
Lessons Learned From The Law of Attraction

lessons from law of attraction
(lessons from the pebble; photo by antony_mayfield)

Her domain name, Happy Lotus, made me smile the first time I saw it. Lotus represents peace and compassion. But “Happy Lotus” clearly has a joyous ring to it too. Today’s guest post is by Nadia Ballas-Ruta of Happy Lotus. Nadia emailed me about having personal experiences of how her thoughts created her reality. I am honored to feature her message in an article about the law of attraction on my site.

The Lessons Learned From The Law of Attraction
Written by Nadia Ballas-Ruta

Back in 1998, I was watching an episode of Oprah where she said that a lesson keeps being repeated until it is learned. What she said next is the only other thing I remember from that show: “Life first will send the lesson to you in the size of a pebble; if you ignore the pebble, then life will send you a brick; if you ignore the brick, life will send you a brick wall; if you ignore the brick wall, life will send you a demolition truck.” How little did I know at that time that her advice would be the exact method of how I learned my lesson regarding the Law of Attraction.

The Pebble: Learning the Power of the Goal Book

I first became aware of the law of attraction when my mom was reading one of the Chicken Soup For The Soul books. I do not recall which particular book of the series it was but I remember that there was a passage where a woman had collected images from magazines that represented the things that she wanted in her life. The woman claimed that within three years she had attained everything she had placed in her goal book.

The concept sounded legit to me and in retrospect (considering how I was at that time), I have no idea why. I then bought a bunch of magazines and tore the pictures that represented what I wanted: a law degree (picture of a diploma which I wrote law degree on); a picture of a luxury high-rise apartment building; and finally a picture with a woman on her way to work as her husband slept and she had everything she wanted in life. Within a year, I began law school and was living in a luxury high rise apartment. You would think this would be enough evidence that the law of attraction was correct and powerful. It wasn’t.

The Brick: The Lesson of Visualization

Six months into law school, I realized that I wanted to work at the office U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy. John F. Kennedy was someone whom I admired greatly and I so much wanted to work for his brother. I would walk by his office building and visualize going to work there. I then found out that his office was accepting applications. I sent mine in and to make a long story short, I got the job and every aspect that I had visualized came true. However, I still was not convinced about the power of the law of attraction.

The Brick Wall: The Law of Attraction Works According to the Intensity of Your Thoughts and Feelings

As you may recall, in my goal book I had an image of a romantic relationship where the woman in the image was on her way to work while her husband was still in bed. The goal of finding the right man was one of the goals that I really did not focus on because I was so distracted with other things and my attitude towards romance was not healthy at that time.

I used to suffer from the concept that I needed a man to complete me. Once I learned to love myself and held the image of a healthy relationship in my mind, that is when it arrived. Interestingly, at that stage of my life, I used to leave for work earlier than my husband so each morning looked like the picture which was in my original goal book.

Despite getting all the things I wanted in my goal book, I never made the connection that the law of attraction worked because in the course of the day I was influenced by the forces that surrounded me. At that time in my life, the majority of people in my life were somewhat cynical and had the belief that people have to be practical. Being positive and believing you could achieve your dreams was considered naïve. That is when the demolition truck came into play.

The Demolition Truck: The Law of Attraction Works on the Negative Side Also

Around the time I had met my husband, I discovered the music of singer/songwriter Jewel. I read up on her life and was impressed with how she became homeless in order to focus on finding her passion in life. Her mother wrote a book (The Architecture of All Abundance) where she described how the purpose of Jewel’s homelessness was to help her find her passion and make her dreams come true.

Upon reading this book, I realized that I so much needed to take the time to find my passion and to discover my dreams. I was tired of being surrounded by people who were so negative. I imagined the freedom of Jewel’s experience and it seemed beautiful. I started to crave the same thing and thought about it all the time.

Within a year, I got that freedom but it came with many hardships because my family and some of my friends thought I had lost my mind because I stopped my career to focus on myself. They treated me as if I were homeless because my financial status was lower than it had been before. Things were very tight economically and it was scary. It was then that I finally learned my lesson regarding the Law of Attraction.

