
Tap Away Your Paralysis to Do Work that You Love

“Overthinking a situation can lead to a phenomenon called analysis paralysis which results in no decision being made.”

tap away analysis paralysisFind yourself emotionally and mentally paralyzed?

Don’t know which way to go?

Perhaps it is not that you lack options, but you could be contemplating more than one. You have got many wonderful what-if ideas. They have been in the playground of your mind. Each has called out to you until you don’t know which to choose.

Then again, it could all boil down to this: you can’t decide if you are willing to give up a job that you are not passionate about (but which pays you a comfortable salary) for something that you love but which is untested.

You have seen them all. There is plenty of advice of “do what you love” over the internet. You are drawn to the feel-good factor of the advice. A part of you is resonating with its tune. You can’t help wondering if there is something bigger and more than what your office job entails.

Certainly, as someone who is doing what she loves, I agree with the advice. Because when you love what you do, work does not feel like work. Also, if you are going to be spending hours working (which is usually the case for many of us), it is best that you enjoy your work. Amazingly, you would also find that you produce the best and most authentic works when you are expressing your soul through them. Loving what you do just has that many wonderful benefits.

However, I doubt that you are just going to make the leap into the unknown territory of doing what you love without considering what you may have to sacrifice. There is a tug between heart and mind. Still, I know how horrible it feels to be in the space of indecision and not having clarity in the way forward.

As a start, I do recommend clearing away fogginess if you are hoping to gain clarity on what to do next. A brilliant way for release is via Emotional Freedom Technique. If you need a short guide on how this works, download the free report and to apply the technique, continue reading the rest of the article.

To Apply the EFT

To address any psychological reversals or instances of self-sabotage, here are some set-up statements that you can use:

Even though I do not have clarity on the issue that I am facing, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I don’t know which way to go, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I feel confused over my options, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Next, tune in and tap away the emotions that you feel. Possible emotions are confusion, feel stuck, feel foggy, don’t know which way, can’t decide, etc.

Breathe in and out after the release.

Tap Your Way Out

Round off the tapping with some positive affirmations such as:

I believe that clarity will set in once I release my confusion.

My intent is clear.

I believe in taking charge and charting the best way forward for myself.

I feel confident in my ability to muster courage for making a decision.

I choose to align with my highest path and purpose.

I believe that I will be able to make the best decision for myself, once needed resources are available to me.

Tapping away feelings of paralysis may not necessarily lead you to making a decision on which option to take right away. However, it does not away the irky edge off. The best part is achieving a state of equanimity (balanced state of mind) so that you can make a major life decision with clarity.

Notwithstanding, it helps to identify the deeper reasons why you are feeling paralyzed. Could the secondary reason be the need for safety (as in having a secure job)? Are there financial obligations that you need to fulfill? What holds you back from doing what you love?

Be Open to Options

Pursing what you love does not have to begin with taking a giant step like starting a business from scratch for instance. It can feel daunting. You may not be willing to make a huge money commitment for something untested.

One great way to start is by exploring options that are aligned with your interests on a part-time basis. It is an idea that I strongly advocate. (Anyone who is hoping to get her foot into the wellness industry, email me with the subject title: Request for Info on Business Opportunity. I am on the lookout for JV partners who are keen to start a holistic business part-time).

If you don’t do anything about your analysis paralysis, you may just remain where you are ten years from now. So if you are hoping for a breakthrough, start by making small shifts. Tap away your paralysis for making a clearer decision forward!

Love and abundance always,

evelyn lim signature

Abundance Alchemy Life Coach

Need guided assistance for EFT or have coaching needs? Contact me here!

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Jessica Sweet - September 22, 2015 Reply


I like your advice about taking things slow when it comes to starting a new business. It can feel so daunting to do it that it never gets done, but if you start slowly that can be just the thing to help you move forward. For some people that’s the only way to do it!



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