
How to Overcome the Fear of Success

overcome the fear of success

It sounds ridiculous that anyone can have the fear of success. However, the fear of success is as psychologically valid as the fear of failure. In fact, the fear of success is often not as easily detectable because it lies in your subconscious. It is through recognizing repeated self-sabotaging behavior that you can possibly deduce that you may just be having this fear.

There is a difference between the fear of success and the fear of failure. The fear of failure is the fear of making mistakes, fear of falling short and fear of not reaching your intended goal. Conversely, the fear of success is the deliberate (although rooted in the subconscious) subversion to success that you already know is reachable.
 Here are some examples:

– Shawn who grows his firm to a certain size and then refuses to expand further, because he prefers to limit his vision.

– Lucy who manages to succeed in losing weight after six months of exercise and healthy eating, only to put it back on shortly.

– Amelia with a track record of attracting nice men but sabotages her relationship each time by calling it quits before the wedding day. Think Julie Robert’s role in the show Runaway Bride.

– Crystal who refuses to grow her abilities further because it may mean more social responsibilities.

My Fear of Success

I admit it. I have had the fear of success. I have not been able to recognize it at first. Initially, I had misinterpreted my obstacles as insufficient strategizing, marketing incompetence, lack of technical skills, insufficient support and so on. Sure, these could have played a part. Then one day, there was an inner voice that said it was the subconscious dread of doing well.

In my case, I would thwart my intention by putting one out to the universe about my big dream, only to send another conflicting one that says, “nah, I don’t really want it all that much”. The second intent cancels out the first. I find myself having to deal with a part of me that wants it and a part of me that does not.

I have been fearful that becoming more successful will mean more responsibilities. It would mean taking away the time flexibility that I am currently enjoying. I recalled the times when I clinched more sales but I was not necessarily happier, because I had to work much harder.

What is the Fear of Success

After it became clear to me that my fear of success was holding me back, I set about finding out more. I arrived at the following explanations.

Fear of success is the projected fear of negative consequences or side-effects from what success can potentially bring. Hence, you are essentially acknowledging that success can result in both positive and negative consequences. Your aversion to the thought of negative consequences is more than the pleasure to the thought of positive consequences.

Projected negative consequences can be any one of the following:
– You will enjoy less time for yourself.
– You will have to assume more responsibilities.
– You will have less time with your family.
– You will have to hire more employers and that will mean more headache because you have to be concerned about worker motivation, office space and so on.
– You will have to uphold a higher set of standards because you are now a leader.
– Others will envy or be jealous of you.
– You do not like to deal with changes to routine.
– You suspect that you would not be as happy.
– You believe that it will mean never-ending work.
– You do not like being famous.
– You believe that the higher you climb, the harder you will fall.

Overcome the Fear of Success

It is best to address the fear of success. Bear in mind that fear, of any form, is not a good thing. It creates internal conflict. It sabotages your best efforts. And you wonder why it is so difficult for the law of attraction to work in your favor.

Here are some negative consequences from having the fear of success
– Lack of motivation
– Downplaying of dreams
– Slow progress.
– Sustained underachievement
– Internal confusion about what you really want.
– Negative emotions such as guilt, shame, denial, envy and so on.
– Disconnected with your true self.

Root Beliefs. When you trace the projections from the fear of success, they are likely to be related to beliefs such as “I am not deserving”, “I am not worthy” or “I am not good enough”. Here is how it might look like for you:

“I am not deserving to have all the good things that come with success.”
“I am not worthy of real success.”
“I am not good enough to cope with what success can bring.”
“I am not capable of attracting loving support from others.”
“I am not good enough to deal with change.”

Psychology. Shrinks have been studying the problem since 1915, when Freud wrote an essay called “Those Wrecked by Success.” He observed the “surprising and even bewildering” tendency of some people to fall apart “precisely when a deeply rooted and long-cherished wish has come to fulfillment…as though they were not able to tolerate happiness.” Freud described the fear of success as a perceived need to fail, not an option or a desire but a need. In fact, some people develop the identity of a failure and in order to maintain it, they consciously or subconsciously sabotage everything that could prevent them from fulfilling this self-image.

