
Options That Money Can Buy

It is true that most of us enjoy a higher standard of living as compared to the time of our grandparents. We have better homes, bigger cars, nicer holidays, appliances that make things convenient for us and more money.

Yet, are you happier than say your parents or grandparents? Many younger and younger folks these days are suffering from chronic depression. It appears that even with economic prosperity, not everyone is happy.

I used to think that many of my problems will be solved by having money. But I soon realised that it has been a never ending goal – to make more and more money. And I’ve not been necessarily happier than before when I had less.

Money definitely cannot buy happiness. It is merely a medium of exchange. I know realise that money in itself is not what I’m after but it is the freedom that I truly want. The ability to have options. The ability to choose how I want to live my life.

Here are some of the options that money can buy for me:

* The option to work from home.

* The option of going overseas so that my kids can see the world and help broaden their perspectives.

* The option to explore parts of the world that can open my mind further.

* The option to continually upgrade myself through self help tools, books and retreats.

* The option of having a house in a serene and peaceful environment.

* The option to use the money wisely, to help in humanity and all mankind.

So money is the enabler that will put me in the position of having more choices in life. Money if put to good use can bring about happiness. Think about the impact you can make if you have a million dollars to contribute to charity versus ten dollars. And that’s what we want ultimately, isn’t it? Happiness.

Hence, when you want more wealth, don’t just have an aim to make X amount of dollars. Give your goals some meaning by asking yourself what are you really after. Ask yourself if it is the sports car, the designer wear or the luxury home – all materalistic items – that is truly important to you? Of course, if you have lots of money, you can have the option of buying all these. But when you put a meaningful purpose behind it, you will find that life’s journey is more satisfying.

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troy - January 9, 2008

Your site was very helpful. I look forward to more future postings. Thank You

admin - January 10, 2008

Thank you, Troy, for being so kind. I certainly look forward to having more insights and sharing them.

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