
Your Guide to Daydreaming

You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, “Why not?”
– George Bernard Shaw

(Min’s Secret World)

Daydreaming is a form of using your creative imagination. When you daydream, you go into an imaginary world. You imagine yourself as capable of being, having and doing all that you desire. You imagine an utopian world. You imagine a world that has wondrous innovations, superb technology or advanced creations. You imagine living a life without a single worry.

You may have previously believed yourself as incapable of imagination. But this is incorrect thinking. Because anyone can daydream. When you daydream, you are able to visualize all kinds of possibilities. Daydreaming is an outlet for your creativity. You allow your mind to roam freely.

What has properly happened is that you find that you do not daydream anymore. You just do not have the time to. Perhaps when you were a child, you were scolded for daydreaming. Your teachers might have noticed your glassy eyes or found that you were not paying attention in class. Naturally, you had escaped into your own world because you had found their classes boring.

One of my daughters, Min (above picture), confessed to occasionally daydreaming. She would then doodle her fantasy world on the pages of her textbook during Chinese lessons in school. I responded with a grin it was much better than falling asleep at the back of her class like what her friend did!

You might have no control over what you dream at night but with daydreaming, you are in the driver’s seat. It is all up to your imagination. You do not hold yourself back with any of irrational doubts or fear. You actively build the movie set in your mind.

You could be Alice in Wonderland, a student attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Min’s favorite), a knight visiting mythical lands, an explorer of planets in the galaxy or have the ability to transport yourself to a different dimension. Or you could simply be projecting living a life as a multi-millionaire as your future self. You are the hero or heroine in your mental stories. Daydreaming is a great form of relaxation.

Daydreaming puts you in touch with creativity, intuition and play. When you actively imagine, you are able to see things that others do not see. An uncluttered mind also lends you greater clarity. You can connect the dots when others are not able to perceive that there is any relationship in the first place. In the real world, you become more creative for problem solving. New solutions, products or ideas are the result of using your creative imagination.

Daydreaming Quote for Inspiration

“Wishing is good for us.
Daydreams, fantasies, castles in the air, and aspirations
All drive us forward,
Impel us to make things happen.

They also tell us a lot about ourselves.
Our wishes come straight from our core,
And they are loaded with vital information
About who we are and who we can become.

Keeping track of our wishes
Helps us tap into the energy
That propels us to go after our happiness.”
— Barbara Ann Kipfer

Daydreaming 101

It’s been a long time since you daydream? Here are some tips to get you started again….

1. Exercise Your Imagination. The more you practice, the better you get. So start daydreaming. Play little scenarios in your mind. Imagine new frontiers. Allow yourself freedom to explore.

2. Set Aside Time. Luckily, this exercise can be fun. It can do you good by setting aside time for daydreaming, if you constantly find life stifling and stressful. Don’t forget what Napolean Hill said, “whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” You may find your reality changing when you start to focus on your dreams.

3. Give Creativity Importance. If you emphasize too much on what is logical, rational and practical, you are downplaying the importance of what it means to be intuitive, creative and imaginative. It is no wonder that you find yourself constantly lacking creative ideas, inspiration and meaning. It is hard to feel alive, in this instance.

4. Explore New Adventures Physically. Adventures spark new ideas for daydreaming. Try writing a poem, go out to the park, travel to a new country and so on. Do things that you have not done before. You get more creative ideas through having more experiences. I find this to be true because many of my creative stories draw on things that I have tried, seen and done.

5. Play Creative Games. One such game uses a technique called “concept combination.” Alone or with other players, you combine random concepts or things in new ways, to see who has the best idea. For instance, combine the ideas of a broom and a chair and see what you can come up with.

6. Relax First. You cannot daydream until you start to relax. So put on some nice meditative music in the background. Then again, don’t fall asleep just yet. You want to actively engage your imagination. If you are too drowsy, sleep first. And then as you wake up, don’t jump right out of bed but spend some time exploring in your mind.

7. Let Your Ideas Run Wild. Avoid censoring your dreams. And certainly don’t let your analytical mind tell you that your dream is impossible. It does not cost you anything to dream, so give your imagination the freedom to explore. Challenge yourself by stretching your imagination a day at a time.

Daydreaming is Loads of Fun

Daydreaming is a fun activity that you can also do together with your family. Over meal times, we would often encourage our girls to share more about their dreams. Dream topics include dream holidays, dream homes, dream jobs, etc. They will light up whenever we touch on dreams. Everyone always has something to say about the things that they would like.

And so,

I hope that you can participate in the daydreaming exercise now.

Close your eyes.


Let your imagination fly away.

Allow your mind to open a canvas of possibility.

Wait three seconds.

See: What is the world that you have escaped to like? Are you in the picture? If so, where are you? What are you being, doing and having?

Share: Comments below!

Love and abundance always,

evelyn lim signature
Author. Adventurer. Life Coach. More About Me.

