Apply The Power of Incantations for Visioning Success | Tips from Tony Robbins

What are Incantations?
I assume that you are already very familiar with what positive affirmations are by now. But what about incantations? What is the difference between an incantation and a positive affirmation? Well, I found out what the difference was when I attended Tony Robbins’ Unleash the Power Within seminar.
What are incantations, in the first place?
As I understand it, one easy way to know what incantations are is to recall the Harry Potter movies that you’ve watched. You would have seen Hermionie Granger making an incantation as she waves her magic wand and in a powerful stance. Incantations are usually made with a lot of energy, which leads to powerful manifestation or visioning success.
Incantations are statements of wishes or desires that you say with absolute firmness. You engage your full body and physiology when incanting. You have 100% belief that manifesting your desire is coming true for you. No doubt exists in your mind.A single shred of doubt reduces the power of the incantation. It causes you to hesitate, hold back or stops you from applying the full power of your subconscious mind for incanting. In Harry Potter’s world, chances are your broomstick is not going to fly or you are ever going to get a troll’s club to levitate. For most of us – in the muggle world – it means that we are not able to fully manifest or achieve what we want.
What is the Difference between Using the Power of Incantations versus Positive Affirmations
Tony Robbins makes a distinction between using incantations and affirmations.
If you are merely verbalizing the words without emotion, desire and feeling, then the affirmations are not going to work as effectively. The statements that you utter are just positive affirmations or even intentions.
However, if you associate fully with the words in the body, mind and spirit and envision the manifestation of the desire as true and a done deal, you are incanting.
Incantation involves the element of visualizing, if I may add. You are using the power of the mind actively. It’s almost like you are creating magic in the moment of now when incanting.
Apply Tony Robbins’ Power of Incantations
Here are 3 incantations that Tony Robbins uses…he verbalises them loudly, expressively and with powerful gestures….
“I now command my subconscious mind to direct me in helping as many people as possible today by giving me the strength, the emotion, the persuasion, the humor, the brevity-whatever it takes to show these people and get these people to better their lives now.”
“God’s wealth is circulating in my life. His wealth flows to me in avalanches of abundance. All my needs, desires and goals are met instantaneously by infinite intelligence and I give thanks for all my good now and for all Gods riches for I am one with God and God is everything.”
Now I am the Voice.
I will LEAD, not follow.
I will BELIEVE, not doubt.
I will CREATE, not destroy.
I am a Force for GOOD.
I am a Leader.
Defy the odds!
Set a new standard!
Step up!
Envision with the Power of Incantation
Here’s what I had learnt after reading many real life cases from those who have made it: Success is a formula that can be applied. And using incantations is one way that successful people like Tony Robbins have used to turn the impossible to I am possible. Check out Tony Robbins‘ work here.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Success is not an action but a habit.” Aristotle
Let’s model success. What Tony Robbins has shared has upleveled my practice of using affirmations and visioning. I am already incorporating more physiology such that I turn affirmations into incantations. Energy flows where attention goes. Because there is a lot more power behind repeating incantations, I suggest consider making the practice a regular routine.
Tony Robbins says his incantations daily!
“With incantations, you don’t just speak it, you embody what you’r saying…and you do it with enough repetitions that it sticks.” Tony Robbins
You can always create your own incantations, if you feel inclined to. Write one that resonates with you. Work your magic!
Love and abundance always,
Evelyn Lim
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