this way, you are saying that you are grateful for all that you have and are ready to receive more.


6. Complaints Of Bad Luck, Success and Fortune.


Often whine about your lack of good luck, fortune or success? Or sigh over and over again about your lack of prosperity? Do you look at your successful friend or colleague and ask yourself “Oh..why don’t I ever get that?”

“No complaint … is more common than that of a scarcity of money.”
— Adam Smith (Scottish philosopher and economist, 1723-1790)


If you find yourself always lamenting about the gaps in your life, then it is easy to determine that your mind has pretty much been focusing on not having enough. When you are beset with envy and jealousy, you are thinking that you are not entitled to the same abundance that your friend or colleague is enjoying.


Perhaps if you choose to believe that there is enough abundance in the world for all to share, then it becomes possible to overcome your constant complaints. Here is what Stephen Covey has to say

“People with a scarcity mentality tend to see everything in terms of win-lose. There is only so much; and if someone else has it, that means there will be less for me. The more principle-centered we become, the more we develop an abundance mentality, the more we are genuinely happy for the successes, well-being, achievements, recognition, and good fortune of other people. We believe their success adds to…rather than detracts from…our lives.”


7. Addicted to Your Stats.


In the office, you may find yourself monitoring your sales records like a hawk. At home, you are always on the line. You call other parents to compare your child’s school results against theirs. You get all nervous and jittery when some other child does better than yours.


Most Buddhists know this: Attachment to results brings about suffering. Your emotions practically follow the numbers game. You have no control over how you feel; it is dictated by the figures that you clock.


Such signs of anxiety are based on no trust or the lack of it. You worry that the seeds you planted and the effort that you put in for the planting of a tree, will not grow tall. This is no way to live! Anxiety breeds stress and stress can manifest in several ways such as deterioration in physical health. Instead, much like gardening, just focus on the process of what is needed to be done and let the Universe make it happen for you!


Actions As Indicators

There is probably a ton of everyday actions that reflect lack-laden thoughts. However, the above 7 points is a good list to start off with. If you have not been consciously aware about your thoughts, then it is time to look towards your actions.
Your actions tell a lot about what you think and feel. Awareness is key to making a change in thoughts. It is very possible to change thought patterns through a belief change. Always choose to align your thoughts to the vibrational frequency of abundance. You may just be pleasantly surprised!

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Daniel Richard | WE - July 3, 2008

Comparison against others is like verbal self-abuse to me. That is why like you said about awareness, that it is important to be aware of the things that are going around us, and especially the stuffs in our thought-life.

It’s a good post there Evelyn!

Irene | Light Beckons - July 3, 2008

Evelyn, this is very insightful! I love the quote by Stephen Covey – “People with a scarcity mentality tend to see everything in terms of win-lose.” There’s no need to be BETTER or have MORE than others to qualify for the status of abundance.

celina - July 3, 2008

“People with a scarcity mentality tend to see everything in terms of win-lose. There is only so much; and if someone else has it, that means there will be less for me ..” that is so true and honestly I don’t wanna be like this. Excellent list by the way. cheers

Evelyn - July 3, 2008

@Daniel, thanks for your lovely feedback.

@Irene and Celina, it’s nice to know that you like the quote by Steven Covey too! Unfortunately, many of us believe that resources are scarce. Based on this belief, we tend to hoard, be selfish and not want to give.

Hunter Nuttall - July 3, 2008

I especially liked #7. I think it’s crazy when people feel the need to check their stats several times a day. Staring at your stats causes them to drop!

Davina - July 3, 2008

Hi Evelyn.

Thanks for sharing this.

I’m in an incredibly challenging place in my life right now and funny, despite knowing about these principles I feel no closer to the light at the end of the tunnel.

Perhaps I’m being tested. Hope I pass 🙂

vered - July 3, 2008

I couldn’t agree more about attachment to results. Focusing too much on the goal, and om acjievements, certainly leads to misery. I’ve been working on relaxing, and enjoying the ride. Thank you for the important reminder.

vered - July 3, 2008

I couldn’t agree more about attachment to results. Focusing too much on the goal, and om acjievements, certainly leads to misery. I’ve been working on relaxing, and enjoying the ride. Thank you for the important reminder.

Louise Pool - July 3, 2008

Thank you for your reminder. I have been guilty of all of these at some time or another.

Recently though, it’s been just the stats. I hadn’t even realised what I was doing. Your article reminds me to be more aware of my daily actions.

Lorraine Cohen - July 3, 2008

Fabulous Evelyn

On the flip side I have fun looking for all the ways miracles appear in my life – the whispers and kisses that flow from the Universe to remind me to keep my attention on all of my good. Practicing becoming a great receiver is on my list as I open to the questions; What am I saying yes to? No to?

Thanks for your wonderfull insights Evelyn. It’s always a great read.



Evelyn - July 3, 2008

@Hunter, Vered & Louis, I can most certainly relate to the stats addiction but I hope to believe I am past it. It doesn’t mean that I no longer check my feedburner stats, etc because it is important to know whether I am growing my readership. However, I try not to obsess over them. The posture to take is what can I do to make my site better for attracting traffic; rather than lamenting over my stats.

@Lorraine, you speak with wonderful insight. Being open to receiving is important too; it is a lesson that I’ve also come to know recently.

Evelyn - July 3, 2008

Davina, I know this stage as well. The transition point is not easy. Awareness can bring about tremendous pain initially. At this stage, you wonder why awareness has not brought you greater wisdom and why you are still facing the same life difficulties.

