How Amy Overcame Her Money Struggles

Amy started to experience money struggles the moment when she wanted to make the transition from executive to entrepreneur.
A pretty lady in her 30s, Amy is from a middle-income family. From external appearances, she seemed to be doing fine…except that in the six months prior to us working together, she had been struggling. No one except her husband knew about her feeling broke and depressed.
For months, Amy had worked hard at getting her business off the ground.
There were a lot more to each marketing strategy that she had at first realised. It was not long before doubt started to creep in. She went into emotional overwhelm.
For years, Amy had been working as a corporate executive before she became a full time entrepreneur. She got tired of her job which wasn’t offering her fulfilment. And so, when she was on maternity leave, she started exploring options. The more Amy found out about how other women were starting their own businesses, the more excited she became.
Amy started harbouring dreams of entrepreneurship.
She was also lured by some of the promising ideas that were put out there about making it to 6-figures easily. It would certainly replace her income and more. Since her husband could support the family with earnings from his job, she decided to make the move.
Amy had tendered in her resignation, in joyful anticipation of a new chapter in her life. By then, Amy was already reading Law of Attraction books. She had an idea about how the Law of Attraction works. Diligently, Amy learnt about setting up websites and also bought into a social media program.
Yet, she found herself tuning into worries over money. She wanted money to come in quickly. With two small children, she wanted to help support her young family. Well, the money didn’t come in truckloads as expected.
Where she was once excited about her dreams, Amy began to experience stress, disappointment and frustration….and soon her fears got on top of her. She could not quite shake away the thought that she might fail. Her inner critic screamed, “you are just not good enough”!
Her money struggles got so bad that she could not sleep at night. Her stress levels began to affect her relationship with her family. (Amy had choked in tears as she related her story to me.)
Feeling beaten, Amy had believed that entrepreneurship was not for her. And so, she thought of returning to the workforce so that she could end her money struggles. It wouldn’t be fair on her husband to shoulder the entire responsibility on taking care of the family’s expenses.
Amy’s sense of worth was tied to how much she was making. Her self-esteem had plunged. When she first contacted me, she was almost ready to give up her business.
Turnaround to Amy’s Money Struggles
One day, while she was in the depths of her despair, she unexpectedly tuned into a tiny voice. Faintly, something was calling out to her. It was an awareness that she was meant to live up to her soul purpose. And she could only do so by running a business of her design. It prompted her to look for answers. Amy wanted to solve her overwhelm and in her search, realised that she needed to overcome her money and success blocks.
By chance, she came onto my site. At first, Amy was skeptical about doing any form of energy release work. We had a call together to determine if there could be a fit with her needs. Well, it dawned on her that she really had no other choice. She wanted a solution – once and for all!
Her decision to commit to her personal growth proved to be a turnaround point.
We started working together. At first, Amy could not recall anything specific in the past that could have created a block in her current situation. But slowly, her memory came back.
As a child, it wasn’t the case that her parents did not love her. In fact, they did.
They were actually overly protective and strict with her. Amy was not allowed to venture out beyond the walls of her home. Even as as teenager, she was not permitted to go out, have sleepovers, go to the malls etc. In her one particular situation, Amy recalled her younger self looking wistfully at the door and wishing that she could go out to play in the garden.
She finally realized what had been sabotaging her intention to becoming an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship does entail going beyond one’s comfort zone and taking calculated risks. Her belief was stopping her from going out there!
That was not all.
In another incident, Amy recalled falling ill at 5 years old. While her condition wasn’t life threatening, it was serious enough that a full examination by the doctor was required. Now, Amy had been taught to respect doctors as authority figures.
And so, when it happened to her, she had felt confused. The details were hazy but there was this knowing inside her that what he did to her was inappropriate. Shocked, Amy was not able to tell her mom back then. Feeling vulerable, she was fearful of the consequences. Yet, her tiny body and entire self was soaked in shame.
Amy had SHAME boldly written on the walls in her subconscious mind. She finally understood how it had contributed to the breakdown in her first marriage. For years she carried the subconscious belief that the world is a dangerous place and that people could not be trusted. She also understood how it could affect her second marriage, if she did not resolve her past.
Her beliefs were causing her money struggles.
They were the root cause to her low self-confidence. She had little trust in the world and in herself. Yet, the ability to make sales and ability to build great relationships with anyone including her clients and people in her team rests on trust. Clearly, her subconscious beliefs were in the way of her client attraction power.
Thereafter, we worked on shifting her belief patterns. While we could not change the past, there were certainly things we could do energetically to resolve her issues that were still affecting her today. Here was what we did…
- Heal her inner child.
- Clarified her soul purpose.
- Integrated a new set of beliefs that are supportive of success and entrepreneurship.
- Supported her with creative resources.
- Created a more powerful imprint to draw forward her dreams.
- Realigned her vibrational patterns for divine abundance.
Review of Amy’s Money Struggles
Amy was a client I worked with. By the way, Amy is not her real name as I need to protect her privacy. Why I felt important about sharing her story is because I’d like anyone who is reading this post to know how making an energetic change from within can create a change in external results.
Amy could have sought other solutions for her money struggles such as returning to the workforce. However, she would have to live forever with her limiting beliefs. She would not have known that she could have the chance to become a successful entrepreneur.
By deciding to work on making energetic changes, Amy set herself free. She became free to pursue what she truly wanted. The energetic changes made is one that is deep, long-lasting and impactful.
Even though Amy was relatively successful as an executive, the beliefs she had did not support her when she made the transition into entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship mindset does differ from an executive mindset. It involves making a change in beliefs. Having the right mindset is from where all the actions and decision-making with running a business flow.
Recommendation: Get Over Feeling Broke and Depressed
Are you feeling broke and depressed? Found yourself caught in repeated limiting patterns? Need to overcome money struggle?
Well, take a closer look at where the root cause of your issues lie. Could you be having some limiting money and abundance beliefs? Seek assistance to overcome them. Set yourself free from scarcity mindset, so that you can start to manifest the results that you want.
Whether your dream is to make the transition from Executive to Entrepreneurship or you are simply wanting to resolve the past at an energetic level, get professional and appropriate help.
If you’d like to find out if my coaching-healing sessions can fit your needs, apply for a 30-min discovery session here.
If you have enjoyed reading this story, do share it with your friends on social media. Thank you in advance!
Love and Abundance Always,