Don’t Forget The Specifics

Once I finally comprehended the power of the Law of Attraction, I went ahead and started creating a way of life that I wanted. I made another goal book. In my free time, I visualize what I want and I do it with a firm belief that someway and somehow it will happen. However, it is important to be specific in what you want.

Jewel had the full support of her family when she went to focus on finding her calling. I ignored that fact and was solely focused on having the experience. It never occurred to me that friends and family would react the way that they did. Therefore, be specific in what you want; imagine every single detail as you would like it to be.

Don’t diffuse your focus and energy by telling others about your desires and goals. Imagine holding a magnifying glass over a piece of paper in order to focus the rays of the sun so it can catch on fire. If you move the glass around, you are but scattering the energy and have no definite focus thus the paper will never burn. If, however, you keep the glass steady, you maintain a focus and your goal will be accomplished much sooner. Also, it is unfortunate but many people upon hearing your goals and desires will openly (or secretly) impose their doubts on your ability to accomplish them and because of that, soon you may even start to doubt yourself. That, to some degree, nullifies or delays the result you wish.

So go ahead and create your life – do your part and the rest will fall into place! The Law of Attraction really does work…don’t wait for the demolition truck to come into your life!

About Nadia and Happy Lotus

happy lotus
(photo by Swami Stream)

Through her site, Nadia hopes to help us realize that our thoughts and feelings are very powerful and that we are the blueprint of our reality. In short, we can find our own version of happiness if we are persistent and determined enough. She wants it be known that each of us has a purpose and how beautiful we are.

She has a lovely mission, don’t you think? Do check out her site at Happy Lotus!!

Abundance always,

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Sherri (Serene Journey) - April 6, 2009

I know exactly which episode of Oprah you’re talking about…I saw it too! 🙂 At the time I thought oh that’s neat but didn’t see how it applied to me. Now that I’m older, and dare I say wiser, I see that it really does work. Being aware of what you want, specifically, makes you more likely to see the opportunities when they arise; and when you are able to see them you are able to take advantage of them, thus getting what you want sooner. I love it!

People certainly will cast doubt, especially if your goals and desires are a little less conventional or are out of *their* comfort zone. It is unfortunate, but it’s important to brush it off, realize that your goals and desires aren’t for everyone (that’s why they’re yours), and stay true to yourself. By doing that you can certainly achieve greatness. Thanks for a lovely post!

Robin - April 6, 2009

Hi Nadia and Evelyn

Thanks for this story! I can relate to the attitude of others bit – everyone thought was mad when I chose to live on very little money, so I could do what I wanted to do, for quite a few years.

An interesting thing about the demolition truck is that once it has hit, and we finally “get” it, it’s as though we are innoculated and those things don’t happen to us again.

Michael - April 6, 2009

Hi, Evelyn! This is my first time here. Looks like a great blog, I’m going to come back and visit when I have some more time.

Great post! You know, when I think of the law of attraction, I like to imagine two seeds – lets say an avocado seed and an orange seed. You could plop them both into the same ground 10 feet apart or so, and (given the right conditions) both will grow to become full fruit-bearing trees.

The really amazing thing is that somehow they both attract exactly what they need. The avocado seed attracts what it needs to become an avocado tree, and the orange seed attracts what it needs to become an orange tree. Even though their needs are different, each draws in what it requires from the very same environment.

They see their own destiny where a guy like me sees only dirt in the ground. So I agree that the visualization piece, faith, and also the ability to tune out naysayers is very important.

Congratulations on the guest post.

Carla - April 6, 2009

Thank you for sharing your story. Over the past year and a half, I have accomplished and gained so much the law of attraction. I have also learned some lessons along the way. ‘Be careful what you wish for’ is soooo true! I so needed these reminders.

Evelyn - April 6, 2009

Hi Sherri,

I enjoyed reading your comment. You made me wish that I watch the same Oprah episode too!

