Lessons from the Zika Virus Mosquito
“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.” Dalai Lama
There is a lot that we can learn from the mosquito these days.
The mosquito may be small but it is striking fear.
In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a public health emergency for Zika virus, which is spread by daytime-active Aedes mosquitoes. As of 25 August 2016, 70 countries and territories have reported evidence of mosquito-borne Zika virus transmission since 2007. Brazil has reported the largest number of cases, estimated at over 1 million infections in 2015.
Then, there is the dengue fever as well. Tropical regions are more heavily affected, such as Singapore where I come from. The public is alerted with news on dengue-affected regions.
We also get regular visits from the local authorities at our homes to ensure that we are undertaking preventative measures. Failure to comply can lead to hefty fines. There is also the “Do the mozzie wipe out” campaign for public education.
Measures that you can take include:
– Boost your immune system,
– Remove water from the plates of flower pot,
– and use natural repellants – eg. essential oils.
(Essential oils such as citronella and lemongrass can help. Here’s some findings on a research study. Recently, when my daughter was bitten by mosquitos while we were outdoors, her swelling went down as soon as I applied the Purification blend – made up of citronella and lemongrass essential oils amongst others – Order Essential Oils Here).
All these talk about Zika virus is making me stop to reflect.
There could be lessons from the Zika virus mosquito.
View the video below for them…..
Love and Abundance Always,
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P.S.S. What else can we learn from the mosquito? Do share in the comments below 🙂