
How One Word Can Change Your Life

“The limits of my language means the limits of my world.”
– Ludwig Wittgenstein

power of choice

Editor’s note: guest article submitted by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt.

Words are powerful.

They manifest themselves into beliefs, feelings, actions and entire lives. They make your world or break it. They lift you up or pull you down. They move you forward or make you tread water.

But can one single word change the course of your entire destiny?

Yes, it absolutely can.

I’m the living proof of it. Learning just one little wicked word has changed my entire life. I went from almost-dying-of-anorexia to having my own successful business in less than a year.

Up to the point where I decided to take my life in my own hands, I was always guided by outside factors. I had to weigh a certain amount in order to fit in, so I started to go on a fatal diet. I needed to be the best in class to please my dad. I wanted to be part of something, so I changed my personality. I never chose. I was never the one with the driver’s seat in my hands. I just always adapted and went along with the wants and desires of others.

All that changed when I learned the power of the word “to choose”.

I still remember the day. I remember the clear blue sky, the brightness of the sun and the way I was looking out the window of my therapist’s office. I had been in recovery for a while, but was still stubbornly holding on to big parts of my anorexic behavior. I was still abusing laxatives and not eating enough by a long shot. I was at a turning point and I had no idea which way I would go.

Yes, I needed to get better. I needed to tell the truth. I needed to make a decision, but would I?

That’s when my therapist said this magic word that rocked my world. And I’ve never looked back. How could I? I finally started to live, love and matter. I finally started to be me.

The same can become true for you.

Once you start to choose, your possibilities are endless and your outlook on life makes a drastic U-turn.

Suddenly, you can have everything you want to eat, but you choose not to.

You can have every guy in the world, but you choose not to.

You can have all the success you yearn for and you choose to get it.

You can have all the money you’ve always lacked because you choose to have it.

You can be the person you’ve always wanted to be because you choose to just be her.

You get the point.

Is it really that simple? In the end, yes.

Obviously, there are a few steps you have to take to get to that point and I didn’t recover over night, but transforming your thoughts, beliefs and your world is easier than you think.

Here’s the formula I used to stop words from limiting my world and instead craft them to expand my horizon.

1. Become aware of all the have to’s, should’s and want to’s in your life.

How often do you have to do something, want to do something or should do something? Quite often. Am I right?

And how often do you actually do it? Not so often. Right again?

Well, the first step to having more power over your life is to become aware of those limiting words. Listen to your thoughts, hear what you’re saying to yourself and others and really become conscious of it. You’ll be surprised by what you notice. I know I was.

2. Replace these phrases with the magic words choose to

Every time a thought or a sentence with these words slips your mind, instantly negate it by exchanging the words. This will take a bit of patience, a lot of self-compassion and a lot of staying power. But in time, you’ll get more in tune with your inner dialogue, you’ll catch those negative thoughts immediately and can transform them in a mere second.

3. Repeat

Repeat this exercise until you’re sick and tired of thinking of these words. And then do it again. And again. And again. The longer and the more consistent you do this circle of becoming aware and replacing, the more intuitive this process becomes and over time, your mind will not even consider the limiting phrases and will instead go to the empowering and life-changing wording. And that’s where the magic is going to happen, both in your own self-worth, in your business and in whatever area you choose to use this method.

That’s it. That’s the whole formula I used to defeat my inner demons, get healthy, powerful and ready for success, fulfillment and happiness.

Try it yourself and you’ll see how everything changes for the better.

About the Author

Anne-Sophie Reinhardt is an anorexia survivor, self-love ambassador,  body image expert and the owner of aMINDmedia. She empowers you to achieve a healthier and more successful life by returning to your true purpose and values.

Editor’s Note: Share Your Thoughts

It was the same word that transformed my life too. Things started to change when I started to see that I have the power to make the choice to be happy, instead of blaming external events.

What about you? Has any word transformed your life? If so, share it in the comments below.

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Claire - September 28, 2012 Reply

Knowing that we have a choice, and need not be a victim to circumstances, is indeed empowering. =)

There is no single word that can capture everything for me, but recently, it has been “possibility.” It is a new, surprising, and empowering way of looking at things. Sometimes I feel like I have new eyes. =) Before I got to this point, though, I had to deal with many issues and shed old beliefs.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Claire,

Possibility is a great word. It expands one’s paradigm and options start to open up. It is nice to know how powerful and life changing this word had been for you 🙂

Love and abundance always,


Anne-Sophie Reply:

Hi Claire, thanks so much for your comment and your openness. I agree, possibility is a powerful and empowering word. It opens up a whole new world and gives you strength when you feel like you don’t know which way to turn. Thanks for sharing it with us!


Sepia - September 28, 2012 Reply

Words are very powerful!! I have been studying 7Words for the last three years. This says that everything we think/do/say/are can be covered by one of 7 everyday words (No, Hello, Thanks, Goodbye, Please, Sorry, Yes). Each of these 7 primary words has 4 keywords. The keywords for No are Boundaries, Identity, Choice, Truth. As you can see, No is all about who we are and where all that abuse takes place (self-abuse and other people trying to make us fit what they think we “should” be – this includes trying to be what our parents/lovers want, trying to please our parents and probably negating who we truly are in the process, etc. – get the picture?). Choosing belongs to No, so I am not surprised it can turn our life around. Just learning to say “No” to people and strengthening my boundaries has made a huge difference in my life – and 7Words has since led to a complete “epiphany”. [If you’re interested, Google 7Words and you will find more details on the web.] Yes – words are extremely powerful, and the most powerful words of all are No and Boundaries. When we master those, we will get Identity (we will know who we are) and Choice (we will know what we want) – and only then can we really live our Truth!


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Sepia,

Thank you for introducing the 7words and taking the time to explain more. It sure sounds like a powerful program. I like the part about establishing clear and healthy boundaries 🙂

Love and abundance always,


Anne-Sophie Reply:

Hi Sepia,

I had never heard of the 7 words, but it sounds super interesting. I’ll definitely check it out. Thanks for sharing. And yes, boundaries are crucial for physical and emotional health. I find that learning to set boundaries is a process and you get better at it the more you practice. But it’s not always too easy.


rita singh - September 29, 2012 Reply

HI!! EVELYN…..THIS write-up was TRULY ‘AWAKENING’………you are a MARVEL n your writing is extremely THERAPEUTIC n makes a lot of sense……ONE MAGICAL WORD that comes to mind is ‘PERSPECTIVE’…..we don’t have control over so many events but what we DO have control over is the WAY we LOOK at it……and this becomes IMMENSELY ‘EMPOWERING’…..trying to use this method of VIEWING things in THE BEST POSSIBLE manner…..and ALSO this makes us have MORE EMPATHY towards others as we try looking at things from their PERSPECTIVE too…..by doing THIS we get to REALIZE that there are no RIGHTS n WRONGS to certain things…..both can be RIGHT from their INDIVIDUAL points of VIEW…..try this METHOD folks n see THE DIFFERENCE……….THANKS LOADS for your ABUNDANCE of PROFOUND….ENRICHING….GREAT WRITE-UPS…..as ever GOD BLESS…………..”””””””””””’


Anne-Sophie Reply:

Hi Rita,

thanks so much for your wonderful thoughts. Yes, perspective is most definitely a word that can change lives. It’s true that we often hold on to our beliefs and forget that they might not be true for others, but neither one is better or worse. The beliefs/situations/circumstances are just different.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Rita,

The credit should go to Anne-Sophie for her fabulous writing 🙂

With love,


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