
What Is Creativity – 13 Bloggers Share Their Views

Creativity is the faculty by which our soul can seek loving expression and personal meaning through making a physical difference to the world. – Abundance Tapestry

Creativity has evolved to a higher meaning than just taking on a limited text-book definition. According to the common definition from Webster’s – Creativity is marked by the ability or power to create, to bring into existence, to invest with a new form, to produce through imaginative skill, to make or bring into existence something new. However, as I see it, creativity means all that but it is also beyond just putting up a painting, composing a music piece or to invent something unique.

Creativity can be viewed from a higher spiritual perspective. In fact, I believe that our increased understanding of what it is in recent years is due in part to our increasing spiritual consciousness. We are becoming more and more aware that we are spiritual beings in a human existence.

And so, I now see creativity as a physical and divine expression of an aspect of our soul. I also feel that once we can connect creativity with a spiritual understanding, whatever we do takes on special meaning. Our physical expressions become deeper awakenings of love, inspiration, beauty, connection and oneness.

What I have written so far comes mainly from personal experiencing of what creativity is and encompasses.

Don’t take my word for it, though.

I asked 13 other bloggers in the personal development field on what they understand by what creativity is. And here are their thoughts….

Creativity is a spiritual quality that we can bring to any activity, be it dancing, singing, painting, writing, making a meal or washing the floor. If what one is doing brings joyful feelings of uniqueness, then it is creative, no matter what it may be. Whenever we transform our labor into a ‘labor of love’, we imbue our action with creativity. Even small tasks become great tasks when accomplished creatively. k That is what creativity is to me.
Blessings, Rob White, http://www.MindAdventure.com

Creativity is the door that opens mykheart and listens to my soul’s whispers”.
– Suzie Cheel, http://www.SuzieCheel.com

I believe that creativity is our unique, individual heart whispers expressed through various mediums. Perhaps it is allowing intent to shape the feeling of a moment, or using skill to craft a tangib,e item, or moving energy to facilitate external connections. We tend to place great significance on the “result”, sometimes even allowing the concept of perfectionism to block our willingness to create. When we choose to open our hearts through vulnerability, we are choosing to be creative and from such a space, the product is always “perfect”. The ‘reward’ is the process of creating, and the inner peace that radiates from allowing our heart whispers to become our reality.
– Joy Holland, http://www.facetsofjoy.com

Creativity is a state of mind. It’s not a talent that some possess while others don’t. Any and every human being is capable of creativity; some are simply more in the habit of accessing it and being comfortable with it, while others get too intellectual or try too hard and then miss that opening where the mind slips out of it’s habitual thought patterns, and into the giant open space of creativity.

The form creativity takes will vary from person to person, and will vary from situation to situation. I’ve found the best way to open its gates is to be physical and simply move differently. Move your body in different patterns, play with your voice in different pitches and accents, they way into creativity is through playfulness.
– Aileen http://www.evotivemarketing.com

We are all born with the gift of creativity. We can use it as we choose to. If you can think, you can create. Creativity – is the way we choose to live life and the unique way we perceive something. It liberates, helps us find our passion and transforms work into something we love. Creativity is an attitude and adds adrenalin to life, making us recognize positive things even when we’re sad.
– Vidya Sury http://www.vidyasury.com

The intuitive flash of inspiration and creative idea is thrown forth onto the shores of our consciousness whole and fully formed without the thinking mind’s involvement. This is why intuition and creative inspiration oftenkfeel like an “aha” moment.
– Angela Artemis, http://www.poweredbyintuition.com

You are all made in the image of the Grand Creator itself. Therefore creativity is part of who you are and finding your unique creative vibration leads to experiencing an inspirational life. You are a co-creator, an expression of life itself, your job is to contribute to the constant never ending game called creation. Connect with your inner joy and demonstrate to the World who you are by what you choose to create.
– Justin Mazza, http://www.Mazzastick.com

Creativity is what happens when we quiet our minds and allow our hearts to sing.
– Paige Burkes http://www.SimpleMindfulness.com

Creativity, to me, is about asking your subconscious mind to find an answer to a creative problem, and then letting your subconscious mind get on with finding the answer.

