
Timeline Healing Story: A Journey Into Wisdom

I simply could not wait. I had the lights beamed me down. In the distance, I could hear The Voice. It said in a commanding voice, “Don’t get down yet!!”

timeline healing therapy
(Timeline Healing Story Illustration #1)

But it was too late! I was in a hurry. I was drawn to travel to this place ever since my spacecraft took flight. The lights beamed me down. I was out in the open. On a hill. My spacecraft hovered above, treacherously low.

An old woman was sitting at a stone table. She was waiting for me. I scanned my surroundings. In the background was a brickhouse. It did not look grand or anything. In fact, it looked rather simple. Other than the house, there was nothing else.

I recognized the old woman instantly. The picture of her face had entered my mind ever since I entered my spacecraft. She had “beckoned” me here.

“Look into her face. Get a sense of how she looks like,” guided The Voice.

I obeyed. I sat down next to her to have a closer look. She was old, wrinkled with folds on her skin. The old woman was wearing some kind of heavy costume, weaved from threads of gold, red and orange. She had a headdress on. Intricate, ornate and regal. Strings of beads draped the curve of her neck.

There was something about her in her steady gaze. The glint in her eyes revealed her wisdom.

“Where are you?” asked The Voice.

“Mongolia,” was my instant reply. I did not have to ask her. The answer just came from within.

“Let her tell you what you need to know,” said The Voice.

So I waited. She was responding to the questions I had been having in my mind. She must be telepathic.

“Joy is simply not about being in a state of bliss. Even if you have started doing deep inner work, it does not mean that you no longer encounter any more conflicts or unhappiness. I know that you have felt frustrated. In your despair, you wondered, ‘what is the point?’ Yes, but this is life. Life will continue to have its ups and downs. There will be old patterns that surface again and again. But each time, you will grow and evolve from your lessons. See the difference between being in a state of joy and real joy? Real joy comes from wisdom. Fully accepting what-is. Not running away but dealing with your issues. Making peace. Awakening into insight.”

“But but…..I don’t feel wise,” was my halting response.

I recalled that I had been harboring some self doubts. Just prior to taking off in my spacecraft, I had complained about feeling inadequate.

“Wisdom is to be shared. It is not be kept. Share what you already know. It may be just right for someone else.” she continued. “Don’t just share knowledge. Wisdom comes from personal experiencing. It is how meaning is created.”

As she babbled on and on about sharing wisdom, she soon became lost in her own thoughts.

The old woman began to look wistful.

And then, I knew.

She had all the wisdom. She had shared them with her family and neighbors. Yet, she knew that she could possibly touch more lives, if her insights were shared further afield.

I realized that she had what I needed. At the same time, I had what she needed: access to the rest of the world. The internet was the answer!

“Have you gotten what you need to know? Is it time to leave?” The Voice said.

“Errr….I don’t wish to. I can sit here all day.” I answered, reluctant to leave.

“You cannot stay. You need to come back.” The Voice warned.

“Ask her if she can put it all down in a book. Whatever she can share. So the next time you come back, she will have it all ready for you.” suggested The Voice helpfully.

timeline healing therapy
(Timeline Healing Story Illustration #2)

So I asked the old woman. She nodded her head.

Satisfied, I went up into my spacecraft through its beaming lights. Once inside, I piloted the spacecraft. It took off. I flew back.

Right back into the current timeline.

The session was finally over.

I opened my eyes.

(Bet you are going to ask, “where are you?” Well, I have traveled through time. Into the past. The scene above was what I tuned into as a result of a Timeline Healing session which I went through some weeks ago. The Voice belonged to Raj, who was facilitating it. The woman I met? Well, what do you think?)

What Is Timeline Healing Intervention?
Timeline Healing Intervention is a technique that is used in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). It is based on the concept that we store our life memories linearly. With timeline, it is possible to float into the past or the future. Into the past, we can retrieve archives for specific insights or to find out root causes of problems we have at the present for the release of our negative emotions. We can also float into the future to “install” our visions or future selves.

