
How To Do Pendulum Dowsing

pendulum dowsing

“That was when I saw the Pendulum. The sphere, hanging from a long wire set into the ceiling of the choir, swayed back and forth with isochronal majesty. I knew — but anyone could have sensed it in the magic of that serene breathing — that the period was governed by the square root of the length of the wire and by pi, that number which however irrational to sublunar minds, through a higher rationality binds the circumference and diameter of all possible circles. The time it took the sphere to swing from end to end was determined by an arcane conspiracy between the most timeless of measures: the singularity of the point of suspension, the duality of the plane’s dimensions, the triadic beginning of pi, the secret quadratic nature of the root, and the unnumbered perfection of the circle itself.”

Foucault’s Pendulum, Umberto Eco

Pendulum dowsing is a skill that I have been trying to hone since last year. It is the practice of asking your subconscious mind/Higher Self/Spiritual Guide (depending on your intent) questions and getting the answers by noting the swing of a pendulum. It is a process of discovering answers to questions that do not normally come through your five senses or through logic, but as conscious feedback. Basic dowsing gives a yes/no response to questions asked. Because the steps are so simple and do not require you to be a psychic, anyone can learn it!

How Pendulum Dowsing Works

Everything is energy. Energy can be of high or low vibration, long or short in wavelength and can be measured. Pendulum is a tool to measure energy changes. It works like muscle testing or applied kinesiology. When you ask a question, an electrical impulse is sent to your brain. You then invoke a vibrational frequency from your subconscious mind. This energy impulse, causing the smallest twitch in muscular movements, is then sent through the length of your pendulum to give you a response. In essence, your pendulum is able to pick up and amplify the subtle vibrations that cause it to swing in an appropriate direction.

Used spiritually and for decision making, you are tapping into the energy fields to determine what is in the best interest of your Higher Self. What has happened so far is that when it comes to making decisions, you have been conditioned to use your logical mind so much that you have not been making use of your intuitive abilities, gut or sixth sense. Pendulum dowsing offers you the access to an inner wisdom. It is a way of getting in touch with your Higher Self through tapping into subtle energy fields, detected through small muscular movements. Some New Age believers also use pendulum dowsing as a communication tool with their Spiritual Guides.

Watch this great video about a further explanation of how pendulum dowsing works:

Pendulum Dowsing: Locate Lost Items

Just two days ago, I used pendulum dowsing to help my husband locate a set of disks that contain his password to the printer network in our home. He was feeling frustrated after searching through the study and then proceeding to the living room for a 30 minutes. He just could not remember which box he had left the password in and asked for my help.

Initially, I felt daunted at his request because it would mean having to search through carton after carton of boxes. You see a lot of our stuff lie unpacked in the typical big brown boxes, for transporting into our current home, since some 8 months ago. All the boxes look alike and in our haste while moving, we did not label the boxes with more specific details of their content.

I decided to whip out my pendulum. First, I determined that the disks containing the password were not in the study. Neither was it in the living room. So that left the bedroom. We found it within 5 minutes, contained in a box in one corner of our bedroom. It was not in the typical brown box but a smaller blue one.

But what a contrast! My husband had spent 30 minutes feeling vexed. With the aid of pendulum dowsing and within 5 minutes, we were successful!

Pendulum Dowsing: Homeopathic Remedies and Vaccinations

Some Naturopathic Doctors use dowsing to check for prescriptions of homeopathic remedies, Bach flower essences and other natural remedies. They determine if a particular remedy is appropriate, in what combinations and what proportions.

Likewise, I use the pendulum to check whether or not certain remedies or solutions are suitable for my kids or not.

How To Start Pendulum Dowsing
Before you begin, you need to find out what the movement of the pendulum means. You need to note the swings for a Yes, No or Neutral response. The swing may be circular either clockwise or anticlockwise; or sideways. My pendulum, for instance, swings in a clockwise direction for Yes answers and anti-clockwise for No responses.

Here are some basic steps:

1. Sit quietly and then ground yourself. If you find yourself feeling restless or not in a calm state of mind, then do not dowse.

2. Hold the pendulum firmly on its string or chain between your thumb and first finger, about 3 inches from the weight at the end.

3. Do not move your fingers or hands. Rather, keep your hand & arm relaxed. Any tension will prevent the pendulum swinging freely.

4. Ask the pendulum: Give me a Yes. Note the swing. Do the same for the No and Neutral responses.

5. Check by asking: My name is ________ and then note the swing. The swing should give you the correct Yes or No responses.