Most definitely, all the stuff about setting intentions and turning them into reality works! Skeptics are never going to prove them. It is just common sense. If they don’t even believe in them in the first place, how are they going to see that it works in their life?

I choose to tell my dreams only to those whom I feel will be supportive. Instead of spending too much time convincing those who doubt, I prefer to allocate my time into following my own practice or focusing on what I can do.

I wish you much success!

Abundance always,

Ariel Bravy - April 6, 2009

haha, what fun.. happylotus.com has been sitting in my toolbar for the past day or so, ready for me to read her article, then you post it up here. i love synchronicity!!

Evelyn - April 6, 2009


I find your uniqueness and unconventional ways appealing, even if everyone else can think you mad. I’m glad that you take the time out for some self discovery!

You always make me laugh. Your analogy about being innoculated is so funny!!

Have a great week ahead,

Evelyn - April 6, 2009


Welcome to my site. You are in good company!! Only those who realize that they have the ability to choose what they wish to see – whether dirt on the ground or diamonds in the sky – frequent here.

Much love and blessings,

Evelyn - April 6, 2009

@Carla, I cannot agree more that wishes do come true. Let’s see now. I wish that you will get all your good wishes 🙂

@Ariel, my partner in the synchronicity dance of life, welcome back to my site! Hope you like Nadia’s article!!!

Daphne @ Joyful Days - April 6, 2009

Great personal story, Nadia! Wow, it’s amazing that your life turned out exactly as you wanted, and then you went about the whole process again. It’s awesome. I have the life I dreamed of years ago, and maybe it’s time to take the next step with new goals too, just like you have. Thanks for the sharing and the inspiration!

Focus is a Personal thing ! - April 6, 2009

[…] is a little gem of analogy and metaphor I picked up from Evelyn Lim and Happy Lotus “ Imagine holding a magnifying glass over a piece of paper in order to focus […]

Lessons Learned From The Law of Attraction — happylotus.com - April 6, 2009

[…] a guest post at Attraction Mind Map, which is another blog that I love . The title of the post is Lessons Learned From The Law of Attraction. Special thanks to Evelyn for letting me have a guest post. […]

Nadia - Happy Lotus - April 6, 2009

@ Evelyn – I love the lotus flower picture! Thank you so much for all that you wrote concerning me and for the guest post.

@ Sherri – You are right, one of the most important things we can do is to remain true to ourselves. I am happy that you liked the post.

@ Robin – I love comment about the immunity that comes with being hit by the demolition truck. I have come to notice that myself.

@Michael – Thank you! I love the example of the seeds too. You right, they each know what to do without any struggle.

@Carla – I know…”be careful what you wish for” is one of those sayings that so many people recite but they don’t realize the power of their wishes.

@Ariel – I am with you on synchronicity! I love it when it happens!

@Daphne – I am so happy your liked the article! Goals evolve as we evolve so it never hurts to update and take the next steps!

Jay Schryer - April 6, 2009

This is a great article, Nadia! Like others, I like the analogy of sending the pebble, then the brick…etc. I have seen it work in my own life time after time. Now, I wish I would start paying attention to the pebble, so I can stop being visited by the demolition truck! Ah well…at least I’m learning. Slowly, but surely 🙂

Linda - April 6, 2009

Hi Evelyn,
Great story and thank you for sharing. I need some positive energy in my life and I seem to attract people that are very needed. Now I am beginning to attract people that love themselves like you all, and I am looking forward to having only great things in life and surrounding myself around attracting the good.

Mary Madeline - April 6, 2009

Hi Nadia and Evelyn,

Thank you so much for sharing! The story really hits home. I have noticed the same for me and the things I attract into my life. Really need the reminder – been a little unfocused lately with so many things going on, but I created it and now it is time to turn it around before the demolition truck. (have had that one before – don’t need it again – LOL). =)

It is amazing how we get proof and warning signs in plain sight, but don’t always have our eyes and ears open. Because I have been there, I now tap (EFT) daily on gratitude and for me to become aware of the signs within as without. (Since we really don’t have to go to the demolition truck).