The use of a spacecraft or spaceship for visualization is made with a purpose. A spacecraft can help us to control our timeline session by us hovering above or into the experience of an event. The thing is that certain events may be too traumatic to become associated in an instant. We can feel “safe” looking at a negative event in the past because we are de-associated from it by being in the spacecraft. Using a spacecraft also allows us to gain varying perspectives from different vantage points. We are less emotionally involved and are able to see the bigger picture of things.

Share Your Thoughts
Enjoyed the account of my timeline session? Tell me your thoughts in the comments below!

Would you be interested in having a timeline session? As a certified NLP practitioner and life coach, I offer personal consultations. Write to me at abundancetapestry [at] gmail.com if you have any queries.

Abundance always,

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Eduard @ People Skills Decoded - May 19, 2010

I think this is a great way to access memories and get some powerful insights. I remember starting to use time-line methods when I first discovered NLP, and they helped me become aware of some things I was blind to.

Evelyn Reply:

Thank you, Eduard, for sharing your personal experience with timelines. It’s great that you have discovered many things through this technique.

All the best,

Joe - May 19, 2010

First time I’ve heard this, and have to come back for more. I say Heard because I am blind and my voice synthesizer read your email message and this web site perfectly. It is very “voice friendly” and believe me, it is rare to find a web site so friendly.

I had sight for 12 years and have to wonder why I still am after 53 years of trying OBE and just about everything else. Help me find an answer please. Even better, help me to gain sight even if only OBE.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Joe,

How wonderful that you can hear me from my email. It is nice to receive feedback that my posts are being sent out with love. (A word of thanks to my spiritual team who are doing their part in getting my messages out to readers who need them! *wink*)

You did not say where you are from. I am wondering what are the techniques you have tried. Your subconscious stores answers. And there can be different modalities, different ways to access your subconscious for healing. If you need some assistance in where to look or how to begin, please email me.

With love,

Mary Madeline Day - May 20, 2010

Blessings Evelyn,

I want to say a BIG thank you to all your post and your sharing. You are truly shining your light (even though there are times you don’t feel it). =)

A friend of mine did a timeline healing with me and it was an amazing experience. Right now I am actually studying NLP and timeline with Chris Howard – just at the start of it and it is very interesting to me. My intention is to mix it with other modalities I use with clients.

Know you also do EFT – Have you done Matrix Reimprinting? – (a mix of EFT and meditation). I have had amazing success with it and my clients love it!

Love, Madeline

Evelyn Reply:

Hello Mary,

I’m happy to know that you have had an amazing experience with timeline healing. It’s great that you are studying NLP too. Having a number of techniques and skills in our toolbox is certainly helpful, don’t you think? It will be useful to apply the appropriate technique or a combination of them for healing.

Thank you for recommending me Matrix Reimprinting. It sure sounds interesting. I have not used it before, although I do use EFT with the understanding of equanimity (based on Buddhist principles and meditation). I am going to check what it is about!! I am delighted that you’ve introduced me something new to look into.

Have an awesome week!

With love,

Joy H - May 20, 2010

This is fascinating to me. I have not heard of nor participated in timeline healings. I love the story/the experience. And your photos are amazing.
I do like the insight. In my life, peacefor me to embrace the moment exactly as it is, not as I wish it to be, and then that peace overflows to joy.
Thank you for sharing:)

Evelyn Reply:

Hello Joy,

It’s great that you’ve been entertained with this post…LOL!

I like that you make a distinction between what it-is and what it-should-be. Thumbs up!

Abundance always,

Hilary - May 20, 2010

Hi Evelyn .. interesting story and entwining it with some teaching about the timeline therapy .. I hadn’t heard of it .. but find the concept worth remembering to look into. Let alone the other therapies Mary mentioned.

Joe’s comments about your website – are really great ..and encouraging to know about – well done .. and good to know ..

Thanks – Hilary

Evelyn Reply:

Hello Hilary,

It’s wonderful that you’ve learned something from my post. Oh yes, Joe has provided me with a new consideration…to make my website friendly for all!