You are now ready to start to practice! You can ask any questions, addressing your Higher Self/Spiritual Guides/subconscious mind; just make sure that the questions are in the format that can produce a Yes/No answer.

In Summary

Since last year, I have been using pendulum dowsing for the following situations:

– Locate lost items;
– Get in touch with my Higher Self for decision making;
– Check on the intensity of my emotions while using EFT;
– Confirm on decisions for health purposes.
– Aura dowsing;
– Chakra balancing;
– Check on past life memories;
– Choose affirmations.

Pendulum dowsing has become an integral part of our lives. My husband uses it more often than I do. It is an excellent communication tool to “talk” to your Higher Self or Spiritual guides. Dowsing is like exercise. The more you do it, the better you become.

Where to Get Pendulums?

In reality, any weight tied to the end of a string can be used as a pendulum. I’ve seen my coach, who is highly skilled in dowsing, used her car keys when we were out and she had forgotten to bring her pendulum with her.

Still, if you intend to use dowsing as a skill, it may be a good idea to get a proper pendulum.

Which to get? It is really up to your preference. I have got both the brass and crystal ones. In my opinion, the important thing is to make sure that it is one that you feel particularly drawn to. In the end, it is not the tool but the skill that counts.

While trying to learn how to dowse, I encountered some obstacles and was continually frustrated with the low accuracy of my pendulum dowsing. Oh yes….it may not be as easy as it seems. If you are interested to know what not to do and how to improve your own skills, stay tuned. Happy dowsing in the meantime!

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Irene | Light Beckons - July 24, 2008

Hi Evelyn, this is a subject that’s close to my heart. 🙂 i started dowsing because of Soul Realignment work, but I love the reliability of it so much that I’m using it to check on all sorts of things as well. The pendulum is a very useful tool for “reality checks” when my mind gets chatty or when my ego gets too big, LOL! Glad you enjoy dowsing as much as I do.

Evelyn - July 24, 2008

Initially, I was really sceptical about dowsing. My friends had introduced it to me last year. I also kept thinking that it required pyschic powers!

We should form a dowsing community in Singapore. More and more people appear to be practising it! Maybe we should be using it to help our police force locate missing people like the famous wanted terrorist!


Mary Madeline - July 24, 2008

Hi Evelyn,

Great subject! I have been using a pendulum for years now and find it very useful for many things. I even used it to double check my muscle testing, to make sure I got two of the same answers.

Also another thing I noticed, is that if you have to much of an emotion or have a set expectation of an outcome, your answer will not be true . . . only what you want it to be. I get awesome results when I am as object as possible and I even ask my higher self (Spirit, God or what your belief is) to help me.

Keep up the wonderful blog. = )

Rev. Mary Madeline

Vered - July 24, 2008

Interesting! I can’t promise that I am going to try it (the eternal skeptic that I am ;)), but this was a very interesting read. Thank you.

John Young | We Have Contact - July 24, 2008

This is an interesting concept that I haven’t ever heard of – I’ll have to give it a try some time.

While I can be skeptical like Vered above, it’s nice to keep an open mind with things. Sometimes it’s better not to question the means in which things work, but simply whether they work or not.

Austin Hike and Bike - July 24, 2008

That is so interesting. I love that there is so much that I don’t understand.

Austin Hike and Bike

Avani-Mehta - July 24, 2008

This sounds very interesting. Thanks for sharing. Have dugg and stumbled 🙂

Lorraine Cohen - July 24, 2008

Hi Evelyn

I’ve used pendulums from time to time over the years too. Last week I had author and inspirational speaker, Jean Slatter on my Comppelling Conversations Series to discuss her book, Hiring The Heavens. In addition to accessing our own inner wisdom, we discussed how to engage the Universe’s to assist us – like having a giant yellow pages at our disposal. I probably would have hired a disk sleuth!

Isn’t it wonderfull to have so many tools to help us grow, prosper and feel happy?


Evelyn - July 24, 2008

@Rev Mary, it is great knowing that you’ve got good results with pendulum dowsing. I’ve noticed the same too. Too much emotion can bias my results. The idea is not to “will” the pendulum to swing in the direction we want but to let the answer that is in best alignment with our Higher Self, flow through.

@Vered, John and Austin, well….only those who dare dream and have the courage to try get to taste the fruits of their success.

@Avani, do explore pendulum dowsing. It can also be an important self discovery tool. Thanks for your help.

@Lorraine, great analogy about having a giant yellow pages at our disposal. I’ve not heard of Jean Slatter’s book and will go check it out. It sure sounds interesting.

