
How To Build Intuitive Awareness For Inspired Actions

connect with intuition for inspired actions

For the law of attraction to work, taking both obvious and inspired actions is necessary. For abundance to manifest, you must move towards your desires both on an internal and external level. Internally, your desires must be clear, strong and in alignment with your soul purpose. Externally, you must take appropriate affirming actions.

“An idea not coupled with action will never get any bigger than the brain cell it occupied.”
— Quote by Arnold Glasow

Rightly you cannot hope to bring into fruition a booming business, if you do not put in the hard work and dedication. You cannot hope to meet a romantic spouse or partner, if you do not go on dates. You cannot have a fantastic body if you do not take care of your health. In short, you cannot hope to move mountains if you do not get your butt off the couch! Hence, many detractors choose to debunk the law of attraction because they say that having positive thoughts alone, with zero effort, cannot bring about a desired outcome. They are not wrong to believe so.

“He that waits upon fortune is never sure of a dinner. ”
— Quote by Benjamin Franklin

Two Types of Actions

See where your own energy wants to go, not where you think it should go.
Do something because it feels right,
Not because it makes sense.
Follow the spiritual impulse.
— Mary Hayes-Gieco

Appropriate actions are of two types; obvious and inspired.

1. Obvious actions involve normal logical steps. For instance, if you are intending to own your own business, you will need to ensure that you apply all the required licenses, hire the right people and find an office location. Obvious actions come from your conscious mind.

2. Inspired actions happen when you follow your impulses. Your spiritual impulses typically come when you are in touch with your Higher Self. They also appear non-linearly; that is, you cannot “think or “will” for impulses to happen. In fact, the harder you use mental energy to force them into being, the more they would not appear.

“One’s action ought to come out of an achieved stillness: not to be a mere rushing on.”
— Quote by D.H. Lawrence

While you may assume that the spiritual impulses should come at a time when you are dreaming or meditating, in reality they can come during any part of the day. Hence, they may pop into your mind when you are taking a shower, driving, or reading a book. These impulses usually drop in at a time when you are not looking or seeking for them actively. It is like having unannounced guests to your mental home. Because these guests can come and go swiftly, you have to remain alert.

Build Intuitive Awareness

What you need to do, therefore, is to be intuitively aware when the thought or impulse arises. The Universe supports you in your dreams, when you are moving purposefully in the direction of your dreams. It responds to the strength of your passion and commitment. It responds by sending you opportunities, ideas, people and resources that would be able to help make your asking come true.

Hence, start to be aware of these nudges. Be open to expansiveness. Be in a receiving mode. Do not be limited by your old ways of thought. Instead, be prepared to think creatively when an odd idea comes along. You should be able to recognise inspired thoughts if you are intuitive, in touch and very aware.

More often than not, you are not going to be hit with a shovel on your head that you have just been handed an inspired thought. Nor will there be blinking bright lights to draw your attention. A nudge can be very subtle and you may even be tempted to dismiss it, because it seems to bear no relationship to what you are asking for. Yet, if you decide to follow your spiritual instinct or gut, doors can magically open for you.

Back to the example of the unannounced guest to your mental home. When a guest who is friendly and supportive to your dreams comes a-knocking, you open your door. You do not wait a second. You follow up with inspired actions.

“Inspirations never go in for long engagements; they demand immediate marriage to action. ”
— Quote by Brendan Francis

How the Universe Responds to Your Actions

So be prepared to take not just obvious but inspired actions as well. You need to follow though on the thought impulses sent by the Universe in response to your asking. Do not for a moment be mistaken into thinking that there is no need for action on your part. Money does not grow on trees!! Miracles need some action on your part for them to occur.

Taking any action is an affirmation of your belief and trust. Let’s just say that if you did not really believe that something is possible, you will not even take any action to begin with.

Unconsciously, you may weaken your own vibrations by worry, doubt or fear. Hence, use your emotions as an internal guiding system and seek to destroy whatever that limits you. Be in present moment awareness, so that you can be intimate connection with your Higher Self. Focus your thoughts, feelings and energy instead on the action step that you need to take right now. Use the power of both your conscious and subconscious mind to create a vibrational match for the abundance you hope to attract.

