
How Low Self Worth Affects Your Net Worth

self esteem self talk self worth

Could your low self worth be affecting your net worth?

Oddly enough, whether you perceive yourself as worthy or not can affect your net worth. According to the dictionary, self worth means the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect. On the other hand, net worth refers to your net economic balance, which is derived from the value of all your assets minus the value of your liabilities.

“When your self worth goes up, your net worth goes up with it.”- Mark Victor Hansen

“Self worth comes from one thing – thinking that you are worthy.” Wayne Dyer

With self worth, you undergo an internal appraisal process whereby you assess whether you are “good enough” or “deserving”. From my understanding, self-worth is based on values. If you are not living up to the values that you hold dear, the esteem that you hold for yourself drops. When this happens, you will find it to project yourself confidently; thus impacting your ability to shine on the outside.

3 Consequence of Low Self Worth

1. Feel Lousy About Yourself. Problem arises when you use “money” as the value or yardstick as a measure of self-worth. You deem yourself not good enough solely because your cash balance or your ability to make an income is low.

In addition, driven by the fears of your ego, you cannot help but compare yourself to your friends. Invariably, you feel lousy about yourself; you wonder why manifesting what they want is so easy for them. You label yourself a failure for not attaining financial success. Needless to say, a lack in confidence can prevent you from clinching that sale or making a business breakthrough.

2. Not Open to Receiving. Unfortunately, a low sense of self worth makes you a poor receiver. As a poor receiver, you are not aligned with universal abundance (which rests on the giving-receiving circuit of energy exchange). And guess what? You become closed to what the Universe has to offer to you.

Think of it this way. The Universe may already be sending tons of resources, ideas and connections your way; but vibrationally, you are saying “no” to these because you believe that you are not worthy. And it is the resources, ideas and connections that can potentially lead you to building net worth. However, since you are not open to receiving these, the Universe may just send them over to your friends (or enemies) – who are open to receiving – instead!

3. Unable to Charge What You Are Truly Worth. Low self-worth can have an impact if you provide any form of service. With low self-worth, you are not able to charge what you are worth. You simply cannot do it. Thus, you charge a price that is below the market, despite the ton of value that you provide. You end up with an energy leakage and possibly feeling resentful about yourself and your situation. Your self-love quotient reduces with every anger spear that you hurl at yourself.

how self worth affects net worth

Struggle Less by Overcoming Low Self Worth

From a soul perspective, you may have incarnated for the purpose of learning about deeming yourself as worthy and deserving. Thus, it can involve a series of unfolding events that allows you to grow into healthy self-worth and esteem. Of course, a quantum leap in consciousness can magically happen quickly too.

Since everything is energy, you can work at shifting how you perceive yourself to boost your magnetic vibrational quality. The greater your ability to perceive yourself as worthy, your ability to attract outcomes that affirm your internal state rises. Like vibrations attract. This principle is the Universal Law of Attraction.

You may not need to have an extremely high sense of self worth for financial abundance. In fact, I have observed that not all my wealthy friends deem themselves as completely worthy. However, what is clear is that when you have a healthy sense of self worth, you will be in much less struggle. You are lugging less mental weight around whilst you are pursuing your dreams of abundance.

Most certainly, work on raising any sense of low self worth for increasing your net worth!

Love and Abundance Always,

Evelyn Lim

Abundance Life Coach for Women. Author. Energy Healing Practitioner.

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Razwana - July 16, 2013 Reply

Evelyn – absolutely – it is ALL interconnected. When I had very low self worth, I allowed myself to be taken advantage of, played the victim card, didn’t put myself forward for opportunities …. the list goes on.

Even SLIGHTLY higher confidence turned this around. It’s magical !

– Razwana


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Razwana,

Thank you for validating what I said about what a small shift can potentially result in. Glad to know that you have experienced the magic!!

Love and abundance always,


Hiten - July 17, 2013 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

This was a wonderful post. I can’t emphasis enough how important a healthy self-esteem is.

Indeed, as you explained in your post, the views we hold of ourselves really do act like attractors to what we end up getting in the world, and this also applies to our finances.

High self-esteem helps us to remain strong when times get tough. I think anyone who is struggling with low self-esteem would do a big service to themselves by working on this area.

Thank you.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Hiten,

Yes I believe so. Working on self-esteem will be very helpful for those who believe that they are not worthy but who would like to attract more money.

Thank you for sharing your feedback. It’s great that you hold the same views too!

Love and abundance always,


Izzy - July 20, 2013 Reply

Hi Evelyn :).

I came across your blog from a comment you left on Vishnu’s site. I really enjoyed this post. I think the big killer behind having low self worth is that a person won’t be willing to take the risks and big steps necessary to achieve big things in their life.

I think our ability to take risks and embrace the challenge is directly related to our beliefs that we can do it. And our beliefs that we can do it are directly tied to our feelings of self worth… Though, I think I might just be repeating some of what you said above :).

I really liked how you tied our feelings of self worth to finances. It got my brain tingling :).


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Izzy,

I am happy to know that you have enjoyed reading this post.

Great point about not being willing to take risks with low self-esteem. Indeed, in situations when we do not have enough self-confidence and belief, we tend to limit ourselves.

It is okay to repeat LOL! When we repeatedly affirm things that are true, our brains start to tingle!!!

Love and abundance always,


Vishnu - July 22, 2013 Reply

Insightful post here. Low self worth doesn’t just make one feel inadequate and unworthy but you’ve helped clarity the connection between self-worth and external circumstances as well Evelyn.

Although I don’t usually feel lousy about myself, I’ve struggled with being worthy. Definitely don’t feel like I’ve deserve some opportunities or been able to charge what I’m worth in certain situations. I do strive to increase my vibrations regularly and my mindset too to be more worthy in all aspects of my life. And looking forward to learning more from you.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Vishnu,

Most of us do have issues with self-worth in one way or another. It’s a matter of degree. We work through the layers to access a deep part from within that lets us know that “we are enough”.

I will be happy to share with you what I know. I enjoy connecting with like-minded folks!

Love and abundance always,


Keri Kight - July 28, 2013 Reply

I love this post. I struggled with self worth for years, along with having my addictive distractions, hoping to ignore the issues. When you’re indirectly taught to hate yourself from a young age, it truly is a process to love yourself again. I’m finally on the path of knowing my self worth, and life has never been better.

Thank you Evelyn!


Emma - July 28, 2013 Reply

Having negative thoughts about anything but especially yourself has such a limiting effect on your potential for personal growth. Positivity begets positivity and vice versa and any negative energy we have will carry over into all aspects of our lives, including our careers.


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