So many stories, from Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie, to Neal D. Walsh are being told, how they reached the “bottom” to get to where they are now. Well for a long time I thought I had to reach the bottom too, but then thought “do I really have to and do I want to?” So with that I changed my mind and also realized how powerful our beliefs system is in working with Law of Attraction – and is it what we want and who we are?

Thank you for letting me share and I love you all,

Mary Madeline

P.S. You both, Evelyn and Nadia are inspiring, keep up the wonderful you.

Lisis | Quest For Balance - April 6, 2009

Hi, Nadia! Just this morning I was visualizing YOU posting one of your fantastic articles that make me hang on every word, but in a new and wonderful blog for me to discover. And looky here… 😉

I love the story, and completely believe the lesson. I’m so glad I followed you here because it’s my first time at Attraction Mind Map, and I LOVE it.

Great Job to both of you!!!

Nadia-Happy Lotus - April 6, 2009

@ Jay – Thank you for the kind words. At least you are aware and you are learning. Sometimes, though, it does take the demolition truck to make us wake up. I wish that weren’t the case but it is! However, as Robin stated…you gain immunity once you get hit with the demolition truck! 🙂

@ Mary Madeline – I am so happy that you like the post. Good for you for wanting to prevent the demolition truck. And here is some love right back at you! 🙂

@ Lisis – I am so happy you discovered Evelyn’s site! She has a wonderful blog and her material is awesome. And thank you for visualizing me in such a positive way! 🙂

Positively Present - April 6, 2009

I’m a big fan of Happy Lotus and I’m happy that I was introduced to this site through that fantastic blog. The Law of Attraction is very interesting, and I particularly like the idea of the Goal Book. I think Oprah did a segment on this at some point, but it was more like a Goal Board.

Jake | Revive Your Life - April 6, 2009


This was a very insightful guest post. I believe the most important point that you made is that of keeping your goals to yourself to maintain focus. You’re right – our lofty goals tend to intimidate some people to the point that they will insert doubt or downplay the importance of these goals. I see this as nothing more than jealousy or their own lack of self-motivation. In this case, being able to ignore or deflect negativity is an extremely important trait to have.

Thanks again.

kirwin - April 6, 2009

I’m so glad I found this site, via Nadia. This blog is going on my Daily Reads!!

Great post, Nadia. I love Oprah’s analogy, and I love how you showed us through your life experiences. I’ve made a vision board in the past, but I’ve ceased to look at it. Why?…not sure I’m going to pull it out, dust it off, and begin daily meditating with it. Thanks for the reminder!!

Hilda - April 6, 2009

Hi Nadia & Evelyn,

I too saw that episode of Oprah and the message stuck with me! And I can resonate with the message about being specific. As Carla said “be very careful what you wish for!”

In my first ever coaching session my coach asked me to describe my vision of my perfect life. I had never been asked to do that before, but with great ease I rattled off my description. And I put it away and forgot about it.

Six months later I was living it!! BUT – what enabled me to do that was being off work on extended sick leave. I was receiving pay, so financially it wasn’t a disaster, but I was sick and that wasn’t good. Then one day I came across my Vision and when I read it over I was dumbfounded. I realised two things: a) I was now living that life and b) I never mentioned work or my health!

So, now I’m very careful. I regularly update my vision and I’m careful to include my work and my health. But interesting point about the magnifying glass – maybe I do move it around the page too much…

Thank you both so much for this post!

all the best,


Nadia-Happy Lotus - April 6, 2009

@ Positively Present – Thank you for the kind words! Evelyn has many wonderful posts on the law of attraction so please be sure to check out her old posts too! 🙂

@ Jake – Yes, deflecting negativity is important. I wish that were not the case but some people are the way that they are. I am so happy that you found the post insightful!

