Look Fabulous Above 40: Tips by Facebook Fans
“A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.”
“Fashion fades but only style remains the same.”
– Coco Chanel
The fear of aging can strike at any age but 40, in particular, is seen as the year that inflicts a great majority of people, particularly women, with a sense of trepidation. Following my article on the Fear of Aging, I decided to invite the public or rather fans and friends on Facebook for tips on how to look young.
I am not about to suggest solutions like Botox jobs, gold-flaked face creams or invasive procedures. I know for a fact that these do not solve a root problem in low self-esteem, even though they can help enhance confidence. On the other hand, I believe that it is important to embrace ourselves and not sink into harsh self-criticism should we enjoy looking great.
We are spirits having a physical experience. We are here to experience life in multi-faceted ways. So if looking fabulous – without tipping over to an obsession over appearance – adds to the fun of our human experience, I’d say why not?
Perhaps what is key is about balance, the Middle Path, aligning chakras, holistic health….with slabs of bright red lipstick every now and then!
Without further ado, let me collate some of the tips that have been contributed on both my personal and Abundance Tapestry FB wall…
“Practise physical exercises properly, have a balance diet everyday, keep your mind fresh, live positively!” – Grass Green
“Yoga” – Lama Leo, Linda Hardstone, Judy Pope, Rackesh Landeri
“Belly dance” – Genya G Bonfield
“For me, i think sleep is very important, sleeping early and having enough sleep, does help in keeping those youthful looks and also drinks loads of water daily and wear loads of sunscreen. Premature aging at times are caused by being over exposed to the sun and lastly, be young at heart.” – Cindy Tan
“Good sleep” – Rackesh Landeri
“Sleep early” – Sam Ong
“Trying to age gracefully with the help of a few holistic pills, fish oil for the skin, Probiotics for the stomach and immune system. And a B12 shot once a month. AND LOTS OF SUN SCREEN!” – Jennifer Lowry-Downy
“Our brain and digestive systems use the most energy… if we know how to manage the use of our energy, we’d be better off ;)” – William Yeo
“Have a balanced diet everyday” – Grass Green
“…eat well, drink water…” – Genya G Bonfield
“Finally, GOD (which is where I should have started) loves you more than you’ll ever know and wherever you are He’s there so: SMILE, IT IMPROVES YOUR FACE VALUE!” – Jeannette Fields-Watkins
“God” – Shawn Dooley-Godwin
Love Yourself
“…just claim your power over your negative talk and you will age more graciously and gracefully.” – Genya G Bonfield
“Looking fabulous over 40 means loving your age,loving who you are, growing into yourself, having a healthy self esteem, looking awesome from the inside out, having a great soul, giving, loving, being selfless. Having a positive attitude, living your best possible life, giving your best to everyone around you. Being present and authentic. Doing what you love. If you have all these, you will look fabulous over 40,50,60..” Nancy Hauschildt, www.yoursouladvice.com
“Live your life with purpose, clear out toxicity in your life, especially people!” – Jeannette Fields-Watkins
“Let go of the past and live in the present.” – Alan Chu
“…do what you love, spend time with like minded people!” – Judy Pope
“Don’t stay with abusive partners.” – Serene Siow
Loving and living
“Being authentic along with with being loyal and honest to yourself imparts grace and contentment to one’s personality .This inner charm never fades away and keeps one always young.” – Vandana Kumar Seth
“What I want is to love the me that I am now having appreciated my uniqueness along the way. Wholeheartedly with pride. Marveling in each new crisscrosses of wrinkles that show so many years of living, loving and being one with myself.” – Ceora Hull
“Don’t take everything too seriously but act responsibly. Be accountable for your actions. Help others if you have the means and you will feel much better.” – Eddie Young
“Work toward and embrace GRACE in all things.” – Julie Langdon Barrett, A Clear Sign
“Live your life with purpose, clear out toxicity in your life, especially people! If u do feel the need to have that nip & tuck, please get your hands done too; they’re a dead give away.” – Jeannette Fields-Watkins
“Let go of the past and live in the present.” – Alan Chu
“…do what you love, spend time with like minded people!” – Judy Pope
“State of mind. Youth is the number of our heart, not our age.” – Andy Soh
“Loving and laughing” – Linda Hartstone
“start with the insides. take every setback in life as a lesson learnt. Be true to yourself and honest with people around you.” – Karyn Low
Smile and Laughter
“I practice the Mona Lisa smile…” – Tina Lai
“When my heart smiles, my skin glows, my being radiates joy. “ Joy Holland Facets of Joy
“Laughter, love, creative expression, and gratitude are my “daily beauty ritual”. Joy Holland, Facets of Joy
“Be happy” – Jana Dawson
Sass and Shine
“By 40, I think the sprinkle of a little sass shows that you have the insight of having lived life and just happen to know what you are talking about. That is what distinguishes 40 from 14.” – Annette Ker
“Shine from within” – Poonam Patel
Update your wardrobe
“Clothes maketh a man, so keep your wardrobe updated regularly.” – Alan Chu
“…travelling as often as possible…” – Linda Hartstone
And Finally…..
I would like to add meditation as a tip. Meditation can help reduce stress and ultimately, decrease the number of frown lines. Better yet, meditate in the midst of nature. As far as I know, connecting with nature also offers great support for graceful aging 🙂
Shine Shine Shine from the Soul Always,
Author. Adventurer. Life Coach. More About Me.
P.S. Join me on my Facebook Page for daily inspiration.
Share Your Tips to Looking Fabulous
What is your tip to looking fabulous at any age? Share what has worked for you in the comments below.
Evelyn Reply:
October 9th, 2012 at 9:25 am
Hello SusanZ,
Thank you for your feedback 🙂
With love,