Don’t Give Up Just Because It is Hard

Because things have been a lot harder than what you have expected, you may be tempted to give up on your dream.
“The struggle you are in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. Don’t give up.” Robert Tew
For instance, as an entrepreneur, you may be thinking: “it is hard to get clients”, “it’s hard to understand the software system”, “my brain is just not wired that way”, “it is hard to open my mouth to promote my products” etc. Invariably, you have a lot of explanations on why things are not working out.
Do note that most businesses do not survive. It is commonly known that 90 percent of businesses fail within a year after it is set up. Getting a business off the ground can present multiple challenges.
The challenges can be daunting when you have to face naysayers, going without pay for months, setting up systems in place, marketing and following up on customer service. You may have to wear multiple hats in running your business before it generates enough funds for you to hire permanent staff. You can end up feeling overwhelmed.
Not to mention, there could be dark valleys that you have to go through. This can be anything from facing a lull in sales, insufficient budget, customer complaints and so on. As an entrepreneur, you may be tempted to throw in the towel at some stage. You reckon that it is far easier to get a job.
Face Up to The Hard Truth
“Never give up on something you really want. It’s difficult to wait but more difficult to regret.” anonymous
Well, before you rush into making a hasty decision that you may regret later, take some time for some inner reflection.
Do assess if you have been making things a lot more daunting for yourself. Could you have unconsciously put up roadblocks to your success? Could these blocks be psychological? It happens when you bring fears, doubts and resistances into the picture. It is as if you are pulling up the brakes even as you drive your car forward.
Sure, there can also be things that are extremely challenging to do. And perhaps you had been feeling justified in believing that they are hard. Then again, no one ever said that starting a business is easy. That is why more businesses fail than succeed. But what about those who have stuck on and succeeded despite the hardships?
As top coaches and experts tell us, success is a mindset. Those who have not given up but kept trying are great role models. So if you are hoping to succeed, adopting a change in perspective can be helpful. It is the best way that you can support yourself, before you give up your dream for reasons that you could have overcome. You don’t want to sabotage your own success.
“Failure is not fatal. But failure to change might be.” John Wooden
How You can Support Yourself Mentally When the Going Gets Tough
Here is how you can reframe your mind:
1. Affirm to yourself: either I win or I learn. Notice that there is no word of failure mentioned in the phrase? Alternatively, you can also remind yourself: there is no failure, merely feedback.
2. Instead of complaining, try altering your perspective to: there has to be a better way! Like Albert Einstein, you may just uncover gems from the multiple failed attempts you made. The hard times are merely opportunities in disguise.
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Thomas A. Edison
3. Bring focus to your dream. If you envision success or have the end in mind, the “how to” solution to knotty problems often magically appears. It happens when you are in the state of being, which is elicited when you are dreaming or envisioning success. As your ability to tune into this state of being increases continuously, you will find it easier to attract the resources that are required for manifesting your dream.
Once you find a way, it is no longer hard. You will be glad that you stuck on!
“Failure is not final unless you give up.” anonymous
Love and Abundance Always,
P.S. Sharing is caring! Do share this post on social media to encourage your friends not to give up on their dreams!