@ Kirwin – You are welcome! By all means, add Evelyn’s site to your list of daily reads and do pull out that vision board. 🙂

@ Hilda – Sometimes we need an experience like the one you mentioned to realize the importance of being specific. I think sometimes we are unaware of the specifics because we just want the end result. So good for you for learning that lesson. As for the magnifying glass, you made me laugh! 🙂

janice - April 6, 2009

Really enjoyed this, Nadia – you write so effortlessly! The pebble brick wall demolition truck analogy is firmly rooted now. I actually have a good luck chrysocolla pebble that I carry when I fear my words will get me into trouble. It resonates with the chakra connected to speech, singing and thyroid. (I had a thyroid tumour removed after Chernobyl and learned never to take my voice for granted again.)

And another thing I like about your site and Evelyn’s (Hi Evelyn, I’ve seen you around in other people’s comments – nice to finally ‘meet’ you!) is that the commenters you both attract are so positive and expressive too!

David Cain - April 7, 2009

Hi Nadia, great post. Made me smile, as usual. Yeah, the LoA definitely goes both ways. I sure created a lot of miserable stuff in my life before I realized what I was doing.

Any of you who haven’t checked out Happy Lotus yet should do so. Check out the Doggie in the City post, it’s my current favorite.

Nadia-Happy Lotus - April 7, 2009

@ Janice – Thank you so much for the compliment regarding my writing. You have no idea how happy that makes me feel. That is great about having a pebble to remind you to never take your voice for granted. Sometimes we need major events to make us appreciate what we have! BTW, I am happy that you survived Chernobyl! 🙂 And yes, there many wonderful people out there as demonstrated by the comments left on Evelyn’s blog and on mine!

@ David – Thank you for the kind words and for mentioning one of my other posts.

J.D. Meier - April 7, 2009

Beautiful write up.

My take aways are passion, focus, and optimism … and see the end in mind.

Nadia-Happy Lotus - April 7, 2009

@ J.D. Meier – Thank you so much for the positive feedback. 🙂

Vered - MomGrind - April 7, 2009

I’m a big – no, make that a HUGE skeptic when it comes to the Law of Attraction, but this was an interesting read nonetheless.

Nadia - Happy Lotus - April 7, 2009

@ Vered – No worries. I am glad that you found it to be an interesting read. 🙂

JB - April 7, 2009

I’m trying to figure out what lesson it is that I need to learn, because I’ve certainly been hit with not just one, but a whole fleet of demolition trucks in the past couple of years. Any idea how to find out? Very interesting post.

Jonathan | EnlightenYourDay.com - April 7, 2009

Fantastic post Evelyn. I loved this quote in particular. “lesson keeps being repeated until it is learned.”

“Life first will send the lesson to you in the size of a pebble; if you ignore the pebble, then life will send you a brick; if you ignore the brick, life will send you a brick wall; if you ignore the brick wall, life will send you a demolition truck.”

Thanks for sharing…

Thanks for sharing…

Vikum - April 7, 2009

Hi Nadia & Evelyn,
My every visit to Happy Lotus makes me happy 🙂 . You’ve shared a great story with really valuable lessons. It’s pretty interesting how daringly you were /are to chasing your dreams and attain success.
I too need to try out this visualization 🙂

Thanks a lot you both and Have a great day!

Katie West/The Levity Coach - April 7, 2009

I really agree with your points about the intensity of the feelings as it relates to the power of attraction and also what we are surrounded by. I think the last point is very challenging as it means a departure from the way we have been living and on occasion, sometimes reevaluating the company we keep. I have been thinking a lot about the courage it takes not only for us to grow but also the courage it takes to let our community in on our new growth and keep them updated with how we want their support. I am sure I will be thinking about your article today!
Love your site…you are up in my toolbar now too! 🙂

Lance - April 7, 2009

Hi Evelyn,
Well….this is interesting. I just discovered Nadia’s blog a few days ago, and then here she is on one of my favorite sites! How awesome!! And thanks for spotlighting her.

