
Express Your Soul Gifts

soul gifts
(photo by spigoo)

We all have at least a soul gift, a natural ability, a talent. It is something that we do better than most others. It is possible that it lays hidden or gets buried for a variety of reasons. What we need to remember is that our souls have intended for us to express it in our lifetimes. If you have been having the sneaky feeling that you are in the “wrong” job or finding your life a drag everyday, you may well be out of alignment in how you are expressing yourself.

Music, Art and Poetry Of Your Soul

“A musician must make music,
an artist must paint,
a poet must write,
if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself.”
— Abraham Maslow

Ludwig von Beethoven could not have been known for his social grace. He turned deaf due to an illness. As a result, he found it hard to keep a conversation going. Verbal communication was not easy and often embarrassing for Beethoven.

One day, his friend’s son died, leaving his friend in grief. Beethoven went over to his friend’s house. Stuck for words, he did not know what to say to comfort his friend.

Then, he noticed a piano at a corner of the room. He sat down to play. He played beautifully from his heart. He tuned into the love and compassion that he felt for his friend.

When he finished playing the piano, he left.

Later, his friend told others that no one else’s visit meant more.

Our gifts allow us to bring love to the people around us. It is through feelings that we connect best. Through expressing them, we add richness to the world.

How Are We Gifted?

Now how did our soul gifts originate or where did they come from? For some answers, we can look at our soul journey since physical incarnation.

Our natural talents have a lot to do with the stars that we have incarnated on or our in-between lives. For instance, the location of our first physical incarnation assists us in the forming of our soul blueprint and explains much of our personality attributes and inclinations. What “job training” we had while in spirit form also bequeaths us skills that we can express in our lifetime.

We may also be gifted by Spirit with additional skills and abilities for our current lifetime. They are granted in recognition of our past spiritual work. This also explains why some of us have naturally heightened intuitive abilities.

We cannot not vibrate. In the same manner, we cannot not express this gift. It flows from us naturally. It may be that we do not even recognize this gift ourselves but need someone else to point it to us. We express it when we are in our state of Being. We experience aliveness in the space of physical expression of our soul gifts.

“What we really want to do is what we are really meant to do. When we do what we are meant to do, money comes to us, doors open for us, we feel useful, and the work we do feels like play to us.”
— Julia Cameron

(photo by elvire-r)

A Bigger Picture To Our Life’s Obstacles

Before our current life incarnation, we are also likely to have chosen to work with certain handicaps or attributes, or be born into certain circumstances; so that we can express our gift even more beautifully. Much of our handicaps or accidents allow us to enhance the use of our remaining physical faculties.

If we do not have a bigger perspective of our situation, we may want find ourselves whining instead. Just like the story of the Cracked Pot. We see only our flaws.

Beethoven did not allow his loss of hearing to stop him from composing music. In fact, his best music pieces were written after he became impaired. He wrote from memory of how the notes sounded. Through his work, he inspired others to know that we should never let a disability interfere with what we love to do.

Expression of our soul gifts helps us in living our highest purpose. We bring ourselves into greater alignment to our divinity. Divinity rests in 5 components; Love, Light, Truth, Abundance, and Power. We will find life less of a struggle and more of a joy, when we embrace our divine self. We radiate brilliance!

“I discovered that people are not really afraid of dying; they’re afraid of not ever having lived, not ever having deeply considered their life’s higher purpose, and not ever having stepped into that purpose and at least try to make a difference to the world.”
—- Joseph Jawarski

Share Your Special Gift

Now, what is the music, art and poetry of your soul? Do note that a natural gift does not necessarily have to be in the arts. Also you can also express yourself creatively in the corporate or business world too. The question is: are you sharing it already with the world? Any inspiring stories to share?


1. Need some ideas to express your soul gifts? Marelisa Fábrega has a talent in inspiring creativity in others. She is author to ebook: How to Be Creative – A Handbook for Alchemists. In her book, she included many practical exercises that we can use to stimulate our creative juices and to express ourselves. They are proven techniques! Check out her ebook here!

2. If you are feeling somewhat confused over what you are good at, a soul reading may just be the solution for you. Click image below if you are interested to find some answers.

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Positively Present - May 19, 2009

I really enjoyed this post! I really think it’s important to identify what our special gift is and share it with the world. One thing that’s really important to recognize is that these gifts might not necessarily be tangible (like writing or painting) but could also be personal characteristics, like being very social or extremely detail-oriented. Really good stuff here! Thanks!