Your subconscious mind then immerses itself in looking for the answer, in lots of different ways, eventually handing the answer to you in a basic way. It’s then up to you to craft the answer into something more, if required.
– Steven Aitchison, http://www.stevenaitchison.co.uk/blog

If life were a fountain, creativity would be the water flowing out of it nourishing the heart and soul of all who consume it. Creativity gives us the ability to express ourselves in infinite ways and expand our personal state of being. Creativity engages us to try new, be different, explore and take a chance. It has the potential to give our life meaning and purpose, and help teach us about who we really are.
– Evita Ochel, http://www.evolvingbeings.com

What if we put as much time in our creativity as we do other things? What if we had a journal or a sketchbook in every bedroom instead of a television? What if we carried around our pen and notebook or paintbrush and easel like we do our cell phones? When you unleash your creativity, a whole new world opens at your feet. The sun becomes brighter and the birds sing louder. Like a child running free at recess, you laugh, run, and explore, thrilled to be alive.
– Tess Marshall, http://www.TheBoldLife.com, quote taken from “Flying by the Seat of Your Soul”.

Creativity is the ability to see the hidden possibilities in any situation. It is the refusal to accept things the way they are and the will to find a solution to any challenge. Creativity is the belief that you are creative even if no one else is able to appreciate your ability. Many creative greats like Vincent van Gogh or Thomas Edison met with repeated setbacks and failure during their lifetimes. But they never stopped believing they were creative. You too are a creative soul. But first, you must be able to see the positive even if things are negative.
– Irving the Vizier, http://www.hanofharmony.com

Creativity is about playfulness, imagination, concentration, practice, and being in the moment. It’s about surrender, patience, courage, and trust. When you’re creative, you unblock obstacles so that your original self can shine through. The c2eative process is a non-ending, spiritual path. The benefits are enormous – a lifetime of joy and rapture unlike anything else on this earth.
– Fran Sorin, http://www.awakecreate.com

Share Your Thoughts

Enjoyed reading what the bloggers had to say? I certainly did. Much thanks to the amazing 13 bloggers who kindly contributed their ideas and thoughts! I appreciate their sharing very much!

Let’s continue to share. So what is your understanding about what creativity is? Do share your views below. Do any of the definitions above resonate with you and your experience of it?

Love and Abundance Always,

evelyn lim signature
Author. Adventurer. Life Coach. More About Me.

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Gary Molloy - May 28, 2012 Reply

I suffered from Bi polar disorder in my twenties and had been creative really in my life, at the Age of 31 i discovered an arts centre , that was enabling people with mental health issues rediscover their dreams and explore their creativity and to learn how to express themselves.
i have been lucky enough to develop my talents and now now regularly exhibit around the world. I have published two books , and no longer relie on medication , i choose to eat healthy food , exercise and learn how to meditate.
i have been well now for 12 years. and hope to inspire people to do the same!


Arlene Reply:

Hi Gary! THANKS SO MUCH for sharing the healing that Creativity invites us to partake of. WHAT a TESTIMONY! Thank you for taking the time to share and teacht he rest of us what lies beneath when we unearth our God-given supernatural power by engaging our creativity and reconnects us to ourselves! WHAT a message! I cannot thank you enough. And Evelyn, thank you for starting this theme! Looking forward to hearing more. Much love and may the Great Creator CONTINUE to bless! I feel inspired by your miracle! Best I get Playing and creative! Go Well! With Much Appreciation, Arlene


Evelyn Reply:

Thank you, Arlene, for sharing your thoughts and support for Gary and I. It’s great that you have found the post and comments helpful.

It’s the end of the month. And we start on a new theme in the next. Hopefully you can still be able to join us. It will be about Passion.

Love and abundance always,


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Gary,

Thank you for sharing your story. Like Arlene, I feel awed. You have certainly accomplished a lot and is a great example to us all in not allowing our health issues hold us back.

It is great to learn that you are no longer on medication. And most definitely very wonderful to learn that you are learning meditation. Hopefully the practice can help you further too.

I wish you every success in your dreams going forth.

May you continue to shine,


Aileen - May 29, 2012 Reply

I loved reading this!

“Creativity is the faculty by which our soul can seek loving expression and personal meaning through making a physical difference to the world.” Evelyn

“I believe that creativity is our unique, individual heart whispers expressed through various mediums.” Joy

“Creativity is what happens when we quiet our minds and allow our hearts to sing.” Paige

Reading this post gives me a surge of energy to go play & create!


