Detect Daily Anxiety Symptoms To Avoid Energy Leakage

Anxiety symptoms are pretty common, considering that we live in a fast-paced environment. Anxiety-ridden, we find it hard to cope with the stresses of life. We become anxious when we fear that we cannot catch up, feel overwhelmed by the amount of incoming information, do not know how to make a decision and perceive a looming threat to our security.
Then again, anxiety symptoms are also known to be pretty normal, as they are part of the natural “fight or flight” reaction to stress or danger. Hence, there cannot be any human who has not felt anxiety at all. ‘
I certainly have experienced anxiety enough times myself. In particular, with what is going on in the world today, anxiety reportedly is at heightened levels once again. Many people are experiencing mental health stress.
What Anxiety Symptoms Can Include
Anxiety first shows up in bodily reactions. You may break out in a sweat, your hands tremble, blood drains from your face, and your knees go weak. These can be momentary and therefore not serious. However, more serious reactions include heart attacks and eventually causing death. Undoubtedly, mild anxiety can cause you a feeling of discomfort but extreme anxiety can be debilitating. In a severe case of extreme anxiety, symptoms can range from range heart palpitations, social withdrawal, mood swings, nervousness, depression and so on.
Where anxiety symptoms are often triggered by presenting situations, I have also been noticing many cases where a person suffers from anxiety almost every single day. Take my friend, Angeline, for instance. She is always in a rush, speaks with a high-pitched tone, and feels as if everything is in a state of emergency.
I cannot say that her symptoms are severe to warrant being diagnosed as having the medical condition of a severe anxiety disorder. While she has not had a panic attack, she has been experiencing a loss in confidence, a low ability to concentrate and difficulties in sleeping well at night. Sad to say, her world is driven by a lot of fear.
Angeline often finds it hard to focus. With a cluttered mind, she is not having clarity. As a result, she experiences paralysis whenever she needs to make a decision. While excessive worrying has not prevented Angeline from functioning on a daily basis, I have observed how miserable it can be living in a state of heightened agitation all the time.
Build Awareness to Everyday Anxiety Symptoms
Anxiety is a symptom of fear. Mostly, fear is a creation of the mind. Where no real threat exists, it is possible to learn how to better cope. You may feel as if you are about to be harmed, annihilated or rendered useless but your projected fears are mostly psychological. Hence, if your mind can create the fear, it is possible to eliminate or reduce it to a level that is manageable.
Building awareness is key. It is important not to get anxiety levels out of hand. While I do not like the idea of labelling, be mindful that your excessive worrying may put you at risk of developing what the medical profession will call as generalised anxiety disorder (GAD). The excessive worrying interferes with daily functioning. A person who has a GAD suffers from irrational fears on almost everything for at least six months or more.
Generalised anxiety disorder symptoms can vary. They can include:
• Extreme irritability;
• Muscle tension or muscle aches
• Obsession about small or large concerns
• Feel as if you are living on the edge; Restlessness and feeling keyed up or on edge
• Chronic fatigue;
• Difficulty breathing;
• Difficulty concentrating or your mind “going blank”
• Insomnia and restlessness at night
• Sweating, nausea or diarrhea
• Rapid heartbeat;
• Anticipation of disaster
Do not be mistaken into believing that it is just adults who can suffer from GAD. Apparently, a child can too. Obsessive Compulsive Disorders are also conditions with heightened anxiety as one of the symptoms.
Angeline would like to think that she has been coping; however, I think she is missing the signs that her anxiety levels have not receded one bit over the years. I hope that instead of brushing her issues aside, she does not procrastinate but take some concrete action soon. As the famed British preacher and prolific author, Charles Spurgeon once observed,
Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.
What You Can Do To Address Anxiety Symptoms
For a start, tune in to observe your body reactions to stress. Most certainly, find ways to deal with anxiety symptoms because there will always be challenges in today’s environment. If you find yourself easily stressed or if you find that you have been living with anxiety for as long as you can remember, consider seeking help.
I have found energy clearing work (such as, applying Emotional Freedom Technique) effective when dealing with issues of anxiety. My findings often indicate that anxiety is a symptom of root causes that have been left unaddressed. However, where symptoms are severe and debilitating, it is best to get a professional medical assessment.
Disproportionate levels of anxiety lead to a leakage in energy. Your energy reserves are being depleted by repeated episodes of anxiety; thereby causing you exhaustion. If you’d like to attract more positive outcomes instead, work on shifting your vibrations up. Let go of anxiety and invite in more ease and calm into your life.
Wishing you wellness, love and abundance,
Author. Adventurer. Life Coach.
Share Your Story
Do you find life rather stressful nowadays? Do you experience daily anxiety? How have you been handling your anxiety symptoms?
Evelyn Reply:
September 20th, 2011 at 6:46 pm
Hello Jimmy,
How to address the root causes of anxiety will probably take more than an article to explain. That’s why I decided to start with explaining about detecting the symptoms first. However, it is great that you have shared some of your tips. They are certainly ones that can be helpful.
Addressing root causes is also largely experiential. I use energy clearing methods which I have often pointed out in my blog and newsletter. In any case, because of your pointing out, I have updated my post to mention one of the techniques. As a certified practitioner, I apply energy clearing methods during therapy or distance healing for my clients (check my about-me page). In such situations, these would be hands-on.
Thank you for your feedback,