
Why You Need to Have a Heart-Centered Vision

“Your vision will become clear when you look inside your heart”. – Carl Jung

Heart Vision

We already know the importance of having a vision but why is it so vital that we align with a heart-centered one? Let’s start with a recap of what vision is. In a nutshell, visioning helps to activate the process “begin with the end in mind” (Habit #2 from Steven Covey’s best-selling book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People). It involves self-mastery and awareness. A vision incorporates having an ideal picture of how we would like our lives to be and bringing it forward.

The problem is that the most of us are often deluded into believing that it is something else that we want. We go for jobs that traditionally pay well such as being a lawyer, banker or an accountant. If it is a job that is not what we truly want, we can eventually find work unfulfilling.

And so, we keep search externally for answers.

In the hope of striking it rich, we go around chasing dreams such as joining network marketing schemes, ventures and programs. We would participate each time excitedly. We think to ourselves: if our neighbor, friend or a celebrity have participated, then surely it must be good for me too. Not wanting to lose out, we proceed to investing money, time and effort.

However, our initial euphoria over our latest idea fizzles out soon enough.

It is also when we realize that we might have made a mistake. We have a ton of reasons why this is so: not cut out to do sales, do not like the product, no longer resonate with the idea, do not like the management, and so on. And so, we fall back into a period of disenchantment.

Then, the next shiny object or idea comes along.

And the cycle repeats.

Sounds familiar so far?

Inside-Out Approach to Visioning

Not that there is anything wrong with going on the search. It is all part of the learning process.

Because by knowing what you do not want, you become more certain of what you do desire.

Then again, you can go on looking for years and not realize the answers.

It boils down to looking too much on the outside – without looking into your heart.

However, if you are to stay still for a while, you can become aware of something wonderful.

The answers that you seek come from the inside. You begin to listen intuitively and to connect with your heart. Then, you are no longer distracted with what everyone else is doing.

It’s About What You Feel

Free from the fear that goes on mentally, you become free to explore the depths of your true desire.

In other words, you align with your heart. Your heart holds the key to your “right” brain, which you have long neglected.

You become fueled by your passion, after knowing what it is.

Passion has strong energy.

It is the way to authentic power.

It is your way because you are unique and have unique gifts.

At the level of the heart, you are open to giving and receiving love. It’s the spiritual essence that underlies all relationships. The heart is the doorway through which you channel spiritual essence into physical life.

You are at your most creative, producing works as divine expressions of your soul. You also gain the means to build healthy and long-lasting connections in today’s highly interactive world. It is from this vantage point that you are able to bring divine abundance into your life.

Need more assistance with creating a heart-centered vision?

Would like to learn the information that will help power your heart vision into reality?

The process to developing a heart-centered vision involves self-discovery. It is not an overnight thing especially if you have been feeling disconnected for a long time. The process is also not just about creating a bucket list of random items.

power heart vision

Which brings me to The Life Vision Mastery Program. The Life Vision Mastery Program takes you on the pathway of your heart. You become aligned with your true dream. You are given the tools to manifest your heart vision. Check it out here>>

To Your Visioning Success,
evelyn lim signature
Author. Adventurer. Life Coach. More About Me.

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Kimbundance - July 26, 2012 Reply

Wonderful post. Yes, I do agree that when one is heart-centered in their vision, that it’s a great starting point to moving forward in their goals. 😉


Christine - August 5, 2012 Reply

I would love to be able to see all of humanity be heart centered. It would do the universe a lot of good to have that kind of energy in abundance!


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