My Own Journey: What Is Next

Obvious actions are easy to take. In terms of inspired actions, it is recognising spiritual impulses that is less straightforward.

The hardest to overcome has been the constant chatter in my mind. Save during short gaps in meditation or while I was asleep, my thoughts ran all day. Using my emotions as a guide, I monitored my thoughts for a space of two weeks. I noted that most of my thoughts hung on the future; whether they were about the success of my dreams or planning what to eat for dinner in the next 3 days. Since these thoughts were non-productive, they were mostly clutter. With that much clutter, my mind had no space for any inspired idea to pop in.

What was comforting knowledge was that my mentors told me that they have not started out by being so good with their intuition either. In a nutshell, practice makes perfect.

Building intuition requires full awareness of each present moment. It requires being watchful of thoughts and bringing them back to being in the Now, if they get entangled in the past or future. Admittedly, it would not seem easy. It seems like a 24/7 exercise. It requires me to change old habits of thought process.

Still, I am counting myself in for an adventure. A spiritual one to boot! How exciting! No longer similar to any of the adrenalin pumping ones I used to take riding the ocean waves, but one that requires exploration of my mind. I am all in for taking inspired actions. Care to join in?

Love and abundance always,
evelyn lim signature

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Vered - August 14, 2008

I am really enjoying following your spiritual journey, Evelyn.

“The Universe supports you in your dreams, when you are moving purposefully in the direction of your dreams. It responds to the strength of your passion and commitment.”

I like the idea that we can influence our own destiny with our passion and commitment. I will keep following your journey – it inspires me!

How To Build Intuitive Awareness For Inspired Actions : blog lowerautoinsurance - August 14, 2008

[…] Original post by Evelyn […]

Evelyn - August 14, 2008

My dear friend, Vered, thank you so much for letting me know how my spiritual journey is inspiring you. I’m also as much inspired by your enthusiasm and positive energy reflected in your writings!

Love and light,

Hunter Nuttall - August 14, 2008

“In short, you cannot hope to move mountains if you do not get your butt off the couch! Hence, many detractors choose to debunk the law of attraction because they say that having positive thoughts alone, with zero effort, cannot bring about a desired outcome. They are not wrong to believe so.”

I think this was the most misleading part of The Secret. When they show the lady visualizing a necklace and then it appears around her neck instantly, it implies that thoughts become reality without action. And so people try to disprove it by visualizing something halfheartedly, doing nothing, and then seeing that it doesn’t magically appear. But when you think of thoughts as the starting point for obvious and inspired action, that changes everything.

Evelyn - August 14, 2008


I pretty much agree that “The Secret” did a lot of good in raising awareness about the law of attraction but failed to reveal everything about manifesting. I have to thank the movie for getting me started on a journey that took me down to the basics of clearing my negative emotions and beliefs and to now, building intuition and greater connection with my Higher Self.

So yes to your statement on “when you think of thoughts as the starting point for obvious and inspired action, that changes everything” 🙂

Love and light,


Writer Dad - August 14, 2008

I agree about the secret. The laws of attraction aren’t about the shortcuts found in the Secret DVD. They’re about hard work. And I’m with you, I have a VERY difficult time muting the chatter in my mind.

Stacey / CreateaBalance - August 14, 2008

For me, if I can control my inner chatter to chant my intentions long enough and loud enough, I am compelled to take action. That is how I define and live the law of attraction. What gets in my way is when I lose sight of my intentions or lose sight of what I truly want to attract into my life.

Brennan Kingsland - August 14, 2008

Dear Evelyn,

A simple poster made a BIG change in my life years ago:

“The smallest good deed is better than the grandest good intention.”

I always had great ideas for helping the universe (ain’t I humble?) but I didn’t know how to implement anything on a day-to-day basis. The words on the poster were a wake-up call for me.

Action is required, even if you just start small.

Have a great day!

