
Life Vision Mastery Launch Details

Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Your Vision is the promise of what you shall one day be. Your Ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.
— James Allen

life vision mastery program

Interested to turn your passion into a vision to work towards?

Keen to find out more about finding your passion is?

Want to increase the chances of success with bringing a project to fruition?

Don’t mistake it to mean that it is simply about goal setting alone.

Visioning encompasses more than just setting a bunch of statistics to meet.

The answers and more are covered in a visioning program that I have been teaching in workshops held here in Singapore.

From the start of this year, I have been working on converting these to an online home study course. It has been my dream to reach out to people, not just locally but from all over the world. And there is no better way than through making it available on the internet.

So even if you are not able to attend my workshop, you will still be able to get a copy of my online program. My program has been put together from my experiences with Neuro-linguistic Programing, the study of subconscious mind power, law of attraction, self-discovery exercises and guided visualization. Very importantly, it facilitates you into creating a more powerful vision board.

My dream has kept me going, despite meeting with a number of challenge in the previous months. And hence, the delay in getting my program out. Suffice to say, I went through a succession of life lessons myself on stepping up, letting go, maintaining focus and sticking things out over this period. I gritted my teeth and work through one challenge, most of which are technical in nature, at a time.

Well, it seems that the period is coming to an end.

I have slated the launch date for my online visioning program to be on July 17, 2012.

There will be an early bird discount during the launch period. The offer will be too good to be missed! In the meantime, please mark the date down on your calendar and keep yourself posted on further news.

One reminder: if you have not gotten my free pre-launch gifts yet, you can download them here.

To your visioning success,

P.S. The theme for July is Vision, obviously. We have been moving from the theme on Law of Attraction in April, Creativity in May and Passion in June. As you can see, it all flows in a beautiful sequence. If you have not read any of these articles, do check out the archives!

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