
Which Online Entreprenur or Preneur Group Are You Part Of?

“An entrepreneur assumes the risk and is dedicated and committed to the success of whatever he or she undertakes.” – Victor Kiam

online entrepreneur

Enter the Exciting Age of Entrepreneurship, with having a “preneur” tag in trend. Some of these tags have been coined by specific groups of people for the creation of online movements. I have been noticing an avalanche of preneur- labels such as “solopreneur”, “mompreneur”, “lovepreneur”, “photopreneur”, “successpreneur”, “careerpreneur”, etc.

Indeed, the path to entrepreneurship has been made a whole lot easier with the internet. Coming from a banking and finance background, I used to think entrepreneurs as those who seek millions in venture capital to raise funds for an innovation or project. However, in recent years, I have observed that the term is being increasingly used by many small business owners on the web as well.

Without a doubt, entrepreneurship has exciting appeal. I certainly have found it so myself πŸ™‚ As an entrepreneur, you get to call the shots and have the creative freedom to build your own business in the way that you want it to be. The sense of satisfaction that you derive is immense. Additionally, one of the greatest appeal is that through entrepreneurship, you hold the ticket to financial wealth – because you are likely to be more motivated to strive for success.

So, what is the definition of an entrepreneur?

In the most general sense, an entrepreneur is someone who accepts a high level of financial risk in the pursuit of a business venture. Typically, an entrepreneur is viewed as being gutsy, independent, innovative, driven and creative. Hence, with such a definition, even if yours is just a start-up or even if you work alone, you could potentially view yourself as an entrepreneur.

Online Entrepreneurship: Network to Success

With the advent of social sites on the web, networking buzz has increased. You can easily interact with someone halfway across the world. And chances are you are more likely to network within the same group based on gender, role in society, culture and/or work interest. Thus, if you are an entrepreneur, you could see yourself as part of a “preneur” group.

Take, for instance, “mompreneurs”. Mompreneurs are female business owners who balance the role of a mother and the role of an entrepreneur. Mompreneurs are naturally drawn to supporting each other because they experience similar issues in parenting and household responsibilities, while running a business. Mompreneurs are more likely to build mutual business relationships because they tend to hang out together as a group.

Small business owners – such as, solopreneurs – also love to support each other because they can do barter exchanges or share out expensive resources. By forming smaller groups even within the solopreneur group, the chances of success are greater. Speaking of which, networking is something I hope to do more of myself πŸ™‚

Preneur Groups I belong to

Well, other than being a mompreneur , I came up with the following list based on my work scope:


Then, there is also the group who is in holistic business. Holisticpreneurs include life coaches, hypnotherapists, energy healers, intuitive readers, health and wellness practitioners and those in the transformational field. It is a rather nice community of like-minded folks and friends where there is mutual support and with whom I enjoy connecting with.

Needless to say, I came to the conclusion that there can be many “preneur” permutations!

Which “Preneur” Group Are You Part Of?

What about you?

Are you already on the entrepreneurial path?

If so, which “preneur” do you most identify yourself as and with?

Love and Abundance Always,

evelyn lim signature

Life Coach. Master NLP Practitioner. Energy Healing Practitioner.

Share, Share and Share

It will be fun to know! Fill in the blanks “I am a ______-preneur” in the comment box below.

Also, share this post on your favorite social media sites! Thank you in advance πŸ™‚

P.S. Look out for more articles on online entrepreneurship and developing a financially abundant mindset!

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Suzie Cheel - June 24, 2013 Reply

Great question Evelyn and interesting list
yes i am a
firstly a Spiritprenuer
then maybe a Socialprenuer and creativeprenuer
Plus thos you listed- what fun the list could go on and on
Suzie xxoo


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Suzie,

I love the ones you have – spiritpreneur, socialpreneur and creativepreneur!

Oh yes, the list could go on and on!

Abundance always,


Vishnu - June 25, 2013 Reply

hey Evelyn – I spend a lot of my time (usually subconsciously or unconsciously) haha not being a part of a group! So, it’s hard for me to categorize where I’d fall in here. I think I aspire to be a holisticpreuner and authorpreuner but not quite yet. Now, I’m just a achieving weekly goals-preneur of publishing weekly blog posts – trying to help and inspire my readers:)

And I’m also looking forward to more networking and hopefully meeting you between the 16th and 20th of July:)


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Vishnu,

Of course! I totally understand about not identifying yourself with a group. I don’t either but I don’t deny the convenience of knowing very quickly which category I would fall under. It is more for social and marketing purposes. And there is definitely power that comes with synergistic benefits in a group.

It will be nice to connect with you πŸ™‚ Let me know exactly when.

Looking forward,


John - June 27, 2013 Reply

As an aspiring entrepreneur this is some GREAT insight. I understand I have much to learn, but no doubts about me reaching my goals.

Thanks for the insight. -John


Evelyn Reply:

Thank you, John, for your feedback πŸ™‚

Abundance always,


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