EFT Tapping Points

Easy Guide to EFT Tapping Points with Images
EFT tapping involves applying a light tapping action on specific meridian endpoints that are on your face and body. It is great for emotional release, letting of limiting beliefs, stress and anxiety reduction and so on. Tapping helps you to align your energy system and to restore mind, body and spirit wellness. Simply, tap the specific meridian endpoint using your fingertips. As a general rule, tap 7-8 times on each point.
EFT Tapping Point: Karate Chop Point (KC)
The KC point is mainly used while vocalising the EFT setup statement. Tapping on this point helps to correct reversals or self-sabotage situations.
Location: Fleshy part on the side of your hand between the pinky finger and the wrist.
Acupoint: Small Intestine Meridian
Releases: Paralysis, feeling stuck or frozen, resistance to change, worry, inability to let go, sorrow, and obsession.
Restores: Ease, willingness to let go of the old, healing from grief, finding happiness in and connecting to the present moment.

EFT Tapping: Top of the Head Point (TH)
Location: Directly on top of head. Also covering the area of the 7th. or Crown Chakra, which is a spiritual energy center.
Acupoint: “Hundred Meeting Points” Meridian Point
Releases: Self-criticism, lack of focus, and confusion.
Restores: Spiritual connection, insight, focus, and wisdom.

EFT Tapping Point: Eyebrow Point (EB)
Location: At the beginning of the eyebrow, just above and to one side of the nose.
Acupoint: Bladder Meridian (B1-2)
Releases: Past trauma, restlessness, hurt, sadness, frustration, and dread.
Restores: Peace, letting go, self-compassion and emotional healing.

EFT Tapping Point: Side of Eye Point (SE)
Location: On the outside of your eye socket near the outside corner of the eye.
Acupoint: Gall Bladder Meridian
Releases: Rage, anger, resentment, fear of change and confusion.
Restores: Compassion, harmony, acceptance and clarity.

EFT Tapping Point: Under Eye Point: (UE)
Location: On the bone underneath the eye, directly under the pupil.
Acupoint: Stomach Meridian
Releases: Fear, discomfort, anxiety, emptiness, worry, greed, and nervousness.
Restores: Safety, relief, contentment, and calmness.

EFT Tapping Point: Under the Nose Point (UN)
Location: On the small area between the bottom of your nose and the top of your upper lip.
Acupoint: Governing Meridian
Releases: Powerlessness, shame, embarrassment, guilt, grief, fear of failure and huge resistance to change.
Restores: Self-acceptance, compassion, confidence and willingness to embrace change.

EFT Tapping Point: Under the Lip (UL)
Location: The crease just below the lower lip.
Acupoint: Central Meridian
Releases: Shame, confusion, embarrassment and second guessing.
Restores: Self-acceptance, clarity and confidence.

EFT Tapping Point: Collarbone Point (CB)
Location: The place where the sternum (breastbone), collarbone and the first rib meet. To locate it, first place your forefinger on the U-shaped notch at the top of the breastbone (about where a man would knot his tie). From the bottom of the U, move your forefinger down toward the navel 1 inch and then go to the left (or right) 1 inch.
Acupoint: Kidney Meridian – Adrenal Gland Function
Releases: Resistance to change, feeling stuck, indecision, fear, loneliness, shock, worry, and general stress.
Restores: Ease to make a change, clarity, confidence and stability.

EFT Tapping Point: Under Arm Point (UA)
Location: About four inches down from your armpit.
Acupoint: Spleen Meridian
Releases: Guilt, worry, hopelessness, addictive issues, phobias, insecurity, and poor self esteem.
Restores: Clarity, confidence, trust, honesty, relaxation, and compassion for self and others.

EFT Tapping Points in a Sequence
After the Karate Chop point, you can choose to start with the Top of the Head or the Eyebrow point. Either option is fine. Also, at certain times, you may find yourself tapping more times at certain points. Listen in and follow your intuition.
If you’d like to learn more, get the beginner course on EFT here. Evelyn Lim is a certified EFT practitioner based in Singapore, who also consults online.