Theme for the month: Creativity

To live in abundance is also to be creative. Grab a copy of my book, Abundance Alchemy: Journey of Gold for tips on creating a life of abundance.

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Ria Gandhi - May 4, 2012 Reply

I loved this!


Evelyn Reply:

Thank you, Ria 🙂


Galen Pearl - May 4, 2012 Reply

Do you have the cutest kids or what?! Not that you would want to exploit them or anything, but really if you just put pictures of them on all your posts, it wouldn’t really matter what you said–ha!! Okay, but on to your post, I got so nostalgic for the daydreaming adventures of my childhood. I had a rich fantasy life full of elves and fairies and animals that talked. Sometimes I miss it. Thanks for some steps to visit there.


Evelyn Reply:

Thank you, Galen, for your warm comments. They certainly have me wrapped around their fingers.

How nice it is to know about your daydreaming adventures. You have a vivid imagination, it just means that you need to invoke it again. Have fun!

Love and abundance always,


Stacy - May 4, 2012 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

This is great! I love the image that you created too, so adorable!

When I was a kid I used to love daydreaming. It’s not surprising though because I always had such a vivid imagination. I was always making up stories: whether sharing them verbally or writing them down.

I’m getting back in touch with my imagination lately with meditation and I’ve started writing a novel that I am going to publish. I’m very excited! 🙂



Evelyn Reply:

Hi Stacy,

My daughter, Min, sure sounds like you. She loves doodling and writing her stories too. But she does not like me to pry into her secret world LOL!

Good for you with meditating and writing a novel. It is great that you have gotten started. I wish you much success!

Love and abundance always,


The Vizier - May 4, 2012 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

Daydreaming comes naturally to me. I generally read books or play PC games that cater to my interests. This helps to facilitate my daydreaming. With PC games I play empire building games where I conquer across the globe across various time periods. Sometimes I am vying to be a Shogun in Japan. Other times I am a Medieval emperor defending my homelands.

The fun part is getting to play with my friends online. We would boast about our generalship and statesmanship. He tends to prefer brute force and the direct approach, I am more wily and cunning, winning with minimal loss of lives.

When I tire of conquering the world, which is in truth more work than it is worth, I try my hand at saving it. One of the most unusual games I tried my hand at is called Fate of the World. In it, I head a Non-Governmental Organization that tries to tackle climate changes around the world. It is really a game about choices. In the process, I learned more about environmental issues than any other game I ever played. I should know since the wrong choice caused global hunger and the death of 50 million people…

I also like role-playing games where I can customize my character. From armour to weapons and even the way I look. Then it is a matter of getting the best kind of weapons and armor that suits my personality and play style best.

Tomorrow my pirate game comes out. I look forward to building my own fleet and naming my ships. I will probably be a pirate instead of a merchant because it is more exciting.

All the 7 points you have listed are great ways to get the imagination going. Reading comics, books and playing games are my preferred mediums for daydreaming. And if I look out for problem solving skills in the process, I gain insights into life as well.

Thank you for sharing this lovely article!

Irving the Vizier


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Irving,

I can see how you engage your imagination by building virtual worlds. You sound like a pro. It also sounds like you enjoy playing strategy games. Strategy games definitely stimulate thinking!

Continue to have fun!


Lance - May 5, 2012 Reply

I love it, Evelyn!

And for me – I find my best time to daydream is when I’m out biking by myself – riding along a trail, and with no other cares in the world at that moment. And it really is a creative and fun time – to wander in all sorts of directions…


Evelyn Reply:

How nice, Lance, to imagine where your trial may lead you to. It is a rather fun exercise!

With love,


Kashif - May 5, 2012 Reply

I love day dreaming and spending most of my day, and night, making castles in the air. However, people around me call it procrastination.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Kashif,

Daydreaming can be fun. However, it will be great it you can use your imaginative ability for real life applications as well.

Abundance always,


Lisa Morris - May 5, 2012 Reply

“Imagination is more important than knowledge”~Albert Einstein
To All~”Imagine Greater”.
Living with passion is your divine birthright! Go forth and create the life you desire. ~ Stephanie Marrone


Evelyn Reply:

Thank you, Lisa, for sharing inspiring quotes on imagination and living with passion!

Abundance always,


monica - May 7, 2012 Reply

I have a creative artistic mind, since i was a photography student, now doing the commercial modeling thing. this exercise of daydreaming takes the mind to a pleasant place, and takes us away from the here and now. It is an excellent concept.


Evelyn Reply:

Thank you, Monica, for what you have shared. I certainly have had many pleasant daydreaming exercises.

Love and abundance always,


Richard - April 10, 2013 Reply

Ah… I always love daydreaming. Most of the, I daydream about a series that I read and enjoyed, and place myself in it. It offers loads of ideas, and I’m free to incorporate my own, and modify the storyline, so I’m always engaging my imagination. Thanks for the guide!


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