Give Yourself the Permission to Fly

Do you give yourself the permission to fly?
Well, for the first time, I did.
A week ago.
I felt all powerful *brilliant smile*!!

On top of the world.
It blew my mind to think that I could have the chance to take on the control wheel of a plane.
Even though it was a tiny two-seater.
And only for a few minutes.
I had thought the pilot-in-charge was going to say “no” when I asked for the permission to fly.
It was his first flight after getting his private license, after all.
I was half expecting a rejection.
Instead, he nodded.
He’s not joking.
It’s a yes!!!
Well, I guess he couldn’t say “no” to his wife who was looking so eager.
Yup, the pilot-in-charge is my husband, former F16 pilot and very importantly, the wind beneath my wings.
Time to Fly
When it was time for me to take over the wheel, I was nervous.
It’s a propeller after all. Affected by winds. I was concerned about flying off-course as some manoeuvring was needed.

Still, it wasn’t all that difficult since I only needed to head straight with the destination in the horizon. Don’t laugh ha!
From Senai International Airport, we were heading for Kukup Island where we circled to take in the majestic views of the sea from the sky.

It was a successful first flight – for both my husband and I!

No More Excuses
I’m thankful for the opportunity.
It was so fun that we are already planning for our next flight!
Which reminds me.
It took us forever to get to this point.
We had our excuses.
It’s not the right time, we used to say.
Years went by.
Life got better but we still had our excuses.
We started noticing how uninspired we were becoming for the lack of exciting adventures.
Finally we decided to just go for the things in life that we know will lift us.
The decision started a whole chain of events.
As you’ve read, it led us to taking our first flight together!
My Takeaways

No More Excuses!
Metaphorically speaking,
We already have wings….all we need is to give ourselves the permission to fly!
Agree? My question is: What’s Holding You Back?
On Silver Wings Poem
Finally, a poem that may just inspire you to FLY!

It’s a dream of your accomplishment of many wondrous things.
I do not know beneath which sky or where you’ll challenge fate,
I only know it will be high. I only know it will be great!
– anonymous –
– On Silver Wings poem that Mary Kay loves
Love and Abundance Always,
Evelyn Lim
Abundance Life Coach for Women in Business