Repair Your Soul Matrix With Healing Birth Trauma

Have you got birth trauma that you are interested to seek healing on?
Are you tuning into an awareness that there is something about your birth that you need to seek a resolution for?
As I discovered, healing birth trauma and removing the thought patterns that no longer serve you can do wonders energetically. You’d find life less of a struggle and experience a sense of freedom. What’s awesome is that manifesting abundance happens with a lot more ease and grace too!
I’d also like to clear a misconception. Some teachers or coaches may say that the idea of healing is erroneous. They believe that there is nothing to heal because you are complete and whole.
Well, it is true.
You are like a diamond; perfect and divine in your soul matrix.You are also a multi-dimensional soul. There is a facet of you that exists at each dimensional level. Hence, any idea about needing to heal from birth trauma could be wrong since you are already whole and complete.
However, a distortion that results in a leakage can exists at any layer, aspect or level affecting your completeness. The luminous shine in a perfectly encoded soul matrix becomes duller as a result. In fact, it is in the human incarnation that distortions to your soul matrix can happen.
Birth traumas or pre-birth traumas affect your soul matrix at root cause. It is imperative that healing or restoration happen here if there is trauma. Note that trauma can be formed as a result of your perception about the situation. Hence it will help to release any false story and embed a new one that serves you instead.
“In the instant of our first breath, we are infused with the single greatest force in the universe–the power to translate the possibilities of our minds into the reality of our world. To fully awaken to our power, however, requires a subtle change in the way we think of our ourselves in life, a shift in belief. Just the way sound creates visible waves as it travels through a droplet of water, our ‘belief waves’ ripple through the quantum fabric of the universe to become our bodies.” Greg Braden
Should the distortion be left unaddressed, your ability to realise your true self in the physical world with ease and grace becomes impacted. You carry the thought patterns that affect how you behave and respond to the world for years since inception. They are the root causes to your struggles, pain and suffering.
Manifesting the life that you want becomes more difficult when patterns caused by birth trauma are distorted.
So how can you repair your soul matrix of birth trauma?
Allow me to share my personal experiences.
One big thing that I was addressing on was about my existence.
My Healing Journey
At the start of my healing journey, I became aware about how my anxiety levels and self-esteem were affected by childhood issues. After a period of intense healing, I thought I was quite done. After all, I had already forgiven my grandmother who had already passed on.
My grandmother was not entirely happy when she found out that her first grandchild was a female. Being a traditional Chinese, she had very much preferred a male grandson, one who would be able to carry the family name to the next generation. Since she was my main caregiver when I was young, you can imagine how I, as a 6-year old, felt when she relayed her disappointment openly to me.
Over the course of my growing up years, I started to affirm rejection whenever there are various situations that appear to “confirm” my non-acceptance in the world. I would tell myself that “I don’t belong”, “I wish I wasn’t born” or “boys are better than girls”. Needless to say, holding on to these thoughts brought me down a spiral of darkness in my adult years.
It took peeling the layers for deeper answers to be revealed. Eventually, I hit upon the layer that was previously unaddressed. I traced it back to when it was prior my own birth. It was during the time when I was in my mother’s womb.
Healing Birth Trauma At Root Cause
Through tapping into the subconscious for answers, I discovered that prior to incarnation, my soul had found out for the very first time that I wasn’t going to be warmly welcomed in the world.
My mother had come to know the wishes of her mother-in-law, who was steeped in traditional values, about wanting a grandson. Even though I was in my mother’s womb, I was able to sense what she was going through. Subconsciously, I tuned into “not feeling accepted” and “this world is not safe”.
I also tuned in to my mother’s worries as she fretted over increased financial responsibilities from having a baby. The family situation was not stable as both my parents came from rather poor backgrounds. Her anxiety was an energy that was based on fear, lack and the need to survive.
With the discovery of these specific answers, it became possible to address the vibrational story that was created. With answers found at root cause, healing became more targeted and meaningful. Even though the disruption was formed before physical incarnation, I discovered that releasing, repairing and restorative work at the energetic level could still be made.
A Rebirth From Healing
Clearing distortions with healing trauma brings a soul back to wholeness.
You experience a shift in the repair of your soul matrix with an inner knowing that something has “clicked” from the inside.
The “click” feels like a switch that you have turned on.
A vibrational upgrade with matrix reimprinting takes place after repair work. It happens when you integrate spiritual truths into the deepest recesses at the cellular level. Soul integration takes place experientially. Potentially, you can expect to feel more complete, more together and well.
Through an integrative process, you are ultimately reminded that…
You are a spiritual being in a human experience.
And it is in the physical realm of existence that you manifest your divinity.
Update: I sometimes still ask myself existential questions. However, I no longer experience the same level of disconnection, frustration and disruption as before.
It is with healing and recovery that instead of feeling that “I don’t belong”…
there is an inner knowing: I DO have a place here on Earth.
Interested to reverse sabotaging patterns that keep you stuck?
Consider working on healing your issues at root cause. Healing birth trauma with matrix reimprinting could be what you need. It’s essential self-love healing. Give your permission to heal here…
Love and Abundance Always,
Abundance Coach
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