
Gallop Faster in the Year of the Horse

“I discovered that the horse is life itself, a metaphor but also an example of life’s mystery and unpredictability, of life’s generosity and beauty, a worthy object of repeated and ever changing contemplation.” Jane Smiley

(Photo taken of Min, my daughter, posing in Trick Eye Museum, Seoul).

According to the Chinese Lunar calendar, the Year of the Horse starts from January 31, 2014. With the end of the year of the Snake in 2013, things are expected to gallop a lot faster. I thought it will be nice to share with you about what soothsayers are predicting for 2014 in my post today.

From ancient history, the horse is a favored auspicious animal amongst the 12 astrological Chinese symbols. While the dragon rules the sky, the horse – a creature that can be tamed and trained unlike the tiger – is considered to be the best runner on Earth. The dragon is mythical but the horse is a physical creature of beauty. According to Chinese myths, the horse has 30 percent of the dragon’s personality.

Like the dragon, the horse is revered for its majestic energy. To begin with, army generals ride on handsome-looking stallions for winning wars. The Chinese Goddess Kwan Yin has a white celestial horse too. Thus, the steed denotes nobility, leadership and excellence.

Predictions for the Year of the Wooden Horse

The horse year signifies adventure, speed and success. There is a common chinese proverb “ma dou chen gong” that puts it all together. Tellingly, it is also said that if a stallion is said to be able to run one-thousand-miles a day, it can help the Emperor win a battle.

Thus, expect to go on a wild and fast ride in 2014. Things are generally not expected to be stable. On the economic front, wide fluctuations are predicted.

On the personal front, be decisive. Because things move so fast, do not procrastinate on necessary actions. On the other hand, be sure to take calculated risk. This year is not the time to be impulsive as things will move doubly fast. Still, if you have the tendency to do too much planning and thinking, wait no more. Take advantage of the energy momentum! Follow your instincts and just do it!

The Year of the Horse is an excellent time for travel. So look out for opportunities that could even take you off the beaten track. Take off on an adventure!

The Energy of the Horse

Previous horse years include 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, and 2002. I had not planned things to be this way but my two girls were born – one in the year of the Dragon and the other in the year of the Horse (2002). You can imagine the energy in my home.

The majestic ruler of the sky and the fast runner of the Earth often find that they are not able to come into an agreement. Both are strong-willed and do not like being reined in. They have a knack of irritating each other. Yet, when they do get along, peace and harmony sets in. There is a boost of positive energy that rejuvenates the spirit of the home.

Min (which means quick-witted in Chinese), my younger girl, definitely has traits common to those born in the year of the horse. Accordingly, those who are horses are intuitive, free-spirited, independent, and need space to express themselves. Their keen sense of judgment often leads them to victory. They are also magnetic and at the same time, enjoy being admired. They are said to be able to lead generally abundant lives as they have the fortune of experiencing the finer things in life.

Famous personalities born in the year of the Horse include: Oprah Winfrey, Genghis Khan, Liam Hemsworth, Sir Isaac Newton, Barbara Streisand, Cindy Crawford, Jerry Seinfeld, John Travolta, and Paul McCartney.

Gallop With Speed

All in all, expect speed in the new year. Energy is abundant. Things will fly by in the blink of an eye. So if you have been spending way too much time delaying on a decision, this will be a great year to get moving. View your new project or phase as going on an adventure. To begin with, read my book Abundance Alchemy: Journey of Gold.

If you are reading this article, it may just be the sign that you need: buy a new property, launch a new business vision, make a money breakthrough (contact me about my energy healing services for wealth) and/or travel the world.

The Lunar New Year is observed for 15 days. It is a period of feasting and connecting with friends and relatives.

May you have a year of great prosperity and love ahead!

Abundance always,

evelyn lim signature

Abundance Alchemy Coach

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Sandhan - January 27, 2014 Reply

Thanks for this information Evelyn… always good to have the perspective of someone who is actually living this stuff. And fascinating to hear it from the ‘horse’s mouth!”


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Sandham,

Thanks for your comments.

A look into zodiac signs is always interesting!

Wishing you a year of prosperity, love and success,


Melissa - January 28, 2014 Reply

I love this article. My daughter is from China and was born in the year of the Horse 2002, so this is very interesting to me. I can’t wait to share the information with her when she gets home from school 😉 She totally has some of these great traits you listed “horses are intuitive, free-spirited, independent, and need space to express themselves.

“Thanks so much for this!


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Melissa,

How nice! Your girl is of the same age as my younger daughter, Min.

Yes, do share with your girl. I bet she will be intrigued by information on her zodiac sign!

Wishing you and your family a blessed and prosperous New Year,


Victor - January 28, 2014 Reply

Thank you for sharing Evelyn! It’s so intriguing to hear about the calendar and what it means. So fascinating. I was just laughing as you were describing the interactions between your daughters! Thanks again.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Victor,

Thanks for your comments!

It is true. Both the “horse” and the “dragon” can be extremely stubborn. They just won’t budge. As parents, we find ourselves having to give pep talks pretty often. The “horse” is easier to tame but must be allowed the space for self-expression.

Google on what your zodiac sign is and get more info!

Wishing you love, prosperity and happiness,


Elle - January 28, 2014 Reply

Wonderful insight into this coming year Evelyn. Like Victor, I so enjoyed hearing how the horse plays out amongst your daughters. Always fascinating to have a different perspective on the energies at work in our life.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Elle,

Oh yes, having an understanding of personality traits associated with zodiac signs is helpful. I also find the Enneagram great as an awareness tool. Since learning which Enneagram personality types each of us are, we now have a better understanding on how to deal with one another.

We need to harmonise the energy of the home if we wish to enjoy more love, peace and joy. The Chinese strongly believe in starting with the home if we want to build a great country. I believe so too!

Wishing you love, peace and prosperity in the New Year,


Karen Jolly - January 28, 2014 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

Thank you for your insight on this subject. I love learning about things like this. I just bought a book on Astrology that I am enjoying so much. Now, I need to look into the the Chinese Zodiac and the year of the horse – how interesting! And if the last couple months are any sign I would say things in my life have already started lining up for a year of galloping! Thank you for sharing. 🙂


Jess - January 29, 2014 Reply

What a super article! I am delighted to know that I shall be moving faster this year 🙂 May abundance flow to us all and may great joyful things happen!

With love to you Evelyn,


Juan - February 13, 2014 Reply

wow that photo is awesome. it trick my eyes


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