Barbara Swafford - May 19, 2009

Hi Evelyn,

I love how you’re reminding your readers they all have a ‘special gift”. Too often we look at others and think “I wish…”, when in fact if we turn inward, we too, have talents to share.

Matthew | Polaris Rising - May 19, 2009

I totally am for finding who we are inside, celebrating that in all its creative expression. However, I found that for myself, searching for that “Special Gift” was like trying to find ways I was special. Which is another word for “better”.

I like music and have a talent for it, but I’m not Beethoven. Pretty much every talent I can think of there’s someone much better at it than me.

But if I focus on celebrating who I am, in all my quirkiness, the creative part of me flows more naturally. Because I am very unique.

I think the root of all creativity is not talent, but simply being one’s self, without filters or restrictions. We all look at things uniquely and this creates creativity.

Marelisa - May 19, 2009

Hi Evelyn: The story of Beethoven playing the piano for his friend to express his grief over the loss of his son is beautiful. I agree with the Jawarski quote that what people are truly afraid of is dying before they have truly lived. And thank you very much for the mention 🙂

Evelyn - May 19, 2009

@Positively Present, I definitely agree that attributes like being social or detail-oriented can also be our gifts. Thanks! I’m glad that you like the post!

@Barbara, oh yes…each of us have something beautiful to share with the world. We often don’t use our gifts enough or have no awareness of them, preferring instead to spend more time on skills that can help us make a living.

Davina - May 19, 2009

Hi Evelyn. I thoroughly enjoyed this post — especially Julia Cameron’s quote. When I had my astrology chart done years ago, I learned that I was born with the gifts that I’m currently using to get by with; my attention to detail, disciplinarian, stickler for processes; hence the proofreading. This is reflected by a south node in Capricorn.

However, my truest desire is to nurture people… to inspire them to feel that inside of themselves without having to seek elsewhere. I guess that is where the coaching comes in, and the writing. My north node is in Cancer and that speaks to the soul’s potential and is reflected by keywords such as nurturing, sensitive, intuitive, maternal, supportive, empathetic, etc. Having said all that, this “transition” really needs to start with the person themselves first.

I believe the challenge (for the ego) is to let go of the past — the comfort of what a person already knows through experience, and move to where they are drawn to go; to new territories.

Evelyn - May 19, 2009


I enjoyed reading your comment! I love how you articulated that expressing yourself is a celebration of who you are.

Not everyone can be Beethoven or Picasso. There will always be someone out there who can do the skill better than us. Our gifts are what we do better than most others.

I love art. However, I know that my pieces will never sell like Picasso’s. Neither will be writing win me any book awards. Yet, I know that the blend of creative writing and eye for beautiful images will serve me well in running my blog.

It is the mix, the harmony of my gifts put together that makes my expression unique. I don’t have to seek it or find it elsewhere. Like you’ve pointed out as well, the flow comes from within. I just need to nurture it.

Abundance always,

Lisa (mommymystic) - May 19, 2009

Excellent post, one of my favorites, probably because this is much on my mind lately. I guess I am starting to feel that my real talents lie in the occult realms, in terms of guiding people through meditations etc., more than in verbal teachings. But this is challenging for me, because I had originally wanted my teaching to be much more ‘mainstream’. As I shift into more chakra/occult topics, and emphasize the non-verbal rather than the verbal (for lack of a better way of putting it), some people that I have known for a long time are not comfortable. But it is what I love the most, and what it seems I am best at transmitting, to those who are interested. So, I am adjusting to the idea that that is where I am headed, and we’ll see what comes of it. – Lisa

Evelyn - May 19, 2009

@Marelisa, I’m glad that you enjoyed the story. I’m also happy to help you promote your ebook. You do amazing work in your research about stimulating creativity!

@Davina, thanks for sharing about your astrology chart. I am intrigued by the findings. They sound similar to numerology readings. There is a distinction between soul gifts, our expression and our soul purpose or urge.

Most certainly, we can lose sight of where our natural abilities lie. It happens when we spend more time developing abilities in areas to help us get a well paying job. However, I don’t know if it is really about moving into “new” territories. My thinking is that it is about moving into greater alignment with who you are at soul-level.