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Aileen,

Like you, I enjoyed the different perspectives on creativity too. I like that they add to the diversity.

Oh yes, I feel inspired to go play and create as well!

With love,


Justin Mazza - May 29, 2012 Reply

Hi Evelyn,
Thanks a million for letting me share my thoughts about creativity on your post. I share the same feelings as Aileen, all the bloggers ideas/thoughts on creativity has got me “pumped” to playfully create something now.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Justin,

It’s great that you feel the same way too!

Thanks once again for your contribution!

Love and abundance always,


Christopher Lovejoy - May 29, 2012 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

Some inspired and inspiring ideas here. I like your definition and I resonate with your emphasis on connecting creativity with spirituality.

For me, creativity offers a practical and spiritual means by which to open the heart of my soul and align the player in me to the Creator in me by accessing boundless pools of power, wisdom, and abundance with ease and grace.

Coincidentally, I started writing about conscious creatorship this morning.

In the spirit of creativity,


Evelyn Reply:

Oh wow…another beautiful way of looking at creativity!

Thank you, Christopher, for your contribution!

Love and abundance always,


Christopher Lovejoy Reply:

I’m glad you appreciate it, Evelyn.

Much love,


Suzie Cheel - May 29, 2012 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

Thanks for sharing my quote and how delighted I was to read the other 12 bloggers take on creativity- similar yet different. Creativity has and is for me such a joy and has been a large part of my healing journey. I look forward to extending your theme in June on my blog


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Suzie,

How wonderful! It sure sounds a great idea to have more discussions on creativity. Creativity is one of my fav topics!

I look forward to reading your posts,


Spiritual Healer - May 29, 2012 Reply

Hey great collection to explain creativity.But according to me creativity is the art to see beyond imagination.I know imagination has no limits but everyone has got different potential.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi there,

Love that! I enjoyed your perspective on creativity too.

Thanks for sharing,


rob white - May 29, 2012 Reply

A fine collection of creative minds, Evelyn! 🙂 I enjoyed everyones input tremendously


Evelyn Reply:

Thanks, Rob, once again for your contribution.

It’s great that you have enjoyed what everyone has to say.

To more creative play and inspiration,


The Vizier - May 29, 2012 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

This is a great selection of creativity quotes you have compiled!

I think everyone who goes through this article is bound to come up with some inspiration just by picking up ideas on looking at creativity differently.

Thank you for inviting me to share my views on creativity!

Irving the Vizier


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Irving,

I am glad to know that you have enjoyed reading the post.

Thank you once again for your contribution 🙂


Paige | simple mindfulness - May 30, 2012 Reply


Thank you so much for including me in this wonderful post! I love reading everyone’s perspectives.

I’ve found that my creativity comes out in many different ways each day, whether it’s writing a post or figuring out how to turn a plain cardboard box into Pride Rock (from Lion King) for my 8 year old son. Having little kids around definitely keeps the creative and playful juices flowing!

We’re all creative in our own, unique ways.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Paige,

It is the same for me too. Creativity can come in many forms each day. And yes, playing with kids provide opportunities for more play and creative thinking! It’s great that you are having fun with your son.

Thank you for contributing a quote and sharing your thoughts,


Vidya Sury - May 30, 2012 Reply

Such joyful insights on creativity – I loved reading everyone’s view! I agree with Paige – children do enhance our creativity – in thought, deed and word. 🙂 I enjoy every moment with my son. And before him, the kids in the neighborhood – for they managed to not only keep me on my toes, but also almost always floored me with their logic. Quite literally. It is the truth that being with children keeps us young – all that brain activity!

Loving the post, Evelyn. And so thrilled to be included in this post.

With lots of love, Vidya


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Vidya,

Another wonderful testimony about how playing with kids also encourage us parents to become more creative. It’s nice that you are also having fun with your son and the kids in the neighborhood.

Thank you for your contribution. I am delighted to feature a contribution from you.

Love and abundance always,


Gary Molloy - August 7, 2012 Reply

Thank you Arlene for your lovely words, and thank you Evelyn for helping me to share this story.
i havent checked the website so I’m sorry for the late reply to say a big thank you!


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