Category Archives for "Spiritual Awareness"

Spiritual awareness and spirituality articles.

Light A Thousand Candles and More

“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” Buddha

light a thousand candles

You can be the candle that lights up thousands of candles.

Everyone has the same gift.

No exceptions.

To be a candle of light does not mean that you have to do great feats, be a public speaker or become a leader.

In fact, it does not take much to spread some happiness.

A kind word, a warm hug or a smile.

You just don’t know who you may impact.
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The Theory of Nothing

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.” Stephen Hawkings

The title of the movie, The Theory of Everything, is intriguing, to say the least. The story is based on a memoir and it is about the tireless search of theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking to find a single universal equation for all existence. More specifically, The Theory of Everything is a theory in physics that unites the four fundamental forces of nature: the strong force, the weak force, gravity and the electromagnetic force.

The movie had turned out to be interesting. I rented the DVD a week ago. I had wanted to watch it after I heard that it won a number of awards. I was extremely curious about the life of Stephen Hawking, his diagnosis of motor neuron disease, and his success in physics; and I was not disappointed.
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50 Shades of Fear

50 shades of fear

I thought it would be interesting to share my perspective on 50 shades of fear. Clients had been coming to me with their issues which are rooted in various forms of fear. In case you are wondering, I did not read the book 50 Shades of Grey nor have watched the movie. However, I would like to borrow the theme of 50 shades.

As we already know, fear can manifest at different levels and degrees of negative emotions; which is influenced by the story that our minds tell. Our fears make up the stories we tell ourselves.

For instance, fear can be in the form of worry….or in more severe cases, it can grow into depression. Fear can also be in the form of nervousness or a diagnosed panic disorder. We can also express fear in the form of blame or if we feel it strongly, we become antagonistic. Obvious symptoms can range from breaking out in cold sweat, turning ashen white, or the racing of our hearts. Whether a niggling sense of anxiety or intense anger, all are signs of fear.
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How to Awaken Into Abundance Awareness

“Infinite potential is the quality of conscious awareness. Abundance is the truth of infinite potential realised in the physical.” Evelyn Lim, Abundance Tapestry

awaken into abundance awareness

Abundance is the soul experience of fullness, completeness and expansiveness. Your physical self experiences the truth of your soul afforded through a time-space reality. Yet, it is via present moment awareness (often afforded via meditation) that your physical self enter into infiniteness. It is from this field that you realize the potential of being and the nature of existential reality.

The physical is the way for truth realization. Your soul gets to experience itself. It is through physical experience that conscious awareness gets integrated. Infinite potential is the quality of conscious awareness. Abundance is the truth of infinite potential realized in the physical.
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Repair Your Soul Matrix With Healing Birth Trauma

subconscious mind

Have you got birth trauma that you are interested to seek healing on?

Are you tuning into an awareness that there is something about your birth that you need to seek a resolution for?

As I discovered, healing birth trauma and removing the thought patterns that no longer serve you can do wonders energetically. You’d find life less of a struggle and experience a sense of freedom. What’s awesome is that manifesting abundance happens with a lot more ease and grace too!

I’d also like to clear a misconception. Some teachers or coaches may say that the idea of healing is erroneous. They believe that there is nothing to heal because you are complete and whole.

Well, it is true.

You are like a diamond; perfect and divine in your soul matrix.You are also a multi-dimensional soul. There is a facet of you that exists at each dimensional level. Hence, any idea about needing to heal from birth trauma could be wrong since you are already whole and complete.

However, a distortion that results in a leakage can exists at any layer, aspect or level affecting your completeness. The luminous shine in a perfectly encoded soul matrix becomes duller as a result. In fact, it is in the human incarnation that distortions to your soul matrix can happen.

Birth traumas or pre-birth traumas affect your soul matrix at root cause. It is imperative that healing or restoration happen here if there is trauma.  Note that trauma can be formed as a result of your perception about the situation. Hence it will help to release any false story and embed a new one that serves you instead.

