
Check Your Way to a Better World

“We must be the change we want to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Today’s guest post is submitted by Asnat Greenberg.

How hard is it to kiss your mother on the cheek, and say thank you?

How hard is it to smile at the cashier at the supermarket or the janitor in your office, and ask them how they’re feeling, or thank them for the services they provide you?

How hard is it to pick up a thrown away piece of paper from the floor, and throw it out in the garbage?

You have countless opportunities to make the world a better place. Make it a happier place. Make it a more pleasant place to live. All you have to do is to print the following list, and follow these instructions. Every day this month, check off one of the tasks (feel free to change some of the tasks to something that fits you better), and please give your best effort to check off all 30.

Try it for one month. If you feel comfortable doing it, continue the following month. If not, that’s fine too. I think you’ll discover that kind acts are contagious, so the effect of your actions is far greater than the effort put into it.

  1. Be kind to the “transparent” people you run into every day. The cashier at the supermarket, the handyman in your building, the attendant at the gas station, the street sweeper, and the janitor. Smile at them, ask them how they are, and thank them for their work. You know they are not transparent. They are hard working human beings, and deserve the same respect you would give anyone else.
  2. Smile at the next person you see, and tell that person something positive and reinforcing.
  3. Plant a tree or at least make an effort to use less paper.
  4. Give one dollar to any one of these organizations: http://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm?bay=search.categories&categoryid=7
  5. Thank your mother/father/wife/husband for cooking for you- a simple thank you makes all that effort slaving away in the kitchen worth it.
  6. Tell your parents you love them.
  7. Call your grandparents, or better yet, visit them, and let them know you care.
  8. Talk to someone who looks “out of place” be it at school, the office, or at a party. Just go over to that person and introduce yourself. It will make him or her feel much more comfortable, and who knows? Maybe you’ll gain a friend.
  9. Let someone cut you in line (at the post office, supermarket, bakery, etc.) Smile at that someone, and let him or her take your turn.
  10. Tell your teacher (or mentor) something positive, and thank them for their effort in teaching you.
  11. Use your computer’s CPU, when you are not actively using it, to provide scientists with research to “tackle projects that benefit humanity” (http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/)
  12. Be nice to the elderly. Next time you see an elderly person at the supermarket help them with their groceries.
  13. Kindly yield to another car, even if you have the right of way.
  14. Save energy. Close the lights when you leave the room.
  15. If there are no empty seats on the bus, let someone else sit in your place.
  16. Give a panhandler some spare change. Believe me, he needs it more than you do.
  17. Recycle!
  18. Choose one article of clothing and donate it to charity.
  19. Clean after yourself and your environment. If you notice a piece of trash on the floor, pick it up and throw it out.
  20. Today, don’t eat meat.
  21. Save water- When washing dishes by hand, don’t leave the water running for rinsing.
  22. Apologize to someone who you have recently hurt.
  23. Save gas, and minimize air pollution- today use public transportation.
  24. For the smokers out there- don’t smoke today.
  25. Shovel snow for a neighbor.
  26. Say something nice to your siblings.
  27. Don’t use Styrofoam cups, or plates.
  28. Hold the door open for the person behind you.
  29. On a cold day, offer your mailman a hot cup of tea.
  30. Watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wskG18saKk0

About the Author

Asnat Greenberg is the author of Secrets of Kindness: A Journey among Good People, which describes her journey through the world of altruism. This fascinating mosaic of interviews with good people forms an impressive and inspiring document showing the human spirit at its best.

Her book can be found at: http://www.secretsofkindness.com/

Editor’s Comment: Share Your Thoughts

Share your tips on how we can all create a world with greater kindness below. Thank you 🙂

Love and Abundance always,
evelyn lim signature

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Eric West | Friendship Society - February 8, 2013 Reply

Great list! I find a simple thank you goes a long way, but many people don’t bother. I try to say thank you to anyone that does anything for me, even if that thing is their job.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Eric,

It’s great that you express gratitude openly and freely. As you have said, a simple thank you goes a long way. We can sure do with a more gracious society!

Love and abundance always,


Peta - February 8, 2013 Reply

Greetings Evelyn
Amazingly enough I found myself ticking off most of the things on the list that I already do on a regular basis – so your email today has given me not only the opportunity to wish you A Very Happy Chinese New Year for the 10th Febraury. Enjoy the Celebrations! But to thank you for sharing your journey and your insights AND your wisdom in such a beautiful way I have been exploring your website more fully! – most of which resonates with me deeply – I feeling like we are kindred spirits from across the sea ( I live in the U.K) and to let you know that you have re-awakened the awareness in me that I AM a beautiful human Be-ing !!! You are a gift. Thankyou.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Peta,

Thank you for the lovely feedback. It is so nice of you to take the time to share how much you have resonated with my thoughts. We all are beautiful Be-ings in a human experience! I am happy for you in your reawakening to soul awareness. Good for you 🙂

Even though we are distance apart, the internet has allowed us to share and connect. I am reminded by the saying, “There are no strangers in this world, just friends we have not met.”

May I wish you a Happy Chinese New Year too!!

Love and abundance always,


Vidya Sury - February 9, 2013 Reply

Beautiful ideas, Evelyn. I am making a list myself. 🙂 and plan to publish it soon:-)

Most of the time, kindness costs nothing, yet gives so much.

Happy New Year to you!

Hugs, Vidya


Evelyn Reply:

Great, Vidya!

I look forward to seeing your list!

Thank you for your wishes. Happy new year to you too!

With love, Evelyn


Asnat Greenberg - February 10, 2013 Reply

Thanks for all the positive feedback. Glad to see people have already checked off some of the list. Hopefully the more people that are aware of the affect an act of kindness can have, the more people will be committed to doing them.


Ben - February 10, 2013 Reply

It is interesting that when I talk to people serving me that a lot of times they react like i’m the first person to do so that day!

I have a feeling a lot of people don’t actually talk to them which is unfortunate.



Evelyn Reply:

Interesting observation! You could be right!



Kimbundance - February 11, 2013 Reply

Great post Evelyn! I try my best to carry out these points every day. It’s a great reminder to remember that all people are children of God and every one deserves love and abundance.

I agree that doing these things will bring more love into the world, it all begins with simple things that come from the heart.

Hope you have a lovely week!


Evelyn Reply:

Yes absolutely! You have nailed it with “simple things that come from the heart”.

Love and blessings,


Steve - February 15, 2013 Reply

This is a very comprehensive list. I don’t even know what I could add to it. It just goes to show that there are a lot of ways to make someone’s day a little brighter.

Could you imagine what it would be like if everyone in the world did one of these things every day? I think the world would be a lot better off. I guess I should get going and do a few of these so I can do my part.


Evelyn Reply:

Oh yes, if each of us can just contribute with one thing, then the world is a better place. All of us can play a part. Kudos to you!!

Love and abundance always,


Dianne - February 16, 2013 Reply

Truly wonderful ideas – I am inspired to think of a few more:
Feed the meter for someone.
Offer assistance or merely a kind observation to a parent struggling with their child in public.
Pet a friendly dog or cat in passing; you could not bestow this human touch on a more grateful recipient and you’ll feel really good too!
Visit with nursing home residents, or a lonely neighbor, and listen to their stories.
Wave to the road flagger.
Send thank-you cards.


Evelyn Reply:

Thank you, Dianne, for sharing your ideas!

They are certainly great ones!

I like the idea of sending thank-you cards or notes and offering assistance to a parent who is struggling with their child in public.

With gratitude,


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