How To Build Intuitive Awareness For Inspired Actions

For the law of attraction to work, taking both obvious and inspired actions is necessary. For abundance to manifest, you must move towards your desires both on an internal and external level. Internally, your desires must be clear, strong and in alignment with your soul purpose. Externally, you must take appropriate affirming actions.
“An idea not coupled with action will never get any bigger than the brain cell it occupied.”
— Quote by Arnold Glasow
Rightly you cannot hope to bring into fruition a booming business, if you do not put in the hard work and dedication. You cannot hope to meet a romantic spouse or partner, if you do not go on dates. You cannot have a fantastic body if you do not take care of your health. In short, you cannot hope to move mountains if you do not get your butt off the couch! Hence, many detractors choose to debunk the law of attraction because they say that having positive thoughts alone, with zero effort, cannot bring about a desired outcome. They are not wrong to believe so.
“He that waits upon fortune is never sure of a dinner. ”
— Quote by Benjamin Franklin
Two Types of Actions
See where your own energy wants to go, not where you think it should go.
Do something because it feels right,
Not because it makes sense.
Follow the spiritual impulse.
— Mary Hayes-Gieco
Appropriate actions are of two types; obvious and inspired.
1. Obvious actions involve normal logical steps. For instance, if you are intending to own your own business, you will need to ensure that you apply all the required licenses, hire the right people and find an office location. Obvious actions come from your conscious mind.
2. Inspired actions happen when you follow your impulses. Your spiritual impulses typically come when you are in touch with your Higher Self. They also appear non-linearly; that is, you cannot “think or “will” for impulses to happen. In fact, the harder you use mental energy to force them into being, the more they would not appear.
“One’s action ought to come out of an achieved stillness: not to be a mere rushing on.”
— Quote by D.H. Lawrence
While you may assume that the spiritual impulses should come at a time when you are dreaming or meditating, in reality they can come during any part of the day. Hence, they may pop into your mind when you are taking a shower, driving, or reading a book. These impulses usually drop in at a time when you are not looking or seeking for them actively. It is like having unannounced guests to your mental home. Because these guests can come and go swiftly, you have to remain alert.
Build Intuitive Awareness
What you need to do, therefore, is to be intuitively aware when the thought or impulse arises. The Universe supports you in your dreams, when you are moving purposefully in the direction of your dreams. It responds to the strength of your passion and commitment. It responds by sending you opportunities, ideas, people and resources that would be able to help make your asking come true.
Hence, start to be aware of these nudges. Be open to expansiveness. Be in a receiving mode. Do not be limited by your old ways of thought. Instead, be prepared to think creatively when an odd idea comes along. You should be able to recognise inspired thoughts if you are intuitive, in touch and very aware.
More often than not, you are not going to be hit with a shovel on your head that you have just been handed an inspired thought. Nor will there be blinking bright lights to draw your attention. A nudge can be very subtle and you may even be tempted to dismiss it, because it seems to bear no relationship to what you are asking for. Yet, if you decide to follow your spiritual instinct or gut, doors can magically open for you.
Back to the example of the unannounced guest to your mental home. When a guest who is friendly and supportive to your dreams comes a-knocking, you open your door. You do not wait a second. You follow up with inspired actions.
“Inspirations never go in for long engagements; they demand immediate marriage to action. ”
— Quote by Brendan Francis
How the Universe Responds to Your Actions
So be prepared to take not just obvious but inspired actions as well. You need to follow though on the thought impulses sent by the Universe in response to your asking. Do not for a moment be mistaken into thinking that there is no need for action on your part. Money does not grow on trees!! Miracles need some action on your part for them to occur.
Taking any action is an affirmation of your belief and trust. Let’s just say that if you did not really believe that something is possible, you will not even take any action to begin with.
Unconsciously, you may weaken your own vibrations by worry, doubt or fear. Hence, use your emotions as an internal guiding system and seek to destroy whatever that limits you. Be in present moment awareness, so that you can be intimate connection with your Higher Self. Focus your thoughts, feelings and energy instead on the action step that you need to take right now. Use the power of both your conscious and subconscious mind to create a vibrational match for the abundance you hope to attract.
My Own Journey: What Is Next
Obvious actions are easy to take. In terms of inspired actions, it is recognising spiritual impulses that is less straightforward.
The hardest to overcome has been the constant chatter in my mind. Save during short gaps in meditation or while I was asleep, my thoughts ran all day. Using my emotions as a guide, I monitored my thoughts for a space of two weeks. I noted that most of my thoughts hung on the future; whether they were about the success of my dreams or planning what to eat for dinner in the next 3 days. Since these thoughts were non-productive, they were mostly clutter. With that much clutter, my mind had no space for any inspired idea to pop in.
What was comforting knowledge was that my mentors told me that they have not started out by being so good with their intuition either. In a nutshell, practice makes perfect.
Building intuition requires full awareness of each present moment. It requires being watchful of thoughts and bringing them back to being in the Now, if they get entangled in the past or future. Admittedly, it would not seem easy. It seems like a 24/7 exercise. It requires me to change old habits of thought process.
Still, I am counting myself in for an adventure. A spiritual one to boot! How exciting! No longer similar to any of the adrenalin pumping ones I used to take riding the ocean waves, but one that requires exploration of my mind. I am all in for taking inspired actions. Care to join in?
Love and abundance always,