How the “Poor Me” Syndrome Is Synonymous with Poverty Consciousness

For your awareness, to constantly think “poor me” is to operate in poverty consciousness.
Do you go over “poor me”, “poor me” and “poor me” in your mind?
You could also be repeating the same thing to the people that you meet too.
“Poor me” is akin to having a victim mentality. You are in self-pity. A “poor me” syndrome arises especially when you are constantly pointing blame outwards. It could be the fault of your grandmother, father, the government, the economy and so on. It is always the fault of someone or something else except yours.
[Side-note] This post is updated as the content is still relevant today.“Self-pity is easily the most destructive of the nonpharmaceutical narcotics; it is addictive, gives momentary pleasure and separates the victim from reality.” John W. Gardner
When you think “poor me”, you find yourself realising situations of poor and poverty at the physical level. Thoughts become things, after all. And you know how it is like when you have a sequence of thoughts that are negative. You start to spiral downwards. Over time, you feel more and more miserable and poor and poorer. Invariably, your situation gets worse and worse.
You may not recognise yourself as having a “poor me” syndrome at first. It could be subtle behind your complaints that “life is hard” or that “life is unfair”. But “poor me” could be the unsaid thought that lies beneath the blame that you feel for the outside world. It happens when you pine for sympathy for your situation.
Playing Out the Poor Me Syndrome – Different Scenarios
Unfortunately, there are many women who fall into the category of “poor me”. They crave for a sense of belonging in sisterhoods. Their idea is to come together to complain and compare who has the worst stories. They are great hosts of pity parties that are long-drawn.
Maybe you are thinking if you whine “poor me”, none of your friends will borrow money from you. You don’t want others to know that you actually have excess money in the bank or that you have just gotten promoted with a nice pay rise. However, holding on to such thoughts is not promoting a sense of growth.
When you blame others, you are saying that you are not responsible. You are not taking charge. In other words, you are giving your power away.
You could be feeling justified anger because it is the government, the tax department or the economy that you are blaming – factors that are outside your control. Then again, should you lay blame on any of these authorities, you are basically allowing an external party or force to determine your happiness or level of wealth. It is still giving power away.
Get Over Your “Poor Me” Mentality
The only “thing” that you can control or change is you and your perspective. You always have a choice in how you intend to view your situation.
Blame obstructs the flow of abundance into your life. It does not serve you in any way. Wallowing in self-pity is not attractive in the least. If you have been around people who are blaming others all the time, you will know how toxic blame can be. You don’t win by playing victim, you win only when you take charge of your power to create and to manifest the life that you want.
Prosperity is a state of mind. Instead of “poor me”, think “rich me”. Focus on the blessings in your life and by virtue of the law of attraction, you will start to draw more blessings into your life.
“You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.” Brian Tracy
Love and Abundance Always,
Evelyn Lim
Transformation Life Coach
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