
Thought-Emotion-Action for Manifestation

“Everything is energy. Your thought begins it, your emotion amplifies it and your action increases the momentum.” Unknown

everything is energy

I came across the above quote and thought that it was wonderful that it captured the key factors involved for manifestation. Here is my elaboration:

Thought. Set clear intention. If you are sending out muddled thoughts, you get muddled results. It is also the reason why people get stuck. Your thought creates your reality.

Emotions. Your emotions amplify the power of your thoughts. If your thought is on “not having enough”, your negative emotions raise the intensity of it. The stronger you feel, the more energy you send to the thought. Conversely, your positive energy raises your vibrational state. Desire propels your intention forward.

More often than not, it is the negative emotions that obstruct your way to abundance. If you can manage your emotions, it becomes easier to send out the right signals or intentions to the universe. If you are repeatedly stuck or cant seem to find a breakthrough, managing your emotions may involve unlocking past traumas or memories. Hence, releasing your negative emotions is one important step that you need to make (download free report here)!

Action. You need physical action in order to turn your thought into reality. Nothing is going to happen if you do not follow up on the ideas that you have in your head. Inspired action that springs from your creative thought – powered by your strong desire – brings it into fruition.

Flow of Energy into Manifestation

Be it thought, emotions or action – everything is energy. You are not going to make the best headway if you are missing one key factor. The more you flow energy along better-feeling thoughts, the more positive your outcomes. When you take charge, you direct the energy in the intended direction.

Be the seamless flow of energy, aligned at all levels of your consciousness and living your dream in a magical place called Earth 🙂

Love and Abundance Always,

evelyn lim signature

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