“In the instant of our first breath, we are infused with the single greatest force in the universe–the power to translate the possibilities of our minds into the reality of our world. To fully awaken to our power, however, requires a subtle change in the way we think of our ourselves in life, a shift in belief. Just the way sound creates visible waves as it travels through a droplet of water, our ‘belief waves’ ripple through the quantum fabric of the universe to become our bodies.” Greg Braden

Should the distortion be left unaddressed, your ability to realise your true self in the physical world with ease and grace becomes impacted. You carry the thought patterns that affect how you behave and respond to the world for years since inception. They are the root causes to your struggles, pain and suffering.

Manifesting the life that you want becomes more difficult when patterns caused by birth trauma are distorted.
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Self-Care Healing: Give Yourself Permission

“Self-care is not self-indulgence. It is essential for your well-being. With self-care, you give yourself the sacred permission to be well.”

I had a bad fall last week. It resulted in multiple visits to the clinic for X-rays, reviews and check up. It was not the physical injury that shook me most, but the emotional trauma. For a while, I was also angry with myself for being so careless.

To begin with, I was frustrated over having to spend unnecessary money, time and attention. I did not like the idea of having to reschedule all my appointments and having to delay my work plans. I started off by lying in bed, caught in self-pity. My inner critic went: so much for being advocate of self-care and an author of a Self-Love book!
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How Decisive Action Overcomes Paralysis in a Stuck Situation

“Being stuck is a position few of us like. We want something new but cannot let go of the old – old ideas, beliefs, habits, even thoughts. We are out of contact with our own genius. Sometimes we know we are stuck; sometimes we don’t. In both cases we have to DO something.” Rush Limbaugh


I have noticed that a lot of us make decisions from where we currently are – which happens to be the “stuck” position. In which case, we are making the decision from a place of fear. So we end up saying “no” or procrastinating on the one decision that can help us unstuck ourselves.

Even more so when it comes to a decision on investing in inner or healing work. We are reluctant to commit to working internally. We feel paralysed with fear. Even though we realise that it could be helpful, we are averse to the idea of bringing our repressed emotions into the open. Not surprisingly, we usually view spending in any form of inner healing/transformation as unnecessary expense.

Unfortunately, this way of thinking qualifies as poverty consciousness. If we are feeling the lack, we will continue to stay in limitation because we are not willing to take the action that can potentially bring us to the next level of growth. Paralysis imprisons and prevents us from being great!
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How to Develop The Love Mindset – Interview

“I believe that the love mindset is the next step in human evolution.”

“We are ready to know ourselves and to, truly, live life to the fullest.”

– Virokina Tugaleva, author of “The Love Mindset”.

What is it like to develop the mindset of love?

What makes it difficult for a vast majority of people to love unconditionally?

What are the benefits of developing a Love Mindset?

These were some of the questions that I posed to Vironika Tugaleva, author of the book – The Love Mindset (An Unconventional Guide to Healing and Happiness), in a recorded call we just had together (listen to the audio at the end of the post).

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5 Possible Outcomes From Battling Money Woes

Money Woes

Are money woes causing you to react in a way that affects your overall wellness even more?

I have observed some common outcomes that my clients and friends – those with money struggles – report to having. Their money woes might not have started out as something huge – in the big picture of things. Yet, a number of them felt that they “cannot take it”. They experienced emotional reactions that caused them to take on irrational behavior or unwise actions.

Eventually, their behavior and actions made the situation worse. Their money woes soon became bigger. Their problems became a lot harder to deal with.

I lost a dear friend who took his own life. It was money issues that contributed a large part to his depression. Although he was not the reason why I decided to specialize with helping others deal with their money struggles a year on, his encounters certainly gave me a lot of food for thought on how financial triggers could end dramatically.
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How To Practice Gratitude Prayers for Work

“Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.” John Milton

Source: Original image edited.

If you would like to attract more business, increase sales or have more clients, here is a tip for you: practice gratitude for your work. A sense of appreciation goes a long way. You not only say thanks to your clients but you also thank the Universe or God. The Universe obligingly responds by giving you more of the same.

Is the following scenario true for you? You have been thanking your customer after the transaction or purchase politely. However, instead of feeling really happy, you are mostly in a state of stress, exhaustion and overwhelm. You are busy with making sales calls, promoting your business and monitoring your marketing program. In fact, oftentimes and out of the earshot of your client – you are lamenting, complaining and feeling lousy about your sales, performance and work.
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