How to Heal Your Emotional Money Wounds

When it comes to healing money wounds, there are two important considerations:
1. Healing needs to involve the emotional layer.
2. Healing of money wounds is best resolved at root cause.
Let me explain more.
1. Healing Emotionally
The money behaviour or situation that you are in is influenced by what’s going on internally – your thoughts and feelings.
For some people, any talk about money tends to conjure plenty of negative feelings.
Feelings such as worry, frustration, sadness, anger and so on.
However, when emotions run high, they create a block or disrupt our energy system.
Our clarity and ability to process thoughts get reduced and we also find ourselves less able to take the necessary action that will help us improve our financial position.
Unfortunately, a block in our ability to manifest financial abundance can also impact our business or to get a job with a pay that we deserve.
2. Money Wounds That Stem from the Past
The money story that influences your situation today could be one that is influenced by the past.
Ask yourself…
What was the family’s financial situation like when you were a child?
What money beliefs were you brought up on?
How did your money wounds come about?
Things started to change for my clients when they worked on finding out the root cause of their stress. They found out that much of their stories stemmed from blocks created by money issues in the past. It could be that they had internalised messages such as they are “not good enough” to have money or “not worthy” to be receiving when they were young. These messages could have come from their parents or caregivers.
Emotionally, my clients felt hurt, abandoned, rejected, ashamed and so on. They formed limiting beliefs about themselves and their ability to become financially competent. These created blocks that brought about negative consequences for them in their adult life. They found themselves struggling a lot more than they deserve!
Heal Your Emotional Money Story at Root Cause
You may have attempted to manifest money by repeating positive affirmations. Well, in my experience, this did not quite work. Even after trying to will myself to think positively and repeating affirmations like a mantra, I just could not rid myself of the niggling feeling that I didn’t quite believe what I was saying.
For my clients, we worked on healing their emotional money wounds in order to create a shift from the inside-out. We also worked on changing the money beliefs that they hold at the subconscious. They are led to a place of worthiness. It’s how I was able to discover that: the heart of manifesting abundance starts with self-love.
Ultimately, my clients were able to improve their relationship with money, gain confidence and feel a lot more empowered around their finances. Here are more updated client stories that you can read on…
1. How Amy Overcame Her Money Struggles
2. How Kay Cleared Her Money Blocks by Releasing her Childhood Pain
3. How Nellie Released Limiting Money Blocks to Client Attraction
Seek Assistance with Healing Your Emotional Money Wounds
Most certainly, work on healing your emotional money wounds, so that you can improve your relationship with money and become more financially empowered.
If you would like to work together 1:1 on aligning your financial and spiritual lives together, I hope to be of assistance. Apply for a 30-min discovery call here. Alternatively, check out my self-paced Relationship with Money course here.
Love and Abundance Always,
Abundance Coach
Share Your Emotional Money Story
What are some of the emotions that surround your money story? Is it worry, struggle, anger, frustration…..or is it love, peace, harmony, etc? Please share in the comments below.
Evelyn Reply:
April 7th, 2014 at 12:58 pm
Hi Fran,
I certainly enjoy covering the topic on money with spirituality.
Thank you for your vote of confidence. I appreciate your love and support!
Love and blessings,