Learn to See the Greatness in Your Soul
“Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see the greatness within you, even when you don’t see it yourself.” ~Edmund Lee
Who are the people in your community?
Are they supportive of you, your vision and dreams?
Do you surround yourself with people who put their dreams into action?
Do pay heed to the observation by motivational speaker, Jim Rohn: “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” If you don’t know Jim Rohn, his rags to riches story played a large part of his work. He also previously mentored motivational speaker Tony Robbins in the late 1970s. Then, there are others who credited Rohn for his influence on their careers; such as Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup book series), Brian Tracy, and T. Harv Eker.
The problem is that most of us are not able to see our own potential. We tend to downplay ourselves. We play small, give excuses and limit our dreams.
Thus, the message is this: if you are hoping to grow and evolve, be around the one who is able to see the potential in you. You want to align with the vibrational quality of that which you hope to step up into. Learn from someone who holds expansive energy and who inspires you to move towards your aspirations.
But what if you do not have personal friends whom you look up to?
The good news is that you can turn to many professional coaches and mentors for this. You can be assured that they have the ability to see that you have got so much to offer to the world, even when you don’t believe in yourself. They are able to do so, because they have been in your shoes once. They are able to help you in releasing your doubts and worry.
It is certainly what I have done. I have personally invested time and money into coaching. I have bought programs, both big and small. My coaches hold me accountable on the progress I wish to make. They held me to higher standards.
What Is Next for You
Here are 5 Steps that you can take:
1. Identify one role model or mentor of whom you would like to emulate;
2. Follow him or her! Join mailing lists, sign up for this person’s programs, seminars or tutuorials;
3. Apply one tip that you have learned from your mentor each week;
4. Keep on practicing what you have learned until you have programmed it into your subconscious;
5. Integrate the tips by sharing and imparting what you have learned with others!
Personal Note: I See The Greatness in You
I didn’t start out thinking that I wanted to coach/heal others when I began my inward journey. I simply wanted to help myself out of my own suffering. For the first time, I started to take responsibility. As it turned out, in the process of taking charge, my perception of things began to change.
I began to take slower steps. It was when I started to notice that there is much to be grateful for. I began to notice things that had escaped me previously. And one such observation is that the soul potential that I see in others, even while they feel confined or bounded by their human existence and experiences.
I have been immensely grateful for the opportunity of connecting with people all over the world over Skype. I am thankful for the higher potential that I see in all those I have coached and am still coaching. Take Lindsey Schmid, for instance. She is one lovely soul who has a lot to offer to the world.
I am also thankful for those who read my blog posts, including you. So, thank you for your presence here with me.
Most of all, thank you being open to live your best life 🙂
Love and Abundance Always,
Abundance Alchemy Coach | Contact Me
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