In psychology, this will be known as “secondary gain”. It means having an external reason that makes it worthwhile to keep holding on to the dysfunctional behavior or undesirable condition. For example, you may prefer to be sick because it may mean that you can skip work/school, gain sympathy, or get to drink your favorite chicken soup. Very often, you are not aware of the reason behind the “secondary gain”. What is the case is that your subconscious perceives that you are better off being stuck than having to end up with potential negative consequences by making a change.

The term that is used to address “secondary gain” is also called “psychological reversal”. It refers to when you have lived with your sabotaging behavior or emotions for so long that you have assumed that it is normal. Addressing your psychological reversal offers you freedom to work on the actual root issue. Addressing psychological reversals can be achieved via emotional healing. What’s great is that there are many who have addressed self-sabotage successfully!

Awareness to the Fear of Success

Obviously, the earlier you can detect the fear of success, the better. You already have what it takes to succeed. What remains to be done is addressing any impediments that prevent you from enjoying the faster attainment of your goals.

When you start to acknowledge your resistance, acceptance takes place amazingly. Fear dissipates. The Law of Attraction works favorably. Success should not be too far away.

Abundance Always,
Evelyn Lim
Abundance Alchemy Coach (For coaching/healing services, check out info here). 

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rob white - August 23, 2011 Reply

Wonderful distinctions, Evelyn. The Ego is incredibly clever at limting us for fear of change. Once we understand the foolish steps we take to build a prison in our minds and jail ourselves, we can see how the whole thing is a slick trick that we play on ourselves; there is no intelligence to any of it. I have learned to never sacrifice the feeling and urge of creativity to in order to please a voice of “NO.” Successful achievers hear the limiting “NO”, but disobey; they are too busy obeying the urge to achieve inspiring aspirations.


Evelyn Reply:

Good for you, Rob. It’s great that you learn never to sacrifice your desires just to please your ego. It will be nice if we can all do or be the same. Unfortunately, for many, the fear of success is insidious. We won’t actually know that we have it until we start to review our life. Early detection obviously helps. A possible way, though, is to create enough awareness to hear the limiting “No”.

Shine from Your Soul,


George - August 23, 2011 Reply

I like the article but I wish you gave some guide how to overcome fear of success


Brandi Reply:

George- she does, there are links to EFT resources (which is a GREAT tool for moving energetic blocks and repatterning our subconscious scripts) and the Sedona Method (which I’ve personally never worked with). The thing about this is that only YOU can actually change any of the beliefs you hold, the ones you don’t know you have included.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Brandi,

Thank you for helping me respond and clarify. EFT is certainly a great tool, as is The Sedona Method. These methods need to be applied in order to experience any benefit; so you are right to say that only “YOU can actually change any of the beliefs you hold”. To test if any belief is true in the subconscious, muscle-testing on the person being worked on is required.

With love,


Evelyn Reply:

Hi George,

Thank you for your feedback.

Admittedly I did not realize that it could be such a huge topic, when I first started writing the article. Eventually, I decided to provide a broad overview on related issues to the fear of success that people can consider, when they go about working on it. The best ways to effectively deal with it is through energy clearing methods such as EFT. It is possible to read about what EFT is from its website but you will need to know what related issues to be working on.

The best guide will be ultimately through a physical demonstration. I may just look into publishing videos at some later point. Thank you for highlighting something for me to consider.

With gratitude and appreciation,


Brandi - August 24, 2011 Reply

This is something I’m actively working with in my own life on many different levels. I think that the thing that scares me the most about being successful is the fear of falling further than I’ve ever fallen and not knowing that I have the strength to survive it. I’ve taken some very hard falls in my life, one being actually physically three stories off a roof. The pain during those times was immeasurably immense. There were many times that it got so dark all I could do was have faith that I’d find the light once my eyes adjusted to the darkness. Those memories are both terrifying and beautiful. On the one hand, for me to consciously chose to risk that again takes tremendous strength of faith, while on the other hand they serve as reminders that if I could make it though that I can make it through just about anything. I guess the key is to hold the memories lightly- knowing that dwelling upon them will create them again and to continue using the tools I’ve gathered to transform energy within mySelf. Thanks for such a revealing post, these are points that many people are simply not ready to face in themselves so they tend to be overlooked.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Brandi,

Thank you for sharing about what your fear of success is about. I am sorry to learn about how your memories over past incidents have scared you. Luckily, you came to the awareness that faith could help pull you through those periods. I am glad to know that you are now turning those memories into inspiration for you.

