
Self-Love: Heal Yourself in Body-Mind-Spirit

“To love yourself fully is to heal in the body, mind and spirit.” – Self-Love Secrets: How to Love Yourself Unconditionally

self love body mind spirit

Self-love involves a body, mind and spirit approach. In my book Self-Love Secrets, I shared that loving yourself requires a holistic perspective. The three levels of body, mind and spirit are interrelated. When you make a change in one, there is a rippling effect in your entire being. You will find yourself unveiling new layers of transformation at different levels.

The Body-Mind-Spirit Connection

It is easy to understand why you need to nurture yourself holistically. For example, if you are not feeling well (body), you won’t be able to feel well and think clearly (mind). Also, you will find it hard to sit down to meditate (spirit) for a closer connection with higher consciousness. It also goes to show that you need to have a sufficient level of well-being, before you can even start meditation or even function properly at all.

My holistic journey started 11 years ago. I became interested in overall wellness after my first child was born. As her caregiver, I was prompted to look into natural healing therapies. I started with exploring how to heal the body, then mind and emotions before I finally learned more about the spirit. Eventually, I found out that she was not the only one who needed holistic care. I had to start with myself first of all.

I have since learned a lot from being an Energy Healing Practitioner, with Emotional Freedom Technique, Kundalini Reiki and other energy modalities. I have also tried Kundalini Yoga, Tai Chi and Qigong. These practices allowed me to experience the flow of universal life force and using my being as a laboratory, to heal myself holistically.

To be holistic is to consider the self as a whole being, a sum total. And so, for especially major illnesses, you cannot just treat yourself at the symptomatic or physical level without considering the other levels. Overall wellness is more assured when you restore balance holistically.

Your body stores information about its past. Emotional information is stored in your body cells. It is also how your aches and pains manifest in physical symptoms. Your mind may unconsciously choose to forget the memory, but your spirit knows the information through your body’s physical experience.

By having a holistic perspective, you start to view things with expanded meaning. For instance, you no longer take yoga as just a mere physical activity. Instead, you realize that it is helpful for bringing about body, mind and spirit connection. Even simple activities such as drinking tea, can also be a delightful experience with body and present-moment (thus, spiritual) awareness.

Heal Holistically with Self-Love

We have heard of miracles occurring in the name of love. We enjoy reading such love stories. We are inspired by accounts of those who have healed themselves despite all odds. Yet, do we have the conviction that this can also happen for us too?

We may not have a major illness right now. But our hearts could have been affected by events past. Thus, we feel traumatized, hurt, betrayed, broken, miserable and depressed. These are emotional wounds that our hearts carry. They affect us in the body, mind and spirit.

Usually there is a time lag before physical symptoms manifest. So healing ourselves with self-love is a preventative measure that we can take. One major illness that is contributed by an inability to open the heart is heart disease. Reportedly, heart disease is the number one killer in the U.S. It is also a major cause of disability.

Hence, it is possible to avoid serious health problems if we can address our psychological issues internally first. We can heal ourselves through natural means rather than rely on invasive medical procedures or harmful drugs for treatment. In so doing, we become aware that we hold the key to our divine power – i.e. having the innate ability to channel love for self-healing.

Heal with Self-Love During Meditation

My commitment is to heal myself with love. Since it is a commitment, I allocate a fair amount of time for inner healing and meditation. It has not been easy but I choose to face and release some of my deepest fears. I bring myself back into wellness whenever I encounter situations that caused me to experience separation and disconnection.

I heal from the center of my heart with universal life force. I have discovered that the heart is not just an organ in the body. It is also the spiritual gateway to higher consciousness. It is the seat of inner wisdom and puts me in touch with the most powerful emotion for healing – love.

Anyone can do it too. Including you. Since love is something that you can access, you have the ability to heal yourself in the body, mind and spirit from the center of your heart as well. Healing is most effective when we are totally relaxed and connected with source. Thus, we do it best during meditation. We heal ourselves first of all, before we become better facilitators with assisting others.

Incidentally, my free teleclass on “Heal Yourself with Self-Love” ends with a short guided meditation session – click to download here >>>

Love and abundance always,

evelyn lim signature

Certified Life Coach. Energy Healing Practitioner.

P.S. Please help me to share this post with a tweet or a Facebook share as I hope to reach out to those with tremendous difficulties with loving themselves. Thank you in advance!!

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Christopher - March 4, 2013 Reply

Shared on Google+

Thank you, Evelyn.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Christopher,

I have not explored Google+ but what a wonderful reminder! Thanks!

With gratitude,


Galen Pearl - March 4, 2013 Reply

I have learned the truth of this through my own experiences of energy healing. I now understand that it’s like the flight attendant tells us–we have to put on our own oxygen mask first. Healing ourselves spills out in infinite benefit to others. By the way, one of my biggest motives in changing my own life was to be a better parent to my kids, and to heal whatever negative energy had been passed down to me so that I wouldn’t pass it on to them. Parenting can give us motivation and courage to change things that we might not on our own.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Galen,

Awesome that you have also learned the truth through your own experiences of energy healing. I sure like the oxygen mask analogy!

It is nice that parenting prompts us to venture into previously unexplored areas. It sure gave me the push to read and try the alternative methods of healing.

Oh yes, parenting can be empowering! I didn’t realize that I had so much more to give, how much courage I have and how many things I can do at one go.

Love and abundance always,


John - March 11, 2013 Reply

Thus some moments I am angry, then some moments I am sad, then some moments I am jealous, then some moments I am joyful. Moment-to-moment, whatsoever happens is accepted. Then you become one. And this oneness is the most fundamental thing to understand.
by Osho


Evelyn Reply:

Hello John,

Thank you for sharing a teaching from Osho about becoming one with the moment.



Steve - March 12, 2013 Reply

You make a great p0int about taking care of yourself holistically. Spirit, body and mind can be dealt with separately, but why not approach all of them together? I like your example of drinking tea. I know what when I drink tea, it is more like a meditative activity than anything else. I slow down and savor the drink. It calms my mind and is good for my body at the same time.

It’s interesting how you put that the gateway to higher consciousness is through the heart. I haven’t really thought of it that way before. Love is a powerful force and it never ceases to amaze me how much good it can do for you.


Cathy Taughinbaugh - March 15, 2013 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

I love your message of healing ourselves with love first. That makes so much sense. I believe as well that we have to look at the body, mind and spirit to keep ourselves whole. Staying balanced and self care can make such a difference. Thanks for your inspiring post!


Kayt - February 17, 2017 Reply

Thats is hag eny difernt sensorycal body expirents


Kayt - February 17, 2017 Reply

Thats is hag eny difernt sensorycal body expirents


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