Download Your Free Abundance Check Here

Download a free Abundance Check from this article after following the instructions as follows below.
Why Write an Abundance Check?
A Money or Abundance Check (or Cheque) is a great tool for intention or goal setting. Get inspired by the movie The Secret and leverage on the Law of Attraction for manifesting your desired amount. Best yet, write the Abundance Check on a New Moon date to accelerate your results.
The blank Abundance checks I created are coded with the energies of the Universe, Ascended Masters and Angels for powerful intention setting. Also, while green is a natural choice for money checks, I kept mine to pink for the cradling of our heart’s desires. I’m happy to offer you a gift – free updated blank Abundance Check for your use. It is available as a download – scroll down- on this post!!)
Testimonials For Abundance Check Exercise
Famous movie actor Jim Carrey wrote himself a fake ten million check for “acting services rendered” at a time when he was a struggling artiste. He was specific in the “what” and not the “how”:
– He specified $10 million.
– He dated the check “Thanksgiving 1995” in the year 1987.
– He spelled out the what by adding the words “for acting services rendered”.
For years, he carried the check around in his wallet. Just before Thanksgiving 1995, Jim Carrey found out that he was going to make ten million dollars with the show Dumb and Dumber. He then placed the check in the casket with his father because it was their dream together.
What Check to Use
You can use your own checkbook of course! However, you may wish to boost your attraction power to money by having the check drawn from the best bank of all – The Universe. Some years back, I got the idea from makers of The Secret movie and decided to make one of my own.
Download Your Free Abundance Check Here
For your convenience, I created a single pdf document with multiple blank Abundance checks.
Click here for the free download (right-click to save).
New Moon Manifestation with Your Abundance Check
New Moon dates happen every month. Simply google to find out when these are. Leverage on the amplified lunar energies for intention setting and sending out your wishes!
A great recommendation is to write it within 24 hours of the new moon. One site even advised that the maximum is a three-day dateline. I suppose if you take into account international time differences, a three day time frame appears about right.
How to Write the Abundance Check
1. Clear Money Blocks. This is a vital step before writing your Abundance Check!
2. On your Abundance Check, write name of payee in the space provided following the words “Pay To”.
3. Fill in the date of the New Moon if you are expecting the amount sometime soon. Or, you can choose to use the word “now” as if it is already manifesting.
4. Write in a dollar amount. Be specific as far as possible. This amount has to align with your heart and soul and to also, excite you!
5. Under the memo, you can specify anything. Examples include “Law of Attraction”, “For Services Rendered”, “”This or something better in my Highest Good”, “With Gratitude”, etc.
6. At the back of your Abundance Check, fill in your energetic address to the Universe: name, date of birth, physical address and mobile number.
Manifesting Your Abundance Check Tips
1. Be, feel and think abundance as you write your check. If you are feeling stressed and worried about your finances, please work on changing your mindset by clearing your money blocks. You do not want to manifest the lack, rather than the abundance, of prosperity.
2. Avoid writing an amount that is too much of a stretch on your beliefs. Start on an amount that is believable. Refrain from doubting.
3. Visualise yourself receiving the money or other forms of abundance in gratitude and happiness, after writing the check.
4. Do you have a power word that goes along with your intention setting for the year? Examples of power words can also be found here. Write your power word on your Abundance check! Amp up the power for manifesting!
5. You can choose to put the check in your wallet or put it away. Putting it in your wallet assists you with focused energy. It is like having a mini-vision board in the form of an Abundance Check.
However, if you find yourself feeling distressed or doubting the process each time you look at the check upon opening your wallet, I suggest that you keep it in your drawer and not carry it around.
Once again, make a note of any negative feelings or state you may experience when thinking about the Abundance Check. Take the opportunity to do some energy release of your money blocks. There are thousands and thousands of testimonials of people who have had great success with these methods. Including myself 🙂
6. Continue to keep the positive vibes up daily by aligning with better-feeling thoughts.
7. Star Tip #1!!! Be open to receiving. Be also open to the thought that instead of a direct manifestation of money, you may receive ideas that can help generate wealth. In short, keep your antenna up for creative delivery ways by the Universe!!!
8. Star Tip #2!! Lastly, pin up your Abundance Check on your vision board or paste it in your vision journal.
Set Intentions During The New Moon
Go ahead and write a number of checks!! New Moon dates also work well for other intention setting, not just for the manifesting of financial abundance. So if it is not money, you can also choose to put down whether it is good health, relationships or anything that you wish to intend for. You can also use the checks for blessings of love, peace or prosperity for everyone. Give them as a gift to others!
Join me in my Abundance circle where you get up-to-date tips on manifesting abundance – Click Here to Join!
The above was an old Abundance Check that I had pinned on my vision board. On behalf of Mother Earth, I have asked the Universe for more flowers weaved of gold and purple, lush green trees and rich mineral soil. Love, love, love this!
May your soul journey here on Earth be an abundant one!
Love and Abundance always,
Evelyn Lim
P.S. Sharing is caring. Share this post on your favourite social media platform. Thank you in advance 🙂
Evelyn Reply:
May 17th, 2010 at 10:11 am
Hello Kiani,
Thank you for your feedback and telling others about my website. I look forward to sharing more of what I know. I would be interested to hear about your personal story someday.
All the best in bringing your dreams forward!
Abundance always,