With love,

Phil - Less Ordinary Living - May 20, 2010

Evelyn –

Thank you for sharing such an interesting journey into your soul and into time. I think only you can truly understand the experience, although your words and illustrations bring it to life for others. Please keep exploring and sharing with the world.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Phil,

Indeed, I would think that the experience means more to me than to others. Hopefully, others will be inspired enough in more ways than one to seek for answers to their innermost questions.

With love,

Chris Edgar - May 20, 2010

Thanks for this story — I was definitely intrigued and entertained. I’m curious about why The Voice didn’t want you to beam down yet. I liked what you/The Old Woman said about wisdom coming from personal experience — I often want to suggest to people who write about personal development “you really don’t need to tell me what Napoleon Hill says about this or that — I’d actually prefer to hear about your experiences.”

Evelyn Reply:

Hello Chris,

I was a little too fast to beam myself down. I have also a tendency to get myself “associated”. And my friend knows it. Hence, he thought that it was better I wait and take an assessment of the event.

Oh yes, sometimes I find myself veering to quoting stuff from books. Then, I also realized that the more interesting stories are from personal experiences of what has been learned.

It’s nice to know that you’ve enjoyed the story. It took me some courage to hit “publish”. Phheew!

With love,

Greg Blencoe - May 21, 2010

Hi Evelyn,

As always, the illustration looks great.

I appreciate your sharing the Timeline Healing Intervention technique. While I had never heard of it before, it sounds quite interesting. I can see how including the spacecraft could allow things to be looked at from different perspectives.

Thanks for the post!

Evelyn Reply:

Hello Greg,

It’s great that you’ve enjoyed my post. For a while, I was wondering too about piloting a spacecraft. I found out that I had the “license to fly”…LOL!

Abundance always,

Vincent Nguyen - May 23, 2010

Hi Evelyn,

Very interesting technique, which has vast potential for deeper timeline probing. Just out of curiosity, do you loose focus if for some reason your spaceship is in one part of your timeline and then “you” are on another part. How do you focus?

Evelyn Reply:

Hello Vincent,

Not quite sure I know what you mean. But I am focusing on the timeline that I am in.


Rob - May 24, 2010

NLP seems to be at the heart of a lot of great self development tools. Thank you for sharing your voyage. What inexpensive course, eBook or book would you suggest for someone who wants a basic grasp of NLP but doesn’t have the time, money or inclination to go into depth?

Evelyn Reply:

Hello Rob,

Any broad overview book will probably do. However, benefits can only be derived from the application of the techniques. Hence, don’t just read it. Apply them!

Abundance always,

DaveUrsillo - May 25, 2010


Like other commenters, I have never heard of, let alone participated in, timeline healings. It is a very unique concept. Thank you for sharing your story and this unique experience 🙂


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Dave,

Indeed it is. It is used in therapy and usually for cases where age regression is necessary.

With love,

Arlene - May 26, 2010

I will add one more voice of gratitude that you shared your story and the experience of Time Line Healing. I also had not heard of it and see value in its use. I particularly like the reasoning behind using the spacecraft to hover and for protection. Your website is very uplifting!
PS I totally can relate to the phheew when you pushed the publish button. Great job!

Evelyn Reply:

Hello Arlene,

Thank you for your feedback. I am glad that you found my account interesting. And also thanks for understanding how I have felt about publishing a post like this!

With love,

Wenny Yap - May 26, 2010

Hi Evelyn, it’s been quite awhile since I’ve been back here. This article is timely for me. Sometimes in our search for a better tomorrow, we forget that the past stands to provide us an answer or solution. We just need to re-assess them in a positive light. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.

Evelyn Reply:

Hello Wenny,

We go searching externally for answers but forget that we can also start from the beginning. Much wisdom lies within. Why not access archives and see what we can learn from lessons before?

Abundance always,

Donna Willingham - September 18, 2010

I had a similar experience when I discovered NLP – I took a course in Cairo which I found to be life changing. Sarah Merron of Fire Dragon Coaching teaches strategies that really helped me focus on getting the best out of myself and others around me, for both my work and personal life. She runs courses all over the world, so it’s a fantastic way to travel at the same time. Here’s the link, I found it had a very powerful effect on my life: http://egyptnlptraining.com/

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