Irene | Light Beckons - August 14, 2008

Hi Evelyn,

Old thoughts and habits are really very hard to break … a lot of it has got to do with faith and trust, which again is not something that comes easy for everyone. However, once we establish that trusting relationship with our Higher Selves and our spiritual resources, things do get better. You’d be surprised – tuning in to your intuition and taking inspired actions can lead to adrenalin pumping rides too! 🙂

PeaceLoveJoyBliss - August 14, 2008

Evelyn, the essence of what you share is clear: be here now to receive gracefully the subtle impulses of the higher self, even as you take actions that are obvious and beneficial to the ego. And like you say, these impulses can arise at any time, inside or outside your comfort zone. Important, too, is to respond to these impulses with full awareness of your highest path so that they align with your highest purpose. Your adventurous spirit shines through your post in a way that inspires me to take ownership of my own path and purpose. Thank you sharing.


Evelyn - August 14, 2008

@WriterDad, yes..hard work and persistence are necessary too. However, there should be no struggle.

@Stacey, clarity in the things you want to attract is vital.

@Brennan, you’ve certainly shared something very important with me today. I have the dream to impact thousands of lives. But really, there is every joy even when a few of my posts have helped a couple of individuals.

@Irene, hahaha….I’ve yet to experience the adrenalin pumping rights in my spiritual journey. Now that you’ve warned me, I’d better be careful. I have to confess that I can get addicted to wild rides.

@Christopher, thanks for your feedback. It’s quite a mouthful even after you’ve summarised what I said but you’ve captured the very essence of this post. Inspiration sure works both ways….I am as much inspired by my readers to grow spiritually too!

Shilpan | successsoul.com - August 14, 2008

Evelyn – I can’t agree with you more. The harder I work, luckier I get. That has been my mantra for a while and it always works. I enjoyed the article.

Lorraine Cohen - August 14, 2008

I’m a huge believer in combining intuition with action = inspired action. I’ve developed my intuition over decades of listening, following my nudges and watching what happen. That’s how I built trust in my intuition. It’s a muscle you develop over time and experience.

Sometimes it is so subtle that I don’t realize I’m in motion because of an inner prompting. If I miss it, it becomes more pronounced (thank goodness) like having a pebble in your shoe LOL.

You’re so right about taking action Evelyn. I’ve joked saying that if you expect the Universe to bring you everything while you sit on the side line, you’ll be shown a multitude of ways to sit on your butt.

BTW – I wrote a post on dealing with negative mental chatter you might like: http://tinyurl.com/5avrhs


Evelyn - August 14, 2008

@Shilpan, LOL…your experience does show it…miracles also take hard work!! I’d call it inspired action, because what you’ve been dreaming of is in alignment with your Soul Purpose!

@Lorraine, you are a veteren! I like what you said “It’s a muscle you develop over time and experience”. I also enjoyed the pebble in the shoe analogy. I need to relax and just Be. Noticing the pebbles will be that much easier. I’ve checked out your post. Love it!

Barbara Swafford - August 15, 2008

Hi Evelyn,

I love how you included the statement, “Do not for a moment be mistaken into thinking that there is no need for action on your part.” I think many hear about the law of attraction and believe they can just “think” good things to themselves. They get disappointed and debunk it. You’ve proven there’s more to it than just waiting for something good to happen. We need to do our part, too.

Lance - August 15, 2008

It’s so easy to be constantly surrounded by “noise” – even when it quiet, our mind can have a way to still creating it. I think the key is to be able to get to some sort of meditative state – where your mind is free of the chatter, and your life is quieted from the noise.

Taking inspired action – what a wonderful way to put it. We act upon that which we are inspired to do. Powerful.

Reading about your journey in this process is very uplifting to me Evelyn. It’s one of the things I really love about your writing – you’re not afraid to get personal. And that really gives your writing an extra touch.

Kelly@SHE-POWER - August 15, 2008


Oh my god, I love that Mary Hayes-Gieco quote! It just flew right off the page and straight into my brain where it bounced off walls and went KAPOW in a brilliant shining light.

I have never heard the quote before and while she is not saying anything new, her words really speak to me. There’s your proof that we can all add something new to old ideas.

