Face Up To Your 6 Basic Fears
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Photo by circo_de_invierno
To vibrate at a higher energy frequency or consciousness, you must not have a shred of worry or doubt. Then again, like so many people, you may choose not to face up to your fears. You try to focus your mind on positive thoughts; yet lurking in the shadows, are your negative beliefs and fears.
No doubt, dealing with demons can really be a scary thing. You may be afraid of the process itself, suspecting that it may reduce you to a state of vulnerability and helplessness. After all, your defence mechanism in not dealing with fears or anything unknown has served and protected you well all these years.
The signs that you need to take action are obvious enough. If you find yourself struggling, unhappy, not achieving the success you deserve, in financial difficulties or having little motivation, you can be sure that there is some element of negative thoughts that are obstructing your life journey.
Facing up to fears require you to make a conscious choice. Sure it can be painful initially. From my personal experience, I was even shocked to find out that I had a whole lot more of negative emotions that lie buried in my subconscious mind. You can read my previous post here about my repressed anger.
But my desire for personal growth keeps me on my path. And it is my belief that anyone who makes a similar decision, will emerge a much stronger person after the healing process. Since thoughts can be confusing, a structured breakdown into what fear is can help bring about more clarity and in deciding what useful thoughts and actions to adopt.
What are the 6 Basic Fears
According to Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill, there are 6 basic fears. Everyone of us suffer one or a combination of them at some point in our lives. In the order of common appearance, they are:
– The fear of poverty
– The fear of criticism
– The fear of ill health
– The fear of loss of love of someone
– The fear of old age
– The fear of death.
The terms by themselves are self-explanatory. They run a common thread in terms of consequences. Let us take the fear of poverty, which Napolean believes to be the most destructive of the six basic fears, as an example. He spells out that this fear hinders the faculty of reason, destroys imagination, undermines enthusiasm, leads to uncertainty of purpose, encourages procastination, and diverts effort. It also kills love and other finer emotions, destroys friendship and leads to sleeplessness, misery and much unhappiness.
If you can, run these consequences through your mind. Check to see whether from your own life experiences if you have harboured some of the fears and the situation thereafter. In the process, you may just be reminded of the several times that you’ve been been held hostage by your insecurities, paralyzing you from taking a wiser course of action and preventing you from becoming more generous in spirit. At this point, it is clear to see why abundance has not been flowing through you and into your life, for the longest time!
Worry As A Sign Of My Fears
Fears are often translated to worry, a state that I was very familiar with previously. If you knew me from way back, you would think I was mad; given my more fortunate circumstances than most people. Although I did reasonably well in school, last held an Asst Vice President position in a bank, got married to a great guy, gave birth to two lovely girls, had no major financial debts, stayed in a nice condominium apartment (with swimming pool, tennis court and all) and ate at some of the finest restaurants in town, I never truly felt secure.
I seldom celebrated what I already had. Rather, I viewed life as a struggle, because I was clinging on too tightly to my limited reality of things. You say it right…I deserve to be kicked for being so unappreciative of my abundance!
While I did pick up a couple of personal development books to read, I was not ready for real change. Instead, I chose to “will” myself to be positive and pretended outwardly that everything was fine. Deep inside, my mind was clouded with worry and I was waging an internal war.
The decision to face up to my fears was not an easy one to make. I finally hit a point when I asked myself – either deal with them or continue to be miserable! Perhaps it was a severe eczema flareup that precipated making a decision. If you don’t already know this, eczema is often tied to suppressed emotions. Your body needs to find a release in the toxins that it is accumulating. Much of the toxins can be mental – like worry.
Other Words or Phrases That Describe Fear
You may experience a whole range of thoughts and emotions, other than worry, while experiencing fear. The Sedona Method provides a good breakdown:
Anxious Apprehensive Cautious Clammy Cowardice Defensive Distrust Doubt Dread Embarassed Evasive Foreboarding Frantic Hesitant |
Horrified Hysterical Inhibited Insecure Irrational Nausea Nervous Panic Paralyzed Paranoid Scared Secretive Shaky Shy |
Skeptical Stage fright Superstitious Tense Terrified Threatened Timid Trapped Uncertain Uneasy Vulnerable Want to Escape Wary Worry |
If you find yourself thinking thoughts or emotions that reflect these words, then it is possible that what you are really experiencing is fear.
How to Overcome The 6 Basic Fears
![]() Photo by jamiecampbell |
Self analysis is necessary in facing up to fears. In my case, I had a sprinkling of all 6 in different intensities. A great resource can also be found in the last chapter in Think and Grow Rich. It has a long list of questions for you to work on. By working through the questions, you gain an understanding of yourself.
With regards to your fears, make some conscious decisions:
Fear of Poverty – Be at peace with whatever wealth you can accumulate and without worry. This does not mean that you do not work hard, but you are no longer grasping, hoarding and clinging on senselessly to money.
Fear of Criticism – Decide for yourself that you will not fear what others have to say about your decisions. Do what your intuition tells you; be guided by your higher purpose.
Fear of Old Age – Refuse to treat old age as a handicap. Instead, leverage on your wisdom, experience and insight for success.
Fear of Ill Health – Concentrate your mind on being well. Do not be reckless about your health either; follow up with actions.
Fear of the Loss of Love – Be comfortable even if you are without a partner. Be at peace even if you do not have love. You may be alone but you are not lonely. Fill your days productively.
Fear of Death – Accept that death is inevitable. If you are merely transiting from one form to another in death, then what is there to fear? (I will be discussing more about this fear in a later post).
In releasing your fears, you can use techniques such as EFT or the Sedona Method. Obviously, the more you cling on to your fears, the more you will have to work at releasing them. Using simple and proven techniques can help you expedite the healing process.
The most helpful way of engaging your mind is to keep it busy with a definite purpose. Without consciously directing your mind, success and abundance is seldom possible. One more thing. I suggest you do not wait. Refrain from falling into the trap of procastinating personal growth. There is no better time. Now is the best time of all to start facing up to your fears!
“Life is a checkerboard, and the player opposite is time. If you hesitate before moving, or neglect to move promptly, your men will be wiped off the board by time. You are playing against a partner who will not tolerate indecision.”
— Quote taken from Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill
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