Hi Nadia,
It’s great to see you here! And to hear part of your journey. I love that you’ve embraced this idea of visualizing what you want – and then have went out and achieved it. You bring up a great point, that some people will always be skeptical or negative because we’re working to create the life we desire. And we should forge forward anyway – knowing that for all those that might try to bring us down – there are those out there who want to see us succeed. You’re on of them Nadia – you shine! And in sharing your story, I’m uplifted in what awaits me also! What a wonderful story to read this morning!

jessica - April 7, 2009

I really am starting to believe that “Life first will send the lesson to you in the size of a pebble; if you ignore the pebble, then life will send you a brick…”

Some lessons are harder to get though. This is what pops up in my mind: I lost a baby at 23 weeks pregnancy, due to premature labor. He was just too young to survive. I reflected and thought I had a lesson to learn from this loss. Also: I thought I had gotten it! I figured I had to learn to be more humble about creation, that I had to learn more about compassion for other people suffering, etc. And I figured I had learned a lot from this experience.

But the pebble become a rock. I had another miscarriage half a year later. This time I though I had to learn about being impatient. I added it up to the other life lessons learned and was ready to embrace life.

The rock became a brick after a 3rd miscarriage. What is it that I am not getting? By now I was getting extremely jealous of other women (and friends!) getting pregnant easily, having a 2nd or even 3rd baby. Jealousy is a hard lesson to deal with. And it surely didn’t help me much when the brick became a cement wall at the 4th miscarriage.

I was at loss. Therapy, writing, lots and lots of self work and reflecting and I thought I got it this time. Enough already God, Universe, I GET IT. I had to learn a lesson.

Last month the demolition truck hit me. A fifth loss. Now I think I am finally getting the “lesson”: letting go! It might not be for me. This dream of having a big family might not be for me. I can’t “plan” these things.


What’s after the demolition truck? Peace?

Nadia - Happy Lotus - April 7, 2009

@ J.B. – Good question. I think it depends on the effect of the impact (meaning the intensity) of the event and each person has their own levels of what they consider is a pebble or a brick or a brick wall or a demolition truck. Does that help?

@Jonthan – I am so happy that you liked the post. I am so grateful to Evelyn for the opportunity! 🙂

@ Vikum – You are very kind. You are most welcome and have a happy day too! 🙂

@Katie W – Thank you so much for all the support. I am starting to think that many things boil down to courage and the absence of fear. So I know what you mean. Great comment! 🙂

@Lance – You are so sweet. Your comment made me smile. I am so grateful. You are a shiny person too! 🙂

@ Jessica – You sure have been through so much. That has to be hard on you emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I have no idea what I can say to ease your pain but please know that life has a way of working things out for the best. One of my friends was told she would never have children, she went through in vitro twice and nothing happened. Then a year later she conceived the old-fashioned way. She then became pregnant again shortly after she gave birth to her first child. You never know what life has in store. So keep the faith and never give up hope. 🙂

Mary/GoodlifeZEN - April 8, 2009

Lovely post!

There’s one thing I see differently: “Don’t diffuse your focus and energy by telling others about your desires and goals.”

I think that telling others boldly of our wildest dreams actually makes them happen! It turns our dreams into heat-seeking missiles that cannot miss.

Marelisa - April 8, 2009

Hi Nadia and Evelyn: I think most people go through a “difficult” time until they finally hit upon what they’re really meant to do. Most of us start off doing what society expects from us until one day we can’t stand it anymore and just get off the treadmill. Then all those still standing on the treadmill stare as if something really strange just happened. It’s important to have enough conviction and confidence to ride out the difficult times until we emerge on the other side as the human beings we were really meant to be. Lovely post 🙂

Nadia - Happy Lotus - April 8, 2009

@ Mary/GoodlifeZEN – I am so happy that you liked the post and thank you so much for sharing your point of view. In the past, considering the friends that I had at that time in my life, they did not quite understand my dreams or believe they could come true. Their negativity made things more of a challenge for me. However, if the friends I have now were in my life back then, sharing some of my dreams with them might have resulted in a different reaction. I do agree that the intensity (which you referred to as boldly) with which we visualize and believe in the accomplishment of our goals, determines the speed of their manifestation! 🙂

@Marelisa – I am so happy that you enjoyed the post. Yes, we each have a purpose in life and sometimes it is in those moments when we are challenged beyond our comfort zones that we grow and learn the most. It is through those moments that we see our true selves or at least get a better idea of who we are.

