The Masquerade Play Of Life

Masks are often used in masquerade parties. They are costume accessories that disguise one’s true appearance. In today’s post, I am using the metaphor of the masks as facade devices. You use masks to hide your true self. You find comfort and solace in that the world does not know who you really are. There can be also a different mask that you wear for various groups of people. After all, you have important public images or persona to uphold.
Here is what could be happening. You make it a point to look happy, despite feeling lousy. You put on a loving front to your colleagues and friends but in the same breath, complain about them behind their backs.
You pretend that you are the expert in a niche that you have little knowledge in. Your facebook profile shows you as a social butterfly. It is important to be in the “in” group. You make believe that everything is going fine when inside you are really crumbling.
“The play is done; the curtain drops,
Slow falling to the prompter’s bell
A moment yet the actor stops
And looks around to say farewell.
It is an irksome word and task:
And when he’s laughed and said his say,
He shows, as he removes the mask,
A face that’s anything but gay.”— William Makepeace Thackeray quotes (Indian born English Author and Novelist of ‘Vanity Fair’, 1811-1863)
The Masquerade Play Of Life
Masks may add a touch of frivolity, as we know them to be. They have also been used across several religions, cultures and lifetimes already.
We may well be participating in the Masquerade Play of Life ourselves. We are spirits assuming different roles on Earth, the third dimensional stage.
In the play, masks are used for all kinds of reasons. They are used in courtship, where putting on our best front can mean the conquest of a lover; getting our first big break into a new career; clinch a contract; for empowerment, etc.
In some cases, masks can serve useful purposes but in others, they cause harm especially if they are being used deceptively.
“In wise love each defines the secret self of the other, and refusing to believe in the mere daily self, creates a mirror where the lover or the beloved sees an image to copy in daily life; for love also creates the Mask.”
— William Butler Yeats quotes (Irish prose Writer, Dramatist and Poet. Nobel Prize for Literature in 1923. 1865-1939)
Your Cultivated Mask Disguises Your Fears
You have every appearance of being perfect, together, sane, beautiful, loving, compassionate, wealthy and happy. What would others think if they know the truth? You wonder, shuddering at the thought of being “found out”!
“A cultivated style would be like a mask. Everybody knows it’s a mask, and sooner or later you must show yourself — or at least, you show yourself as someone who could not afford to show himself, and so created something to hide behind.”
— Katherine Anne Porter
Your concern is one of non-acceptance. You are worried that others will not like you if they get to know how broken, vulnerable or weak you are. Since society determines worth based on external appearances, it is important that you put on a socially acceptable image.
In secret, you may be running a program of self loathing. You are highly critical and judge yourself harshest of all. There is little self love. You suspect that there is a lot about yourself that others will not find likable. Hence, it is important that you find means to hide your so-called weaknesses from others.
In the process, you choose to wear a mask of pride, strength, dignity, and joy to cover up for your insecurities. The worse you feel about yourself, the more you need to pad yourself up. Only the awakened can see through your inauthenticity.
Masks are really the work of the ego. Your basic fear is that you are not enough. Your ego loves masterpieces. It chooses to add layerings of color, features and textures to make you appear more interesting. These add-ons serve to distract the attention of others. The more your ego weaves them into your various relationships with others, the harder it is for others know who you really are.
Core Problem Arising From Wearing Masks
Problems arise when you are unable to recognize your core essence. The layers of mask have become so thick that you do not realize that your persona is not who you really are deep down inside. The role played out through the mask and who you really are merges into one. The ego becomes you and you become the ego.
“Sometimes people carry to such perfection the mask they have assumed that in due course they actually become the person they seem.”
— William Somerset Maugham quotes (English short-story Writer, Novelist and Playwright, 1874-1965)
The risk is a disconnection. You lose your sense to feel. You are spiritually blocked. The loss in freedom to feel is death itself. You are unable to experience who you really are. When you do not know yourself truly, there cannot be any clarity of your purpose. Your life is pretty much meaningless.
“The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask.”
—- Jim Morrison quotes (American Poet and Singer. 1943-1971)
Benefits of Unmasking Yourself
Awareness arise when you have an inkling that you are not truly happy. Some of us may be so identified with our unhappy state for such a long time that we are not even aware that we are in fact very miserable. Eckhart Tolle describes this stream of unconscious thoughts as “background unhappiness”.
You may begin to look for answers but alas your search is in all the wrong places. You cannot find peace. You realize that by appearing well, functional or even happy, you have not truly been authentic.
“He who wears a mask cannot see within himself.”
— Unknown
Awakening happens when you find from within. You begin on a journey of self discovery. It is traumatic at first – the losing of the mask. It means having to confront your worst fears. It may mean having to dig into a shameful past to reveal its hidden secrets. It may mean dis-empowering yourself.
At times, you contemplate putting on a brake in your search. You fear that by shedding the mask, you lose your identity. The identity that you have spent time nurturing all these years. What is there left anymore, you ask? Will you be able to recognize yourself? Will your loved ones still cherish you for who you really are?
There is no turning back however once the seeds are planted towards this journey. Soon, the pull of the need to know yourself proves stronger.
Like a grey cloud, the mask lifts.
You experience Clarity.
You realize that there is nothing to fear from what is left behind.
What remains is merely Awakened Consciousness – Your True Essence.
(Inspiration for this post: Akashic Record readings can help to remove blockages that have obscured you from knowing who you really are at source. You cannot be fully aligned to abundance, unless you know your true Self. It is possible that you have identified with your mask for so long and often over lifetimes. Illusion lifts to unveil a soul that has always been there. It is consciousness, waiting to be discovered at the core. )
Share Your Thoughts
Do you agree that you are in some kind of a “stage play” in your physical human role? What empowering messages have you come to know by the losing of your mask, if any? Do share your thoughts, comments and/or suggestions.
Love and abundance always,
Tenshi Reply:
September 7th, 2010 at 12:27 pm
That seems to be the trouble, the moment other people brings their masks of perceptions, ideals, beliefs, and judgments to your newly blossoming Awareness, it can empower your own Shadow Self to re-emerge to protect and defend. Thus, you find your Authentic Consciousness slipping back behind a new mask. The mask of, “I’m a Spiritual Seeker of Truth, but how do I deal with all these other people?!?” The only remedy is, continue to stay Aware and Present, and a good sense of humor. Isn’t it silly that all these masks and illusions around you believe that they are real? It’s hilarious!! Live, Laugh, Love. =)
All the best,