Because I have been doing the same, I understand what you mean by working “on many different levels”. It tells me how committed you are in your personal growth. Issues that are deep tend to involve a lot more looking into and from different perspectives. I certainly wish you all the best in your journey!

May you be well and happy always,


Lindsay | The Daily Awe - August 24, 2011 Reply

I’ve tried EFT with little success for a few things, but haven’t yet tried the Sedona Method. Which do you prefer, Evelyn? I’m going to give it a shot, I think!


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Lindsay,

I started with EFT years ago, so I have to admit that there is a slight bias in favor of this method. In instances of psychological reversal due to secondary gain, I have found that EFT alone has not worked well for me. In these cases, I would use The Sedona Method to help me over the bind and then continue with the use of EFT.

For the few things that you have not had success with, you may wish to check if you have got psychological reversal issues first. These might have prevented you from getting effective results.

I have found that it is hard to rely on one method for all situations. Sometimes, one method work better than the rest. Still, I would recommend anyone to at least equip themselves with one or two for self-help.

All the best,


Justin | Mazzastick - August 24, 2011 Reply

This is a great post topic Evelyn. Btw the church (Waugh) that Julia Roberts was going to get married in to Richard Gere is about 20 minutes from my home.

I have to admit that I have fallen into the trap of fear of success. And the fear was lack of time, freedom and so on.

I am lucky to have befriended a wealthy businessman who sold his business in the 10’s of millions (not trying to brag) and he has taught me how to get others to do things for you.

So for me it was the inability to delegate and trust others to do tasks for me.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Justin,

How nice that you are staying so close to the church in the movie!

Good for you in having found a mentor and one who has already been so successful! It’s great that you have identified what has been stopping you in attaining success. I wish you all the best!

To your continued success,


David Stevens - August 24, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn,
Many are happy to reach the ceiling however are afraid to take in the view from the roof. Go for the roof, take a parachute if you need. Thank you for this.
be good to yourself


Evelyn Reply:

Hello David,

I enjoyed how you’ve put it so succinctly. Thanks for sharing!

With love,


Galen Pearl - August 24, 2011 Reply

I was certainly plagued by this in my earlier years and lost out on some opportunities I sometimes regret. The older I get, however, the more comfortable I am with success or lack thereof. I think the fear is very ego based, and as my ego becomes less … well, less (!), the fear fades.

I was most struck, however, with how your post applies to my foster daughter. She had a hard time in her childhood, and now as a young adult, she is very challenged to leave behind the damage and move forward with confidence in her abilities. Getting over this fear, especially when it is so ingrained, is a major life achievement.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Galen,

I am sorry to learn that you have been plagued by the fear of success when you were younger. I agree. Fear is really ego-based. Once we are able to release our hangups, we are free to pursue what we want.

I can certainly understand what your foster daughter is going through. Taking things one step at a time helps. Each day is a call to stepping forward.

Wishing you and your foster daughter the very best,


Alice Hive - August 25, 2011 Reply

Just as you do, I find the Sedona method very helpful for releasing fear (and every other kind of resistance). It’s also very simple.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Alice,

Yes, the Sedona Method is also very simple. It works amazingly, despite its simplicity! It’s great that you like it too.

With love,


Angela Artemis/Poweredbyintuition - August 25, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn,
This is a fantastic topic. You did so much research for it too. I think we all have a bit of fear about succeeding to some degree. I think EFT is amazing. I’ve been studying it for the last 5 years and I do use it regularly. It helps to “zap” those beliefs. I don’t know anything about the Sedona Method though.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Angela,

If as you said “we all have a bit of fear about succeeding to some degree”, then I would think that it is important for us to address that bit of fear. It’s great that you have found EFT amazing! The Sedona Method has helped me in instances where I got somewhat stuck and EFT had not quite worked during these moments.