Evelyn - April 8, 2009


I am sorry for your losses. Your experiences are traumatic. Thanks for sharing what you’ve been through.

I don’t mean to pitch but I’m just thinking that having a soul cleanse may be helpful. I can only share from the perspective that some of the difficulties that we experience in this current lifetime have root causes in past lives. I am not sure if you would want to investigate having an akashic record reading. Having an akashic record reading done may reveal certain blocks caused by past life actions, allowing the opportunity for a soul cleanse. Soul cleanse can help clear negative energies.

Have faith and courage!!

Evelyn - April 8, 2009


I read the article with the understanding that Nadia meant not to diffuse energy by sharing our dreams with those who are negative. I happen to have a number of friends who are non-believers. I don’t deny having a preference not to share about what I am doing with them. I feel that it uses up too much of my energy. I am not going to convince them anyway. I don’t intend to. It sounds selfish but I am protective of my energetic state.

On the other hand, I share my dreams with my husband and closest friends. I am lucky to have their support since they are also on the same path and share similar interests in metaphysics, meditation, spirituality, energy healing, etc. I’d agree that telling them boldly “turns our dreams into heat-seeking missiles that cannot miss”.

Abundance always,

Matthew @ Polaris Rising - April 8, 2009

Of the major teachings of the law of attraction, I usually find there’s something missing: that we simply don’t know who we are and what we want. There is an incredibly large part of ourselves – our essence – which we are usually not that aware or in alignment with.

This is relevant when we keep working to attract something but then try to force the rest of ourselves in that direction, without really listening to our full selves if it’s fully desired. Sometimes wealth isn’t!

Nadia - Happy Lotus - April 8, 2009

Hi Matthew,

You raise many great points. I think many people have no clue as to who they really are because when we were kids, no one really showed us how to figure that out. There was more emphasis on making a living rather than living. So many people are taught to think more with their head than their heart.

I think many people desire money not because they love money but they love the freedom it will bring. I know so many people who would quit their jobs within seconds if they won the lottery. So the desire for money is really a desire to be free.

Evelyn - April 8, 2009


We are in alignment in our thoughts that we first need to understand who we are at source and what is it that we really want. Which is why I suggest meditation, soul cleansings, connecting spiritually, etc on this site.

I’d like to think that everyone wishes for an abundant life, whatever it means individually to each of us. For some eg philanthropist, it may mean more financial wealth in order to help improve the lives of those who are destitute. For others, it may simply mean having more time and not necessarily financial wealth.

Abundance always,

Natural - April 8, 2009

hi nadia and evelyn

although i’m not really sold on the law of attraction, i’m always so impressed by people’s experiences and how they really get what they want. makes me think i should have another look at this LOA. i do think it’s just a matter of wanting something and then taking the steps to get you there. some people want stuff and they just wait for it to fall out of the sky. i say if you have to work in harmony with your desires. if you want a particular job, put yourself in a position to get it, you want a man, go where men are – don’t stay home – he’s not going to come knocking on your door unless he’s the fedex guy. we have to put some action into our desires. is that the LOA, i don’t know, i just say it’s common sense?

wonderful read.

Evelyn - April 8, 2009

Hello Natural,

I can understand your skepticism. It took me a while to figure everything out.

The law of attraction is really about energy. So yes, it is about creating the vibrational match for what you desire. You may go to where the men are but you may also be attracting the wrong man. It is about changing your state of BEing, to attract someone in the same energetic frequency.

It appears to be “common sense”. But it is not so to those who have no understanding of how energy works.

Abundance always,

Nadia - Happy Lotus - April 8, 2009

Hi Natural!