Do understand that some changes take time because they are more deep rooted. It will be good to couple awareness with measures and techniques that can help make transformational changes. A thousand mile journey starts with a single step. The light will surely appear.

Meditate for more clarity. The solution may just appear; wisdom is an unfoldment and not something that you seek externally.

All the best!


Shilpan | successsoul.com - July 4, 2008


Nice post. One more you need to add is the art of saying “NO” or lack of. If you can’t say NO because of fear, you end up doing what others want.


Barbara Swafford - July 4, 2008

Hi Evelyn,

I laughed when I read your first point about taking freebies. I remember years ago when I was traveling more I ended up with dozen of bottles of this and that. I finally got rid of them all, realizing I would never use them.

I’ve learned to buy that which I really need and don’t worry about what I may need a month from now.

Stat checking was another great one. We could drive ourselves nuts checking stats. They are what they are, and checking them often doesn’t change the effect.

Great post, filled with lots of good reminders.

Dr James D Swann - July 4, 2008

My dear Evelyn,
As usual you’ve put some very important points forward for us to make use of in our life. The idea of scarcity is all over the place; when you talk to people over coffee about daily mishaps or unfortunate dealings with money. Like one of my friends saying,”If it wasn’t for bad luck, I wouldn’t have any luck at all!” Although stated in a humorous tone, it makes one wonder if that is not the subconscious stating what is hiding in the back ground of our thoughts.
Gratitude is the answer; “In all things give thanks!” It is when we are grateful for everything in our life, that we attract more and even better things, to fulfill the Law of Attraction. It works every time!
Excellent article, Evelyn as always.
Love, Light and hugs,

Evelyn - July 4, 2008

@Barbara, I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one who did that since no one brought this point up…LOL!! I no longer take the bottles for my own purpose because I know I’d never use them. I prefer to use those that I buy, which are for sensitive skin.

@Dr James, how right you are about having gratitude in our hearts. It automatically helps us with the thought that we are already enriched with life’s blessings; thus attracting energy that aligns with abundance.

Have a great weekend ahead,

Linda Abbit - July 5, 2008

Hi Evelyn,

I found you from BWAB and really enjoyed this post. Happily, I have come to understand some of your points and am working on others you mention.

My question is that there are two close people in my life who I have had strained relationships with over the years. Mainly b/c they are sooooo negative that I’ve consciously chosen to limit my exposure to their negative thoughts & energy, and I think they realize I’ve cut back on my time and communications with them.

How can I begin to make them aware of some of these positive-thinking concepts? I don’t know how to approach them on it, and if I did, I don’t know if they’d be receptive if the suggestions came from me.

Thanks for any feedback you can provide.

Andrea Hess | Empowe - July 5, 2008

Great article, Evelyn! I especially resonate with No.5 … we are often not great at receiving the good things that come our way. Yesterday I went to breakfast with a good friend I hadn’t seen in a while, and I wanted to treat her. My goodness, she had such a difficult time allowing me to pick up the check! It was one of those moments where it would have been good just to receive and say “thank you!”

When we can receive the little abundances in life (like free breakfast!) we open ourselves to more and more.


Pentad - July 7, 2008

It is easy to forget these things, and I catch myself in doing so. Luckily I get back on track. I am going to print this out as a reminder to myself. Thank you!

nooraza - July 9, 2008

When starting at #1, I just done it yesterday and after reading each actions listed…oh my GOD! Yesterday I did all and it think nothing wrong with it because I have secondary gain. But I tried to remove my negative perception, I actually get what you means and guess what, I will stop all that immediately and write all these actions as my reminder…. I will never do it again, starting from now!

Evelyn - July 10, 2008

@Linda, the same thing happened to me too when I embarked on a journey to align myself with more positive energy. Luckily, the negative people are my friends and not from my own immediate family.

In the beginning, like you, I chose to reduce my exposure to them. I worked on myself intensively first. If you run through my older posts, you will know that I do inner healing almost everyday. Only when I was ready, did I call on my friends to meet up. I only shared my own experiences, with no intention to preach. And only if they asked, did I make suggestions. In the meantime, I also set about using the law of attraction “to attract” new friends who will be aligned to my new path. And it works!

If the negative people are your own relatives, whom you cannot completely avoid, then I will also add one more step: visualisation. Before you choose to meet them, visualise them happy and well!

@Pentad and Nooraza, thanks for your feedback! I wish you all the best!


Dot - September 30, 2008

This was an excellent post, and the comments too. Much of this applies to me. I grew up poor and with a scarcity mentality, and it has never left me. Once I wasn’t poor, I began accumulating things, and now I have much more than should fit into one condo.

This post makes a lot of sense for me.

Jean - October 29, 2008

Wow, that was so thoughtful! Thank you – I really enjoyed reading it, and it’s funny because I had been contemplating a few of these issues earlier in the day!

Geoff - December 2, 2009

I enjoyed your insightful post. I would only add that there are good reasons for storing food in case of emergencies. The international food supply system is very precarious and subject to disruptions. There have been food riots in many countries in the last few years due to real, not imagined, scarcity. Storing food out of awareness of potential supply disruptions — whether due to earthquakes or other natural disasters, or due to collective human stupidity, such as the failure to address Peak Oil — is manifesting proactive responsibility, not (necessarily) scarcity consciousness. Looked at another way, scarcity of food DOES sometimes happen, for any number of causes — not necessarily attitudinal.

Boris - March 7, 2010

Great post! Very enlightening.
All the best,

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