Tapping for Your Business: From Disconnection to Authentic Marketing with Ease (Video)

Dear Solopreneur,
Are you hoping to attract more clients but feel as if you need to use marketing methods that are based on high-pressure, FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and manipulation, and you are feeling disconnected because of this?
Recently, I came across this post by someone who shared what was it like for her…
“I have to behave, talk and present in a specific way to attract paying clients. My business coach taught me how to do this in her way and that is pretty much based on using fear and pressure. But I am feeling disconnected because of this. It’s not me. A part of me just wants to be who I am. But what if showing up in my own ways is going to hurt my business?”
If this is similar to what is going on for you too, let’s work on releasing any sense of disconnection or stress. Tap along with me with the video below.
EFT Tapping for Business: Authentic Marketing with Ease
It is safe to be who you are. You can make the choice to show up in a way that feels balanced, authentic and also professional. Find the magic spot that illuminates your best self!
Market your offers from a place of alignment, ease and authenticity!
For more and if you’d like to join me “live”, sign up for the Tapping Circle for Women Solopreneurs held this month.
Love and abundance always,
Evelyn Lim
Abundance Coach for Women Solopreneurs