[Case Study] How Rose Addressed The Root Cause of Feeling Unwanted In Her Mother’s Womb

When Rose first approached me, she wanted to work on having the mindset to attract money. After all, she was hoping to attract more sales and to grow her business. However, after asking her some questions during the discovery call, I found out that it was her low self-confidence that bothered her most.
Rose had been feeling lousy about herself for a long time. Her low self-confidence was costing her, as she was afraid of putting herself out there to promote her business. Despite trying to will herself into confidence, the attempts did not work as she continued to feel insecure about herself at deep levels.
Entering the Cave of Fears
When prompted, Rose gave me the feedback that she tend to feel anxious whenever she needed to promote herself or her business.
She would start having pain in the heart.
I recommended to Rose that we work on addressing specific issues from the past that could potentially explain why she was having bad anxiety sensations in the body.
That was when Rose hesitated.
She was afraid of looking at her past and fears.
However, what helped her to proceed with the session was the realisation that she would be given a safe space to explore her past and deepest fears.
I nudged her with my favorite quote by Joseph Campbell, the best-selling author of The Hero with a Thousand Faces, “the cave that you fear to enter holds the treasure that you seek.”
With Rose’s agreement to proceed, we went on to investigate further.

Root Cause Traced to Experience of Unwantedness in Mother’s Womb
Based on her memory, Rose had a number of childhood experiences where she felt insecure. But as we traced back as far back as possible, it surfaced that the most significant was the time when she was in her mother’s womb. Also, Rose was able to recall conversations that she had as an adult with her mother, where her mother related about her struggles when she was pregnant.
When Rose went back to the time where she was 6 months in her mother’s womb and at the height of her mother’s struggles, she opened a floodgate of emotions. The fear that Rose had avoided facing became obvious – the fear of rejection. Her mother was rejecting her in the womb. Tears rolled down her cheeks, from the discovery that subconsciously, she had been feeling unwanted and therefore, unloved.
Rose (as a fetus) was so hurt that she did not want to be born, knowing that her mother was not looking forward to receiving her at birth. She was also angry with her mother for not making things safe for her. The medication that her mother was taking almost killed her.
Well, we worked towards resolving this matter for her (fetus). In essence, we changed the energetic story that she had around about being “unwanted”. Rose had to let go of the grief and hurt that she was carrying for 40 years in order to heal.
We worked on healing her soul matrix with self-love healing
that involves inviting love back into her heart,
reclaimed the “unwanted” part of herself,
and installing a new set of empowering beliefs that were later integrated into her energy system.
When we finally ended the session, Rose commented that she felt as if she was “reborn”. She reported that she felt lighter, whole, and most of all, loved for the self.
Over 6 weeks, Rose and I worked on other past instances where she had felt unwanted too. While they were less “traumatic”, releasing the unwanted baggage over these instances aided in scar repair. We stacked up positive emotions, the belief that she “deserves love” and that she does have a “safe” place here on Earth. These embedded beliefs helped her to anchor self-love and a sense of well-being.
The last that I spoke to Rose, she was in excitement about what’s to come. She now has the mission to empower other women. She’d like to help others gain self-confidence too. Rose is an excellent example of how anyone can overcome years of insecurity to living with greater purpose and fulfilment.
How You can Overcome Deep-Rooted Issues of Feeling Insecure and Unwanted
If low self-confidence had plagued you throughout your life, there could be something about the past that has been left unresolved.
In fact, it led you to creating a limiting belief. Root beliefs are often formed in the past, from the age of 7 and below. Hence, we will need to take a trip back in time to address what’s unresolved back then.
Here is the key: For many of us, we could already be aware that we have the limiting belief of “I’m not good enough”. The belief brings about low confidence and holds us back from leading fuller lives. However, there are various specific themes that can also be related to “I’m not good enough” – such as “I’m not unwanted“.
It will help to uncover the specific energetic theme that is the root-cause of your insecurity issues. By doing so, you will be applying a more targetted change that addresses the problem. The root energetic theme is not the same for everyone and that is why it could take a trained professional to help you uncover what’s unique to you.
In Rose’s case, as we discovered, the big theme to her insecurity was about feeling unwanted. It nullified her existence, causing her to develop insecurity issues about who she is and what she is meant to be doing in her life. She had carried her “unwanted” wounds until we started working together.
Essentially, we changed her vibrational “I am unwanted” theme to one that is about “I am wanted”. The transformation is deep, shifting from feelings of rejection into one of feeling accepted and loved for who she is – both cognitively and at the somatic level!
If you are running a business like Rose, you can potentially reduce your ability in attracting great clients, team members and working partners when you beam out an “unwanted” vibrational story to the Universe. The perception that you are unwanted – which creates the feeling of being unloved – is an energy that can get amplified across all areas of your life. On the contrary, when you pull out the roots of a limiting story at the somatic and cognitive levels, you lay the ground for planting a new paradigm.
Rose managed to have the story of her birth rewritten.
And it can absolutely happen for anyone too!
Click here if you need assistance with self-love online healing
Love and abundance always,
Evelyn Lim
P.S. Read how Kay Released Her Childhood Pain to Overcome Money Blocks here.