How to Release the Ego from Struggle

Unwilling to back down from a conflict or argument?
Find it hard to forgive and forget…..but finding it easy to point and blame?
It is always someone else’s fault?
Feeling hot and bothered, and experiencing an intense need to justify your actions?
Well, ask yourself if it is your ego wanting to be in control.
“If you want to reach a state of bliss, then go beyond your ego and the internal dialogue. Make a decision to relinquish the need to control, the need to be approved, and the need to judge. Those are the three things the ego is doing all the time. It’s very important to be aware of them every time they come up.”
– Deepak Chopra
I have noticed that whenever I allow my ego to be in charge, I do not feel good on the inside. The ironical thing is that despite feeling all pumped up by the ego, I put myself in a state of struggle, resistance and righteous anger. Luckily these out-of-balance states do not usually last as long as they used to. Definitely, being more alert to the ego has helped.
And so, to experience peace from within, let’s first understand more about the ego. The following descriptions are intentionally made more graphic by…what else….*gasp*…the Ego….
The Super-sized Ego
The ego enjoys being superior. It dislikes being diminished in importance. The ego hates feeling smaller in comparison. It is a master in making comparative studies, keeping scores and remembering minute details that no one else can recall.
Thus, the ego will react violently when threatened.
It makes a scene of catastrophic proportions.
In a state of heightened resistance, it enjoys a grand fight.
Never mind even if it leaves a torrid flow of chilling blood, scarring wounds and broken dreams.
It simply refuses to die quiet.
The ego feels justified in its actions.
For someone else has to get hurt, be blamed or made to experience guilt.
Someone else has to pay dearly.
For an extra boost, the ego loves to spin stories.
In fact, it derives immense satisfaction from utilizing its vast imaginative prowess for story telling.
It becomes super-sized in the process.
The stories are often first derived from past situations. The ego has a memory bank that is bigger than an elephant’s. Note that it does not choose to remember everything, however. Rather, it stores information selectively – that is, based on the perception of its level of emotional suffering. The more it believes that it has suffered, the more energy it sends to the memory.
In a fight, the ego believes that there can only be one victor.
It has to be right all the time (which implicitly means that someone else is deadly wrong).
The ego has to look good; otherwise, it believes that it will perish.
Introducing the Light of Awareness
Luckily, the Light of Awareness comes to the rescue.
The Light of Awareness highlights the true state of affairs:
– That the ego may win a single battle but would have lost the entire war.
– That the internal war has resulted in outer consequences, which may not bring about ultimate happiness.
– And, therefore, the satisfaction that the ego appears to have gotten is at best temporary.
The Light of Awareness warns that the ego is a fan of melodrama. It points out that the ego enjoys whirling in a dark pool of utmost despair. The ego likes to believe that it is in some kind of star wars movie where the person (the evil doer) has to be punished severely before justice can be reasonably upheld.
Thus, The Light of Awareness advises not to struggle against the ego. Struggling is totally unnecessary. Also the ego can be in danger of perpetuating the struggle and delaying peace and happiness.
The Light of Awareness exposes the truth in that the ego has been living in an illusory world…out of touch with the suffering it is causing internally and to everyone around.
Call Upon the Light of Awareness
The Light of Awareness works like magic.
It is invoked through applying equanimity.
Equanimity involves patience, non-judgment, mere observation and balanced perspective. Tips include:
– being patient.
– observing but not getting caught up in drama nor judging.
– observing its list of justifications; for example, “must”, “should” and “has/have to”.
At first a tiny spark, the Light of Awareness soon grows to illuminate clear and bright.
The Light of Awareness brings about awakening from darkness.
It lets you know that the ego is a great teacher of divine lessons.
It is in the contrast that allows you to awaken.
The contrast highlights that you have a choice: struggle or peace.
The contrasting experience gives you the opportunity to gain insight from the situations of conflict, resistance and struggle.
Fear Into Love
The ego resides in your inner spiritual classroom.
It is a tool that helps in transcendence.
The Light of Awareness is a mighty force.
It transmutes the fear-based ego into love.
Love and Abundance Always,
Author. Adventurer. Life Coach.
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Evelyn Reply:
October 23rd, 2012 at 8:08 am
Thank you, Marisol. I appreciate your feedback very much. My daughter will be very happy to hear this 🙂
Love and abundance always,