Jens Upton - May 19, 2009


Another wonderful post. The beethoven story is a clear reflection that love and appreciation can be shown through many mediums and enjoyed through more than one sense.


Andrea Hess|Empowered Soul - May 19, 2009

Great article, Evelyn!

When we think about Soul-level gifts, it’s important to distinguish these from “talents” that we “do” – such as writing music or books, painting pictures, or managing a team. Instead, we are gifted at expressing energetic qualities that are an inherent part of who we are. How we express those in the physical world is entirely up to us.

Often our greatest talents are so effortless to us that we don’t even notice how incredibly gifted we are … it’s just who we are. They are almost “general” in nature. For example, I’m really, really good at taking action that’s out of my comfort zone. I just go and act on guidance – even though it’s scary. I thought everyone was like that for the longest time! I have another friend who is incredibly good at listening – she just holds this wonderful safe sacred space for everyone in her life, myself included.

Not as “glamorous” as writing music like Beethoven … much more inherent, organic, integral to our Being.


Nadia-Happy Lotus - May 20, 2009

Hi Evelyn,

Such a beautiful post and thank you so much for the story on Beethoven. It was truly inspiring.

We each do have a soul gift and that is why it is so important for each of us to realize that we are important and have something to offer to the world. I think sometimes people confuse material success as meaning only those who become prominent have a gift and can better the world. In reality, we each have a purpose and we each can make the world a better place.

May more and more people be inspired to find their soul gifts by reading this post! 🙂

Srinivas Rao - May 20, 2009

Great post. I think there’s alot to be said for exploring our natural talents and I think you’ve given some great ways to find out what those are.

Alex - Unleash Reality - May 20, 2009

i really liked the book “The Field” by Lynne McTaggart for her explanation of our connectedness to life and some amazing intention related stuff that you’d probably find amazing given the topic of your site.

really like that you emphasize that we all have gifts to offer, innate gifts – “soul gifts” – that don’t need anything or need you to have or be anything to express. powerful message.

really value-offering site.

talk to you soon

Amy Jewell / Cirklagirl - May 20, 2009


I like to try and remember that each of us has something really cool to bring to the table. Sometimes you meet someone and you think that you have nothing in common with them. Then, you find out that they are an expert in XYZ and it helps to give you a great deal of respect for their gift. Thanks for the nice post!

Vered - MomGrind - May 20, 2009

I think every person who has to drag themselves out of bed in the morning must look very carefully at their life and make the necessary changes. This is, of course, easier if you’re free of obligations such as a mortgage, credit card debt etc, and is also easier before kids. So while not for everyone, I do believe people in their twenties owe it to themselves to at least try and discover what their true passion is.

Evelyn - May 20, 2009

@Jens, most certainly there are many ways by which we can touch others with love and compassion….what better way than using our soul gifts to express? I’m glad that you’ve enjoyed the article.

@Andrea, thank you for pointing out how we often think of talents as something that is tied to the performing arts or like managing a team. Yes, a soul gift is something that flows naturally from and is inherent in us. And it can well be in many forms like listening, daring to take new challenges, etc. Thanks for providing examples of these!

@Nadia, how true that we often equate material success to having a soul gift. I also wish that everyone can realize in themselves the special qualities that they each embody! Love, light and peace to all!

Evelyn - May 20, 2009

@Srinivas, thanks for finding the post useful for those who have no awareness about their soul gift.

@Alex, thanks for recommending a book to me. I’m going to check it up! I’m happy to know that you like my site!

@Amy, hey thanks for reminding me not to judge a person rightaway! I need to hear your message. I’ve been finding that I am preferring to “hang out” with people who can share and chat about personal or self help topics. But you are right! We can learn from anyone or appreciate anyone for their different gift or attribute!

@Vered, you are right to point out that the tricky part is when there are family obligations to fulfill. We can’t just run away. Then again, soul gifts can be in different forms. I am very sure that there will be a way or space for anyone, married or unmarried, to express who they really are inside.

Victor Tan - May 20, 2009

Thanks Evelyn again for the beautiful sharing!

Hmm.. I wonder whats my talent….?

Daphne @ Joyful Days - May 20, 2009


I love the story about what Beethoven did. That’s how we truly know our gifts I suppose – it is what we can give the world from our heart. You’ve given me a lot to think about.