But back to your blog post, I can really relate to the mind chatter and the future focus making it hard to hear your intuitive thoughts. I have always been pretty good at tapping into my intuition and instincts in everyday decision making and where people and jobs are concerned, but when I have a goal that I desperately want then the fear steps in and my intuitive voice gets drowned out. Like you, I am on a journey to try and rectify this but it most certainly is not easy.

I also agree that many people think the law of attraction doesn’t work because they don’t hear the part about taking inspired action and they don’t face the blocks getting in their way and work on releasing them. You can’t do nothing to get your drams and you also can’t force them. It’s a delicate balance and heavily dependent on faith.

I know you’re a fan of Sedona like me, and I have found this method very powerful at releasing my emotional baggage so I can move upward and onward with my life.

These days I am working on using Abraham-Hicks techniques to utilize the law of attraction more effectively. They are all about the emotional guidance system and I find this an effective and simple way to see where I am “at” on a day to day level.

I am excited to be joining you on your spiritual journey, and can’t wait to hear more.

Kelly x

Cath Lawson - August 15, 2008

Hi Evelyn – like you, I used to ignore my intuition and it caused me so many problems.

I never thought about clutter getting in the way of intuitivity though – I’ll be more careful of that in the future.

Robin - August 15, 2008

Hi there Evelyn

I really like the way you talk about training to use the intuition – since I found out about these concepts I have been deliberately training myself to be intuitive.

Sometimes it looked very strange to people who did not understand what I was doing (which I think was everybody) – why doesn’t she have a job? etc etc. I’m in for the adventure! (Bring on the miracles!)

Andrea Hess|Empowered Soul - August 15, 2008

Aaaah, an article after my own heart! 🙂

The best thing about putting time and effort into intuitive development is that it makes our lives SO much easier. We know without a shadow of a doubt which path is for us. Inspiration flows. Our next steps reveal themselves effortlessly. It’s a great way to be.


Evelyn - August 15, 2008

@Barbara, yes…what we need to take are more of the inspired actions. Then, life is less of a struggle, because we are also applying law of attraction properly.

@Lance, thanks! I appreciate your support in what I’m doing.

I share my personal struggles because I believe that others can learn from them too. My intent is to encourage my readers to move past their resistance and to commit to their own self growth. I’m in this journey as much as anyone else.

Evelyn - August 15, 2008

Hi Kelly,

I put the quote right at the intro of this post because it spoke to me when I first read it. It’s great to know that I did the right thing, for its impact on you!

I laughed when you said that “but when I have a goal that I desperately want then the fear steps in and my intuitive voice gets drowned out”. Definitely sounds very much like what I’m going through!

From what you’ve written, it’s obvious to tell that you are as committed as I am in this journey in emotional and spiritual growth. I wish you all the best! Let’s continue to share what we’ve learnt, the obstacles we face and the insights we’ve gained!

Your friend,

Evelyn - August 15, 2008

@Cath, I just read somewhere that it’s not just mental clutter but physical clutter that can get in the way of clarity too. Our space just gets too crowded. It’s time to do more spring cleaning in every area – mind, body and spirit!

@Robin, I know how it feels like when others have no belief and trust in the path that I’ve chosen. I’m glad that you’ve jumped into the bandwagon too, to discover for yourself about the powers of using intuition. Yes…may we create miracles together!! It’s going to be wild….LOL!!

Evelyn - August 15, 2008

Andrea, you said “The best thing about putting time and effort into intuitive development is that it makes our lives SO much easier.” I’m still hoping to discover that…LOL!!

Letting go and surrendering my intellect to intuition is the hardest part for me. However, for some reason, I know that it is the best way to go!

Daniel Richard - August 15, 2008

Heya Evelyn!

Yeah. I liked it when you mention about the 2 steps. 1st one about the obvious things that are needed to be done is so true. Can’t expect things to happen w/o first working or placing ourselves into the place where we can win or receive the fruits of labor.

Stumbled and dugg!


