Category Archives for "Self Mastery"

Master yourself to manifest abundance

5 Steps To Being Authentic To Your True Dreams

What do weekend workshops like forex trading, internet marketing, real estate investing, gold trading, and investing through other instruments have in common? All are ways said to help build a solid investment base for the purpose of generating passive income.

Listen From Within Your Heart
(From personal scrapbook with the following lines:
– Listen From Within, Your Heart Knows the Way. Trust It. Remember this.
– “The race is long and in the end, it’s only with yourself.” Mary Schmich.
– “As long as one keeps searching, the answers come.” Joan Baez.)

Since the publication of Robert Kiyosaki’s book Rich Dad Poor Dad, there have been a number of workshops purportedly to teach its students how to achieve financial freedom.

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Claim Your Right To Abundance

Many people go around in a state of want and lack. They feel like if they have the right hair, body, face, clothes, or the right amount of money, they’d be set for happiness and therefore, a life of abundance. Certainly, marketing media would love to bank on this belief.

Claim Your Right to Abundance
(A leaf from my scrapbook album to remind me to “just go for it!”)

Product sellers and service providers make millions of dollars based on people’s insecurities. Constantly bombarded by pictures of grandeur, consumers are left to wonder if they would be complete after making an additional purchase. Myths are perpetuated as a result.

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How To Start A Gratitude Journal

gratitude law of attraction

A gratitude journal is very similar to a diary. However, the difference is that you mainly have positive things to write in a gratitude journal.

gratitude journal (List your favorite things in your gratitude journal)

While you can rant and rave in your diary, a gratitude journal is meant to uplift you. It connects you with good feeling thoughts. The aim of keeping a gratitude journal is to write down the things that make you happy and that for which you are grateful for.

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The 5Cs of Buddhism

The 5Cs is a well known acronym in Singapore. It typically refers to the Singapore Dream. It was coined in the 90s due to a local observation of the materialistic obsession of Singaporeans. The 5Cs are Cash, Condo, Car, Country Club Membership and Credit Card. When I started my banking career upon graduation years ago, I had the same dream.

Pretty Ducks
(Photo taken in Singapore Botanic Gardens from where I practice Taichi also known as a form of meditation in motion.)

Even today, many young adult Singaporeans can attest to the chasing after the same dream of 5Cs. The problem is that the 5Cs is all about material goods. So social or community values have largely been ignored.

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Bells of Mindfulness

A reader, by the name of Art Gould, wrote to me and asked if he could share a useful self-help tip on mindfulness. I have always enjoyed personal empowerment techniques and was most intrigued by his email. Here is an excerpt from his message…

Bells of Japan
(Photo taken of a street stall selling bells and wind chimes in Tokyo, June 2010)

What a great site!  I have been reading Abundance Tapestry for over a year and have found your site to be simply awesome! Your advice has not only helped me navigate through more than a few tough situations but it has enabled me to embrace them as a part of life and learning opportunities.  Not only do you have an uncommonly well balanced perspective but you are able to communicate the ideals that guide you thereby helping and guiding others.  I especially enjoyed “Keep Holding Onto Faith“, which was such an insightful piece and a wonderful reminder that it is through falling that we learn to fly! I was actually writing today with a suggestion for a guest post.

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Keep Holding On To Faith

I had an amazing dream recently. I saw myself standing on the rooftop of a tall building with a male companion. He did not look like my husband or any friend I know. I strained for a clearer view. However, his face still appeared hazy. I just could not make out who he was. What I sensed instead was that he was some kind of a mentor, a guide probably.

Leap of Faith
(A page on “Holding on to Faith” that I made in my scrapbook album after having my dream. I enjoy making arty reminders!)

In a dramatic turn, I saw myself free falling in the air. I seemed to have fallen off from the top of the building.

Down, down, down I went.

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Learn The Art of Drinking Tea

Drinking tea is a lost art if you are not paying attention to its joys. In Asia, where there is a long tradition to tea-drinking. To enjoy tea fully, you have to savor the fragrance, color and flavor of the tea as the brew becomes stronger. You learn about the world from your teapcup when you engage your senses as you drink.

Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh has one of the best advice for us when drinking tea….

Art of DrinkingTea

“Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves – slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future. Live the actual moment. Only this moment is life.”
~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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20 Inspirational Abundance Quotes

To me, abundance quotes are worth gold. I enjoy reading abundance quotes because I feel expansive instantly. They serve as wonderful reminders for me about holding a paradigm of prosperity.

Abundance Quotes

Reading abundance quotes tells me a lot about what true wealth really means. I am inspired to live the truth that the words convey. Knowing that they are espoused from some of my favorite people on this planet offers an extra kick!

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Short Story: The Spiritual Warrior of the Labyrinth

The Spiritual Warrior hesitated. Even though she was standing still, her mind was racing a thousand miles. “Should she proceed or abandon the hunt?” She wondered. Beads of perspiration gathered on the side of her forehead. The Warrior started to reflected on her journey so far.

Labyrinth to The Truth of Light

Since entering the labyrinth, the Warrior had found herself chasing a strange looking beast. The Warrior felt somewhat disappointed by the memory of the chase. She was dismayed that she had not been successful with a quick conquest.

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Inspirational Story: Song of the Little Bird

There lived a little bird in the forest. It had been singing songs ever since it was born. It learned how to sing from papa bird, mama bird and all the other birds in the vicinity. It would sing everyday.

inspirational story: song of the little bird
(A collage made out of printed transparent plastic with photoshopped details against a wooden background).

One day, while the little bird was singing on the branch of a tree, it got interrupted by the sound of a little boy. The little bird looked down. A boy was pointing at it with his finger and saying “what a sad haunting melody!”

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