
How to Activate the Shift from Being Financially Stuck

“If you see yourself as prosperous, you will be. If you see yourself as continually hard up, that is exactly what you will be.”- Robert Collier

Poverty consciousness grows on you over time. You wear its cloak without truly realizing how melancholic it has been making you feel. Ever so often, you try to shrug off your struggle, with the justification that it is your fate or destiny to be poor. Without ever stopping to take a deep reflection, you can continue to merely get by, scrambling to make ends meet.

The vast majority of people are saddled with poverty consciousness by default. Mostly, we do not grow up in wealthy family backgrounds or have environments that help us develop mindsets of prosperity. Additionally, we are brought up on beliefs that are handed down over the generations about having to struggle hard for the money. Fed on a diet of limited thinking, we are programmed with poverty consciousness.

We may not be aware about some of these beliefs we hold because they exist in our subconscious. However, we can look at our external situations in order to know what our inner beliefs are. The extent of how bad our financial situation is reflects how deep the programming is. We find ourselves repeating the same money patterns over and over again.

And we wonder why we continue to rack up debts, overspend, gamble, and/or attract partners who are financially irresponsible. Of less severity – but still chronic enough, we find that we keep failing to clinch deals, failing to attract paying clients or failing to break our barriers to financial success. In short, we are financially stuck.

Herein lies one important reason why if this is true for you, shifting from poverty to prosperity consciousness can change your fortunes. A shift expands your energy into new possibilities. You are able to break free of the limiting patterns that have kept you stuck. Your thoughts translate into action. Thus, you no longer react as if you are on autopilot. You no longer engage in compulsive or repetitive behavior that causes you to sink deeper and deeper into depression.

Here are 4 steps to activating the shift:

(1) Acknowledge the part that you have played. You are able to see how your choices have led you to the current situation that you are in. You also realize that failure to make the acknowledgement will continue to cause you to be stuck.

(2) Be willing to face up to your situation. At this point, you may realize that what is at stake in the image that you have been projecting in front of others. Your self-esteem is at a low. However, you are willing to do it what it takes to help you get over the hump. This step involves doses and doses of courage. It is not easy. You may experience plenty of shame initially. However, once you connect with the pain of being stuck, the choice becomes clear for you.

(3) Release your negative emotions. It is hard to move into positive action if you are saddled with negative emotions. Shame can hold you back from doing what is necessary. Worry can blind you from making a clear decision. And any feelings of misery can drown you into inaction. Thus, find safe ways to release your emotions. I highly recommend that you look into journaling, energy healing and/or inner child work.

(4) Get support during the transition period. It is hard to make the transition alone. This is not the time to be the lone hero or heroine. There is no embarrassment to asking for assistance if needed. Get appropriate support. Be clear in what you need. Support does not come in the form of a friend who is willing to listen to your excuses. Obviously, get help from those who are able to help you move positively forward. Professional life coaches are great at this!

Of course, it seems counter to good sense that you may now have to spend in order to get support from a trained professional. However, think of it as an investment. Ultimately, you are investing in your well-being. And you are worthy of it 🙂

Once you start experiencing the effects of transformation, I don’t see why you will ever want to revert to old patterns again. Hence, any change is likely to be permanent. A number of my clients reported to experiencing a sense of freedom after clearing old limiting patterns almost immediately.

Shift with Greater Ease

Change of habits can be discomforting. I know. I refused to change for a long time. No one likes change. However, it is in change that brings different results than what we are currently getting.

You will inevitably face resistance. It just seems so risky to make a change. After all, there is a certain numbness to the pain of the old. You may mistake the numbness for comfort. But don’t be deluded that the gnawing pain will ever go away if you don’t do anything different. Perhaps your subconscious may find it more appealing to think in terms of making a shift rather than change. Hence, you shift in gradual steps.

To undo old programing involves work. There are no quick fixes. The process is not likely to be an overnight thing. You need to develop new thinking patterns and new habits, for a real shift to take place. Increasingly, you will realize that you won’t have regrets making the decision to do so!

Love and abundance always,

evelyn lim signature

Abundance Life Coach, Energy Healing Practitioner, Intuitive Consultant

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Lori - October 8, 2013 Reply

This was really good. I am in the process of all of this. Its hard but its working.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Lori,

No one said that it would start out easy. But it will be worth it! You will find that things will get easier because you are less in struggle. Kudos to you for having the courage to work on the inside! Glad to know that it’s working 🙂

Love and blessings,


Angela Artemis|Powered by Intuition - October 8, 2013 Reply

Hi Evelyn,
Wonderful post!
It is our responsibility to change our inner dialogue. No one can do it for us. If we keep affirming lack that is what we’re going to see in our lives.

As a financial sales person I found myself blaming the economy a lot. What I did to change that was to begin telling myself that there is opportunity for the motivated person in every economic climate. This alleviated the stress of feeling that I could not overcome the current economic circumstances and I have been getting a lot more business.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Angela,

I guess what is great is that the internet offers us a chance to reach out to people from across the globe. We don’t have to be fully reliant on what is going on in our home country. As long as we offer something of value, there are bound to be people who will need our products and services.

Glad to know that you have managed to alleviate your stress 🙂

Love and blessings,


Vishnu - October 9, 2013 Reply

Wonderful post, Evelyn and I believe one that most people have to read because we grow up with such unusual and unhealthy beliefs about money. We are constantly reminded of lack and insufficiency instead of abundance. I’ve been working through this over the years but realized that it started with my mindset first. Only when we acknowledge what’s holding us back can we move forward.

I think most people may be in denial of these limiting beliefs or don’t know that they exist so they may be looking for a solution without understanding the deeper mentality/consciousness behind their money troubles.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Vishnu,

Agreed. We are reminded a lot about scarcity and lack. The mind has a tendency to remember things like these rather than on abundance.

Yup, most people are not aware about their limiting beliefs enough to start working on them. There can be several aspects and layers to money issues. The more we can clear these, the more freedom we experience and the more wealth we attract.

Love and abundance always,


Galen Pearl - October 9, 2013 Reply

This was especially true of those who grew up in the US during the depression. They worked hard to provide financial security for their children, many of whom then grew up feeling entitled! So that’s a difficult balance, yes? Prosperity comes from a mind open to prosperity, but also from taking the necessary steps.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Galen,

It IS all about balance. Prosperity comes from both taking aligned actions and from having a wealth mindset. We still need to do the necessary work but we are in far less struggle, when we are in prosperity consciousness.

Love and abundance always,


Betsy/Zen Mama - October 10, 2013 Reply

I really enjoyed the post Evelyn! I’m going to apply these tips to a financial situation I’ve in recently. I’ve tried to look at my financial family history and see where my feelings come from. I truly believe in abundance and prosperity combined with a great work ethic is the best. But I definitely have some “financial baggage” left over from growing up with my parents.
Thanks for your great advice!


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Betsy,

Let me know if you need any assistance. I will be happy to help!

Love and abundance always,


Gavriel - October 17, 2013 Reply

I tried so many things in the past to get me unstuck, including lots of EFT. I suppose everyone works differently. What finally did it was finding affirmations that I really resonated with and repeated over and over, sometimes in front of a mirror. Then one day, the step that started me on the path to financial freedom suddenly seemed effortless.

It’s still quite early on but I am really enjoying the process 🙂


sherill - December 2, 2015 Reply

Hi, Thanks for sharing a beautiful post. Changing habits can really be hard but it is all worth it. Great Read.


Daisy - December 19, 2015 Reply

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