
Manifest Your Dreams – Attend The Vision Board Mastery Workshop

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain

vision board mastery workshop

The Vision Board Mastery Workshop is going to be held once again in Singapore next month.

There are many great benefits to attending a physical workshop for the making of a vision board:

1. You are able to raise the level of your focused attention on your dream from having made a vision board. Your vision becomes clearer due to an increased understanding of who you are and what your heart-centered dream is. Where focused attention goes, energy flows!

2. You go home with a vision board. No more procrastination! No more delay in getting one done! You will be given time to work on a vision board during the workshop.

3. You have the opportunity to reinforce important concepts in a shared space. Learn to apply the Law of Attraction effectively for powerful results! No more time wasting from going round and round in circles.

4. There is nothing like sharing your dream with a group of like-minded folks. For any dream to come true, energetic support from a team can help to raise its vibration to the Universe. Yay!!

5. You get more energized about achieving your vision! More energy = more success.

6. Friends and clients testify that it is hard to date me. Well, if you attend the workshop, we get to meet each other in person 🙂

So join me at The Vision Board Mastery Workshop – Details available here http://www.VisionBoardMastery.com

Looking forward to seeing you soon,

evelyn lim signature

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