I think you raised an excellent point which often gets overlooked with the Law of Attraction. Yes, visualize, create your goal book and so on. However, you have to do your part too. I guess that the best way to summarize it is that you have do your best with any given task/goal and let the outcome manifest itself. So visualize getting the job you want but you still have to send in your application. 🙂

Chris Edgar | Purpose Power Coaching - April 9, 2009

You *wished* for a law degree?! Just playing — I wished for one too and received it, with all the glamour and privileges a legal career entails. 🙂 It looks like we eventually took similar paths after we, er, got what we wished for.

Nadia - Happy Lotus - April 9, 2009

Hi Chris,

That is funny! Wow! I have heard of great minds thinking alike but this takes it to a whole new level! Yes, we did get what we wished for so yay for us! 🙂

Jewel/Pink Ink - April 9, 2009

Great post, Evelyn and Nadia.

I do agree that visualizing what we want is very important in attaining our goals. I’ve been looking at a mock-up cover of a novel I have been working on for the past few months, and now I have achieved finishing it. When I got discouraged, I looked at the “cover”. Good for you, Nadia, working to achieve what makes you most fulfilled!

Nadia - Happy Lotus - April 10, 2009

Hi Jewel!

I am so happy that you enjoyed the post! I love the idea of how you made a mock-up of the cover of your novel. That is very creative and unique. You have a great attitude and outlook! Good for you too! 🙂

Jocelyn - April 11, 2009

@Evelyn – Fine post about how the Law of Attraction happens in our lives and gradually becomes so visible to us that we can’t ignore it a minute more.

@Nadia – I’m so happy to hear about how the Law of Attraction works in your life. There is really a power in our desires, coupled with prayer intention and inspired action. Thanks for an inspiring life!

betaphi - April 11, 2009

What a happy place this is. I almost want to use an exclamation mark with that sentence, but I’m trying to harness my tendency toward effusiveness when I find myself touched by the words or deeds of others. The writing on this site is first-class and uplifting. Thanks, Evelyn, Nadia, and commenters for sharing your light. I feel like I’ve just held a beautiful lotus flower in my hands.

Nadia - Happy Lotus - April 12, 2009

@ Jocelyn – Thank you for all the kind words. I really appreciate it. 🙂

@ betaphi – You are so kind. Yes, Evelyn definitely does have a beautiful sight and I am so happy that you enjoyed the post! 🙂

Law of Atraction - April 20, 2009

[…] | Creation Thoughts VISUALISATION, POSITIVITY, LAW OF ATTRACTION | Law of Attraction | Where yo.. Lessons Learned From The Law of Attraction » Attraction Mind Map LAW of ATTRACTION (Live The Power) How Could You Use The Law Of Attraction To Increase Traffic And […]

Avatar - April 23, 2009

Thanks for sharing your exprience and story. I, myself, learned more about the Law of Attraction and I didn’t know that Jewel had gone through all that to make her dream to come true. By the way, I admire John Kennedy too. Wonderful post, keep writing. 🙂

Lessons Learned From The Law of Attraction | Attraction Mind Map | Meditations for Manifesting - June 10, 2009

[…] more from the original source: Lessons Learned From The Law of Attraction | Attraction Mind Map Share and […]

One Year Already? – Sunday Song for August 16, 2009 — happylotus.com - August 16, 2009

[…] friends. I have been able to guest post at wonderful blogs run by amazing people (On Simplicity, Attraction Mind Map, Urban Monk, Sharing The Journey, Goodlife ZEN, Write to Done, Quest for Balance and Jungle of […]

Law of Attraction Researching | ?Uplift Antidote - January 14, 2010

[…] Lessons-learned-from-the-law-of-attraction […]

JACQUI - February 12, 2010

Thank you Evelyn and Happy Lotus. I got so much from reading this post and I can relate to the need to withdraw from the world for a bit to get clear on who I am. I think it was perfect for me to read this today. I guess that’s that old LOA at play again! 🙂

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