Lance - May 20, 2009

Hi Evelyn,
I love this post! I love it because I can deeply relate to what you are saying. Finding that “thing” that makes each of us so uniquely “us” – what a great place to get to. This past year has been a journey in that direction for me, and one I’m so happy to have embarked upon. It has been a year of understanding so much more who I really am. And I’m finding that I get lost in time when I start writing – and that I can’t wait to get up in the morning to continue on. That’s not to say that it all comes easy – or it all flows beautifully – it doesn’t. It is to say that I feel deeply at peace when I’m writing. I feel connected to my soul. And in letting the connection bloom – I feel excitement in each day!

Evelyn, thank you for this . And for reminding me of what today I see as my soul gifts. It’s a journey for me – and one I’m thrilled to be on!

Hilda - May 21, 2009

Hi Evelyn,

I really enjoyed this along with the cracked pot post – the two work beautifully together. I think I’ve been viewing myself as a cracked pot and that has got in the way of discovering what my innate talent is. My mission now is to embrace my cracked-potness as a good thing 😉

Jonathan Lockwood - May 21, 2009

I’m just finding your blog. Love your insights.

Evelyn - May 21, 2009

@Victor, I’m glad that you like the post.

@Daphne, it’s great to know that my post helped to stimulate some thought! May you express your soul gift beautifully 🙂

@Lance, it’s easy to tell that you interweave love and care into your messages and post. It’s how you have been expressing your soul gift, through writing and relating through the heart. I’m glad to know that you’ve found an avenue to be so connected to who you are.

Evelyn - May 21, 2009

@Hilda, your comment got me chuckling!! Good for you!! We are all cracked pots! We tend to notice our own “imperfections” more than others. Yet, there is every beauty in our imperfection.

@Jonathan, welcome to my blog! It’s great that you enjoy it around here!

Emma - May 21, 2009

Hi Evelyn,

I enjoyed reading your blog very much. This post encourages me a lot!

On my sixth day of prayer, quite tired coz I still have to take care of my baby son at night. Though I believe it is a rewarding journey.


Katie West/The Levity Coach - May 22, 2009

Right on! I love the Beethoven story not only because of what he gave to the person in need, but also because it is a reminder to us as recipients of care and love to not prescribe how someone else will give it to us. If the grieving friend had not been open to hearing the gift Beethoven was presenting, it would have been a loss. Your post seems like a reminder to not only be open to our own gifts, but to what unexpected gifts others might be presenting to us in their own special way.

Denny Lyon - May 23, 2009

You are so on target here: “We may also be gifted by Spirit with additional skills and abilities for our current lifetime. They are granted in recognition of our past spiritual work. This also explains why some of us have naturally heightened intuitive abilities.”

“Ask and receive” has always been my daily working philosophy. When ever I’ve wanted to learn how to do something or take a talent to the next level and do it better I asked for a spiritual boost from Spirit. Then, suddenly, greater creative energy began unfolding, building daily, sometimes hourly, and then a steady beat that continues daily!

Wonderful post and very glad I found your blog! Kudos to you!

Denny Lyon – female Social Issues Poet

Evelyn - May 23, 2009

@Emma, hope you feel better soon. I’m glad to know that the soul cleansing has helped! Take care!

@Katie, oh yes…gifts can be presented in ways that we don’t normally expect. It’s important too that we are open to the possibilities of what ours are. A gift need not be in the conventional sense as in a musical or an artistic talent. It is simply a unique expression of who we are. It flows from us in the most natural way.

@Denny, I like that your tip on getting spiritual boosts. It’s true what you’ve said. I find myself getting what I intend for. My practice is to be clear in the asking. Results are best when my mind is not cluttered. I’m constantly amazed of how things are unfolding for me.

Oh…welcome to my site. I’m happy to know that you’ve enjoyed my post! Love and light to you!

Celes | EmbraceLiving.Net - May 25, 2009

Hi Evelyn, I fully agree with you here “We all have at least a soul gift, a natural ability, a talent”. I once read before that we are all here for a reason, and we all serve a unique purpose that others can’t serve. It’s reminder for us to keep looking for that special reason we are here and to align with it fully so we can get the best from our lives. Thank you for your beautiful post!

Heal Pain Naturally » Blog Archive » What is Guiding You? - June 24, 2009

[…] We all have Divine Gifts as Evelyn Lim of Attraction Mind Map pointed out in her post “Express Your Soul Gifts” and I agree with with my whole heart. We ALL have guidance to help discover what these gifts […]

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