Category Archives for "Self Awareness"
Who am I and what is my soul purpose?
Who am I and what is my soul purpose?
You may be wondering how you can let go of the past and move on fter realizing that you are stuck in it. Letting go to move forward can seem challenging when you have little idea on how to deal with the multitude of emotions that arise. At the same time, you do not feel equipped to move on.
Letting go of the past is certainly something that has not been taught as a life skill back in school. Yet, it is incredibly important. I wish someone had taught me how when I was young. It would also have been nice to receive some wise advice on how I could have let go of the past and move on.
Learning to let go of resistance to change is incredibly important if we are hoping to grow, evolve or improve ourselves. A resistance to change can happen when we are caught in the habit of doing things in a certain way. We become rigid even when the landscape has changed. We lose flexibility. We ask ourselves: why rock the boat when the old ways have worked?
This message became clear to me early last year. A new train station had opened near my home. It now takes 4 minutes for me to walk out of my front door to the train stop. With the newly opened tracks, I have more options in routes to many destinations.
Anyone would have excited about the improved convenience. Except that it took weeks for me to process my increased options. I continued taking old routes and ways to reach where I wanted to go.
Until one day, while at a bus stop, I found myself thinking about how much time I was wasting waiting for a bus that was taking a long time to show up. This was also when I had an “aha” moment (where dark clouds start to part and light finally came in)!
How you do money is how you do everything. How you do everything is how you do money.
How you do money is your financial behavior. Your financial behavior is a function of how you have been responding in the world. Your response is found in your emotions and thoughts. From your external actions, you are likely to find a common pattern or a set of beliefs that underlie every aspect of your life.
Everything is inter-related. Thus, how you do anything is how you do everything. Your external world mirrors your internal one. Your inner world influences how you are showing up in the world. A process of self-inquiry will lead you to uncover what perceptions you have about the world and about yourself. You can dive in to find out what your core beliefs are, whether through a money situation, relationship situation or any other life situation.
“One Big Reason Why many women have challenges leading a balanced, fulfilled and radiant existence is a lack of self-love.” #evelynlimcoach
While rummaging through my journal notebooks, I came upon what I had written two years ago. And so, I decided to post it…..
Can’t help but feel empty, wounded and discontented?
At some level, you have the awareness that there is something inherently missing; although you may not consciously know what your core issue is or where your real problem lies.
Even as you occupy your life with an endlessstream of activities, the hole inside remains.
The hole could be affecting every aspect of your life; from family, work, relationships, play etc.
And so it is that you have never been fully present.
You are there for everyone else…..EXCEPT YOURSELF.
Over time, the gaping hole manifests into deepresentment…and ultimately, a pervasive sense of unrealized potential and disempowerment.
“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.” Dalai Lama
There is a lot that we can learn from the mosquito these days.
The mosquito may be small but it is striking fear.
In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a public health emergency for Zika virus, which is spread by daytime-active Aedes mosquitoes. As of 25 August 2016, 70 countries and territories have reported evidence of mosquito-borne Zika virus transmission since 2007. Brazil has reported the largest number of cases, estimated at over 1 million infections in 2015.
Emotional causes to skin problems can be something that you want to look into, if your issues are persistent. While using steroids may alleviate your itch-scratch-itch symptoms, they are not cures. Also, long time reliance on drug medications can result in a “thinning” of your skin layer.
I know enough about dealing with skin healing issues myself. After all, I have had bad eczema outbreaks for many years until a few years ago. Recently, from working with clients, I noticed that there is a distinct relationship between those who are particularly energetically sensitive at the soul-level with also having a skin problem.
Skin disorders are like no other. Just as stress can result in skin problems, skin disorders can also cause tremendous stress. In cases of severe skin issues, those afflicted can become depressed. While it seems shallow, let’s admit that appearances do have an impact on first impressions. It can also affect our ability to find a mate, land that all-important interview or secure our next promotion.
Resolving accumulated negative emotions can prevent cancer or may even reduce its effects. Cancer invokes a lot of fear. It happens when the cells in your body divide in a way that is out of control. Many cancers form tumors, some of which can become life-threatening. Hence, it helps to understand early on what the emotional reasons behind it are. By knowing and understanding these factors, we can take preventative measures for cancer.
I’d like to reiterate that I am not a medical doctor nor profess to be an expert. However, I am happy to share the little that I know, so that those of you who are new to the information can have a starting point to finding out more.
“Freedom lies in being bold.” Robert Frost
When I started my site, my hope was to inspire lots of people. Since then, I have brought Abundance Tapestry to consistently being ranked as one of the top 100 personal development blogs in the world. Hence, it has been with tremendous trepidation as I prepare for a major overhaul.
