
Why Love Yourself Unconditionally: In A Note

“One Big Reason Why many women have challenges leading a balanced, fulfilled and radiant existence is a lack of self-love.” #evelynlimcoach


While rummaging through my journal notebooks, I came upon what I had written two years ago. And so, I decided to post it…..

Can’t help but feel empty, wounded and discontented?

At some level, you have the awareness that there is something inherently missing; although you may not consciously know what your core issue is or where your real problem lies.

Even as you occupy your life with an endlessstream of activities, the hole inside remains.

The hole could be affecting every aspect of your life; from family, work, relationships, play etc.

And so it is that you have never been fully present. 

You are there for everyone else…..EXCEPT YOURSELF. 

Over time, the gaping hole manifests into deepresentment…and ultimately, a pervasive sense of unrealized potential and disempowerment.


What I had written is nothing new that I have been posting on this blog.


Yet, it’s nice to remind myself (and perhaps you) again and again of the ultimate discovery path: Master Self, Manifest Abundance.


To master self, you will have to learn to love yourself first of all. Otherwise, no matter what you do, it will be hard to achieve the balance, fulfilment and radiant existence that you are looking for.


To feel and get in touch with the Divine Love of that which you are, Unlock the Secrets from Here >>>



Shine in Self-Love Always,

Evelyn Lim Signature

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