Lola Fayemi / Nourishment for your spiritual awakening - August 15, 2008

Great article

It’s like you picked up where “The Secret” stopped. I agree with everything you have written in this post. The thing with intuition is that you never know where it will take you and to the ego mind it sometimes looks like it may be the wrong direction.

I find a playful mind really helps so I can enjoy the detours and wonderful way it leads me to more than I originally asked for.

In love, light and abundance x x x

Davina - August 15, 2008

I liked this line… “The Universe supports you in your dreams, when you are moving purposefully in the direction of your dreams.”

Just like they always say, “Be careful what you ask for. You just might get it.” 🙂

Davina - August 15, 2008

Oops, forgot to include my link. I hit the Speak button too fast.

Evelyn - August 16, 2008

@Daniel, how are you doing? Yes, even if we forget the part about inspired actions, we cannot not begin the obvious ones if we have a dream to work towards. Thanks for the stumble and digg.

@Lola, it’s great that you can view your mind as being playful…LOL! Most of us typically would judge where our minds take us and feel dismayed that we have not had better control over them!

@Davina, so true!! We need to be clear about what we want as we just may get our desire!

kannan - August 17, 2008

Hi Evelyn,

Very inspiring post.
We have to be very careful with our mental chatter.There may be(are) so many negative and unproductive thoughts.Whenver i get any negative thoughts,immediately,i change them to something positive or i will think about my dream plan for the future.
To be in the present moment is tough in this stressful life,but through meditation,yoga,we can calm our thoughts.
I spoke to my elder brother’s son two years back over phone,i asked what he was doing,immediately he told me that he was speaking over phone.I wrote a blog post also on this.Children are wonderful people,they always live in the present,a gift from God,which we lost on the way as adults.
Thanks for sharing.
Best Wishes,
Kannan Viswagandhi

Evelyn - August 17, 2008

Hello Kannan, nice one there about the telephone conversation you had with your brother’s son. We sure can learn so much from kids. I can safely say that my kids have taught me a lot about joy, patience and present moment awareness. I privately call them my dharma teachers sometimes!!

Yes…meditation and yoga are definitely activities that we should incorporate regularly into our lifes!!


Jean Browman--Cheerful Monk - August 19, 2008

You said, “Letting go and surrendering my intellect to intuition is the hardest part for me. However, for some reason, I know that it is the best way to go!”

For me it’s not that either my intellect or my intuition surrenders to the other…I’ve devoted a good part of my life to getting them to work together as a team. That’s one thing my latest post, My Brain Is My Favorite Toy is about.

About the law of attraction…I certainly believe it can be motivating if it gets us moving and working, but I just can’t believe we’ll always get what we want even though we play our part well. Think of Randy Pausch…I can’t imagine anyone doing more to live to see his children raised. He did wonderful things in the process, but he still passed away and missed watching them grow up. And a friend of mine worked extremely hard for about thirty years writing science fiction, supporting herself with jobs like being a waitress while she focused on her writing. She was convinced that she would eventually succeed in writing. She finally gave it up in her late sixties when her health started failing. She wound up extremely bitter for having wasted her life. A psychologist told her at least she had spent her life doing what she loved, and she was so angry she wanted to throw him out the window…she didn’t want to write for the joy of it, she wanted to be a paid writer.

I also know plenty of people who worked hard because they felt they had to to survive. They wound up successful even though hadn’t dreamed it. It seems to me that the law of attraction works when it gets people to focus and work hard. That certainly increases their chances of being successful. But It’s not the only way that successful people motivate themselves. What do you think?

Thanks for the food for thought.

Harmony - August 26, 2008


Great post. I understand that for many the idea of using your intuition means that you no longer use your brain. That is partly because we are a brain addicted,
or “thinking” addicted society. We are so busy in our minds that we have had to create multiple diversions to keep our minds occupied at all times.

Case in point: Man/Woman getting ready for work. Radio is on with news, TV is on for the kids, I Pod is ready to walk out the door with them, cell phone goes into the bathroom, you get the picture I am sure. Beins silent or quiet even for a moment seems threatening. Yet,that is where the intuition breeds with actions…you know what you should DO when you become still enough to BE.

Thanks for the post and lively discussion.

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