I would like to think that the new direction I have decided on translates to becoming bolder, better and more brilliant. No more playing small or hiding partially behind a camera lens. I aspire to make my site a more authentic expression of myself. To put things in perspective, here is the previous header picture I had been having for my personal profile on FB for a few years….
The truth is that up till recently, I have been worrying about what my personal friends think about me. I had cringed at the thought of possibly being called a witch for practicing distance healing, hosting sacred meditation classes or performing intuitive readings for people. And so, I have practiced some measure of restraint in my postings on social media, especially when I know that my own friends are reading them.
My fears are not unfounded, by the way. One friend had warned that I was going into dangerous work with energy healing previously. Another had once looked at me with quivering eyes, concerned that I had gone bonkers. Where was the logical, left-brained and compliant Evelyn that she used to know?
Well, I am being asked to step up to the plate by my business and branding coaches. I now realize that I cannot live my life according to my fears of what others may think. And so, I am finally making the decision to be bold in declaring who I am, what I stand for and celebrating my work authentically.
A Breakthrough from being a Hidden Secret
No longer a hidden secret, I have decided to step out into the open – not just partially but fully! It’s a breakthrough!
I intend to share more clearly – without the struggle of going back and forth – about the results I have been getting. I had been caught up in hesitation about sounding like I was bragging. However, I am realizing that downplaying these achievements is not serving my vision in helping more women.
And so, I am going to share more boldly about I have helped many clients from across the globe with transforming their fears and beliefs, attracting more money or their soul mates – all from a distance. I am also going to reveal about how after working together, clients have reported 5 to 7 figure income shifts as well as my success of generating 5 figures from a single product creation.
For a start, here is the header to my new FB page…
I still love the same things and will continue to blog. However, there will be a lot more clarity in the way forward. In a new branded site, I will be sharing more about women entrepreneurship, online marketing, money mindset, and tools for success and manifestation.
The Transformative Process of Making a Bold Change
I was not expecting to take a long time but I am now finding that making site changes and creating a new brand identity will take me weeks or even months. There is a lot to decide on regarding suitable platforms etc. And so, in-between client appointments and conducting workshops, I won’t be able to write long articles for a while but can only keep to short postings on social media.
Well, I look forward to sharing more about the transformation journey that I am now embarking upon. In the meantime, here are some of my new links
FB Page with a new header –
Instagram – username: evelynlimcoach
Twitter – username: evelynlimcoach
If there is a chance to, do let me know what you think whether in the comments below or on Facebook.
Stay tuned for more updates!
Love and abundance always,
Dear Aspiring Writers, Business Owners, Coaches, Energy Healers and Executives…
I’m curious…what goal do you have, if accomplished in the next 12 months, will make you extremely happy?
Is it to:
– Write and publish a book?
– Lose weight and feel well?
– Attract your soul mate?
– Set up a new business?
– Give public presentations?
– Save a sum of money?
– Grow your business by X%?
….Except that you may be wondering if you are likely to commit to this goal.
After all, you could have been putting off this goal year after year.
As you probably already have discovered, setting the intention alone did not help you get very far. You might have mustered some energy behind your goal but it all fizzled out too soon! In fact, you could also be about to give up the idea of turning your dream into reality!
Well, how would you like to get unstuck and move past your paralysis on an energetic level?
How would you like to remove areas of self-sabotage, so that it becomes a lot easier for you to get into action?
Finally, how would you like to work on reimprinting and anchoring a more powerful picture of your dream for manifestation?
A dream without a goal is just wishful thinking!
No more excuses! Take action now. More details on the Radiant Goal Reimprinting Program 2016 can be found here >>>
Overview of the Enneagram Type 9: The Peacemaker, Mediator, Spiritual Seeker
If you are an Enneagram Type 9, you are about harmony. You are peace-loving, trusting, easy-going and even-tempered. Your mantra is to go with the flow. Sitting on the crown of the Enneagram, you hold spiritual instincts. What is ironical is that despite your orientation to spirituality, you are potentially the most grounded in the physical world.
You exude a positive energy. What appeals is the pleasant side of life. You enjoy being stress-free and desire life to be effortless. Being optimistic, you carry the faith that things will somehow work out on its own. Your belief is that everything will be okay should everyone stay cool and collected and no one rocks the boat.
“If you have fear of some pain or suffering, you should examine whether there is anything you can do about it. If you can, there is no need to worry about it; if you cannot do anything, then there is also no need to worry.” — 14th Dalai Lama
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