Yes…it is wonderful that we have so many tools and techniques. However, it’s funny that more of us are not using them to help expedite our personal growth. We choose to be sceptical instead of believing that there really exist ways to access inner and greater wisdom. We continue to choose to use our left brain when there is the source of Infinite Intelligence that can help us make better decisions.

Having said that, I am one big culprit of not having enough trust! I am only beginning to be aware of how to make use of these very simple ways to lead a happier and more fulfilled life.

Have a great day!

Al at 7P - July 24, 2008

Hi Evelyn – I never heard of dowsing until now. It seems like it’s proven to be effective, too.

Evelyn - July 24, 2008

I didn’t realise that dowsing has been an ancient art until last year. It just seems that there is so much that I do not know. But most certainly, pendulum dowsing is a powerful skill to master!


Flora Morris Brown, Ph.D. - July 25, 2008

I was introduced to dowsing last year but had forgotten about it until this article. Thanks for reminding me of this powerful tool.

Barbara Swafford - July 25, 2008

Hi Evelyn,

I didn’t know that is what it was called. Years ago, a Japanese friend of mine did this. I remember she did it for me, but I haven’t a clue what questions we asked.

Evelyn - July 25, 2008

@Flora, maybe it’s time to pay attention to how powerful this technique can be in helping you….LOL!!!

@Barbara, pendulum dowsing has existed for ages; and yet, many of us are not aware of how useful it can be. Well…now you know the basic steps in using a pendulum and asking questions 🙂

Marelisa - July 25, 2008

My problem with using a pendulum is that I always think I’m manipulating the pendulum depending on what I want the answer to be. Maybe this is why it’s easier to do it for other people. I like your use of the pendulum with EFT.

Tom Volkar / Delightful Work - July 25, 2008

I purchased a pendulum years ago when I was dating an alternative healer so I dug it out and used your primer as a review. Good stuff I imagine like anything the more you practice the more accurate your answers. I think I quit before because I was only asking really big questions and troubled by the responses I was getting.

Laurie | Express Yourself to Success - July 25, 2008

I was taught this technique last year also – unfortunately, I was taught incorrectly. Thanks for clarifying a few points. I’m looking forward to doing this the right way.

Evelyn - July 25, 2008

@Marelisa, not being objective can bias your results. I’d be sharing more about obstacles in accurate pendulum dowsing in my next article. Do read it!

@Tom, I think it helps if we start small. The trick is to gain confidence gradually.

@Laurie, I’ve got my coach (a professional dowser) to thank for. She is very clear in how she uses her pendulum. I’m still learning how to better myself in this practice. Do bring out your pendulum and join me!

Davina - July 27, 2008

Hi Evelyn.

Your blog is awesome! I have to make a point of coming by more often. I have dabbled a bit in pendulum dowsing. I have a friend who presented a course on this: http://www.sourcequest.ca

I was pleasantly surprised when I began asking for each answer to be represented by a different direction of the swing: Yes, No, I don’t know and, I don’t want to answer.

The pendulum chose a different direction to swing for each of these. I decided to test it and did the exercise again… and the same directions were chosen for the same answers. I was hooked!

Evelyn - July 27, 2008

Hello Davina, do consider subscribing to my blog feeds. I am very much into techniques and tools that can help expedite our emotional and spiritual growth, and share about them extensively on my posts.

It’s easy to get hooked to pendulum dowsing, once you start getting the hang of it. Then, it becomes a game and challenge to improve the accuracy of your readings! It’s more fun than playing computer games…LOL!!


logic questions - July 31, 2008

[…] come through your five senses or through logic, but as conscious feedback. Find out more here.http://www.attractionmindmap.com/how-to-do-pendulum-dowsing/Read “Re: Two Easy Logic Questions new Re: desmond” at Mac Music Forum Quote desmond: Yes, it has an […]

Ohm - August 7, 2008

Hi Evelyn,

I remember vividly how we did this at school, some 30 years ago. I didn’t know it is called drowsing though, we just called it swinging. As kids we didn’t put too much weight into the answers though but I can see how this can become an interesting experience.

Thanks for the education. 😉

PS: you’ve got a little spell error in the first sentence, the word home is misspelled. Sorry, couldn’t help myself.

madge - July 12, 2010

My children love to dowse with my crystal pendulum and I often hide things around the house for them to find . They inevitably do . Madge

101 Negative Money Beliefs to Let Go of NOW! | Urban Excellence - October 8, 2012

[…] true in your subconscious, you may wish to muscle test  yourself. Or if you are familiar with dowsing, you can also use your pendulum to check against your subconscious mind. If any statement is found […]

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