All the best,


marc van der Linden - August 27, 2011 Reply

Great post, Evelyn!

I recognize the symptoms of the fear of success very well. In my past it was like a dragon, re-appearing over and over. And I still have them, from time to time. It seems to be unavoidable to feel this fear from time to time.

I have tried many things as you did, also EFT. The one thing which helped me the most overcoming is, is learning to listening to my heart. I found my heart is far more intelligent than my brain and as well more trust-worthy in case of all kinds of fear.

Thanks for sharing your great insights!


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Marc,

It’s interesting that you’ve shared that the dragon can reappear over and over again. However, I am sure that you have also found that each time you deal with it, it gets smaller and smaller.

It’s great that you have an intelligent heart 🙂 Yes, our feelings can reveal a lot of wisdom to us. Learning to trust my feelings is also something that I need to learn to do.

Thank you for sharing your insights too. I wish you continued and greater success!

With love,


Samantha Bangayan - August 27, 2011 Reply

First off, it’s great to meet you, Evelyn! =) I’ve been meaning to stop by your blog for some time as I’ve noticed you around the blogosphere. I absolutely loved the warmth and humility in your About Me page and just knew that we’d get along! =)

Personally, I don’t think I’ve had so much success (yet) that I’ve feared more. I’m more of a fear of failure kind of person, but I can definitely see the possibility of this happening. I imagine that I might get to a point and feel that I don’t deserve more, that life can’t be good all the time. But as Justin always reminds me — that’s all in the mind.

Thanks for breaking everything down in this post. It was really thorough and I hope to remember to refer to it if this happens to me in the future! =)


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Samantha,

Welcome to my blog. It’s always wonderful to meet a like-minded friend who is on the same journey of personal growth.

I would think that the fear of failure is more commonly known as compared to the fear of success. However, the fear of success can be more insidious and harder to detect. Hence, it is great that you are aware that such a fear also exists.

Thank you for your comments. You are very kind. I look forward to getting to know you better 🙂

With love,


Shahaf - August 30, 2011 Reply

I think it is very hard for many of us to admit we experiance fear of success.
I can think of several examples. All have a very logic explanation, however only after getting dipper into the details (and after reading this great post) I can connect these to ‘fear of success’.
Thank you for sharing these insights with us!


Enriching-Life.com - September 5, 2011 Reply

Dear Evelyn, OMG, what a fantastic article! Shamefully enough I discovered a part of me in it too. 🙁 However, I’m glad that at least I’m aware of my “slow it down” behaviour knowing that I have to work on it. Thank you for putting this topic into words. Michaela


Do You Fear Success? | - December 6, 2011 Reply

[…] It seems to be quite hard to recognise fear of success in yourself and in others, but once you do it makes it a lot easier to step forward and dealing with it. The following is a list of possible reasons for fearing success (from Evelyn Lim): […]

Why Does Success Scare Me? | - January 7, 2012 Reply

[…] Common underlying fears of success are as follows: […]

brandy - January 24, 2012 Reply

Today, I had a what Oprah calls a A-HA moment. But I prefer to call it a Holy Shit moment. I have a great fear of success, or maybe happiness itself. I have had it for a very long time now, and, like a bad rash, am having trouble finding the right ointment that will take it away. I realized today, (well, not really just today but chose to take on the dragon today.)that i have been self sabotaging every time something awesome came my way. Relationships, clients, opportunities that were handed to me, I either ran from or made out like i couldn’t afford/handle/make time for. And now, when i see my life passing by in SPADES, I choose to stand up to the fear of not living. Where to start is the question


#044: You Owe Us Your Success [Podcast] - June 11, 2013 Reply

[…] while ago I came across the following list of things we might fear about success. You might recognise one or two of them in […]

Stasy - August 5, 2013 Reply

Thank you so much for this piece .I have just had an insomnia because I am over thinking quite often and your blog helped me so much .I am 17 years old and I couldn’t realize why do I stop myself from having good results on exams when I study so hard.
So thank you from the bottom of my heart .
I also lost 10 killos once and then just gained some back as I thought I didn’t deserve to be skinny .


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