Influencing Your Subconscious Mind To Work The Law Of Attraction
You have two parts to your mind; the subsconscious and the conscious. Your conscious mind is your objective mind. It reasons through using your five physical senses. Your subconscious mind is the the subjective mind. It perceives through intuition. It affects your emotions and is the storehouse of your memory.
Your subsconscious mind wields more power thatn your conscious mind. It can see, hear and know of things without your physical vision. It is also clairvoyant; you can read the thoughts of others without them saying so.
It is possible to influence your subconscious mind for the law of attraction. The habitual thinking of your conscious mind can make deep inroads into your subconscious mind.
If you make it a habit to think of harmonious, peaceful and constructive thoughts, your conscious mind will influence your subconscious mind, In time, your subcious mind will believe it to be true. Your subconscious mind will then bring these thoughts to pass as conditions and experiences. Finally, whatever you have positive affirmed becomes a reality. Thus, you can see that influencing your subconscious mind is a key step for bringing the law of attraction to fruition.