Money Is Not a Dirty Word

Money is not a dirty word.
Yet, many people make it out to be.
They avoid talking about it at all cost. They squirm whenever they have to ask for money in exchange for their service or product. They conclude that the desire for money is a sin, partly from watching way too many Hollywood movies about how the pursuit for money corrupts the mind. Then, there are the religious ones take comfort in being spiritual and poor.
“Not when truth is dirty, but when it is shallow, does the enlightened man dislike to wade into its waters.” Friedrich Nietzsche
Well, let’s put things in perspective.
Money is in the form of cash and coins. It is a convenient form of exchange. It helps to make trade efficient.
In the early days, there was only barter trade. People were trading their items with one another. However, the early form did not allow for transferability and divisibility.
Imagine this. A rancher who rears cows but who desires to have carrots will have to find a farmer who grows carrots and who would like to have beef for dinner. In fact, the rancher is likely to face great difficulty because he has to divide one entire cow to make exchanges with various farmers at the same time.
Eventually, men (and women) – being creative – came up with the idea of using money – which is backed by gold. Today, we get to enjoy a wide range of products and services due to increased international trade. Internet transactions are also easily made via money transfers for the exchange of products and services.
Whether money is dirty or not is a result of our thoughts and feelings around it. On the extreme, some even regard money as filth. They perceive that the desire for money as morally bad.
Desire for Money
Well, the desire to make money is nothing wrong. Desire is borne out of the wish for something more. Desire is very much a natural human instinct. Without desire, there would not be any growth. There will be no product innovations or technological advancements, for instance.
Desire can be a good thing. You can desire to do good in the world. To desire to do good in the world is to be aligned with purpose. You are inspired to serve others in a meaningful way.
The desire to make money comes from the wish to have an expanded experience of life. Money is a means that can offer a breath of options. And, the more money we have, the more options we can have. With more options available to us, we can have the freedom to exercise more conscious choices. We can direct excess funds to worthy causes that we fervently believe in.
Release Fear-Driven Attachment
Obviously, if desire starts to manifest as greed, then suffering arises. Greed is fear-driven. It springs from poverty consciousness, a paradigm based on lack. Greed happens when you worship money.
Desires that enhance life come from the center of our hearts. Desires that detract life are driven from fear. Since money is a means to an end, the question to ask ourselves is: for what purpose do we desire money for?
Ultimately, greed or any attachment to money or whatsoever offers us life lessons. We learn that to be happy, we need to release these. We learn to value the more important things in life. We learn that the hidden meaning of money is not attachment but true freedom.
Money is Not A Dirty Word
And so, money is only dirty when you perceive it to be so.
Clean up your story if you hope to attract more than enough money into your life!
Love and Abundance Always,
Abundance Alchemy Coach
P.S. Need help to clean up your money story? Apply for a complimentary spring cleaning consultation here.
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