Category Archives for "Self Mastery"
Master yourself to manifest abundance
Master yourself to manifest abundance
“There is no right or wrong way to tell your improved story. It can be about your past, present, or future experiences. The only criterion that is important is that you be conscious of your intent to tell a better-feeling, improved version of your story. Telling many good-feeling short stories throughout your day will change your point of attraction. Just remember that the story you tell is the basis of your life. So tell it the way you want it to be.”
– Abraham
When you tell a better-feeling story, whether to yourself or others, you are more likely to attract better-feeling events into your life by virtue of the Law of Attraction. The problem with many of us is that we tell our story based on what-is rather than the way we would like it to be. And so we continue to attract the same circumstances that we have already been manifesting all along. Invariably, we find that our situations do not improve.
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One excellent way to activate the Law of Attraction powerfully is with joy. Since the Universe operates on vibrations, joy is a positive-feeling state that can help magnetise more joy into your life.
“You are joy, looking for a way to express. It’s not just that your purpose is joy, it is that you are joy. You are love and joy and freedom and clarity expressing. Energy—frolicking and eager—that’s who you are. And so, if you’re always reaching for alignment with that, you’re always on your path, and your path will take you into all kinds of places. We will not deny that you will not discover miracles and create benefits and be involved in creation, and that you will not uplift humanity—we will not say that you will not find satisfaction in so many things that you create, but we can’t get away from the acknowledgment that you are Pure Positive Energy that translates into the human emotion of joy.” – Abraham, Abraham-Hicks
To be joyful, you can focus on your blessings, visualize for a brighter future, address your emotions and to let more laughter into your life. These are the very tips that have helped me make a shift from feeling poorly about things. Feeling joy mostly keeps me be positive all day.
To leverage on the Law of Attraction, you will need to find vibrational alignment.
Allow me to explain.
“You can’t cease to vibrate, and Law of Attraction will not stop responding to the vibration that you are offering. So, expansion is inevitable. You provide it, whether you know you do, or not.” – Abraham
The Universe exists and operates by vibration.
Like everything else, you are also vibrational energy. When your outer circumstances are less than what you desire them to be, there is something within you creating those undesirable circumstances, while at the same time keeping other, more desirable circumstances at bay. You attract the circumstances based on the vibrational alignment of your thoughts and feelings.
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“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
~ Arthur Schopenhauer
(Mount Fuji Japan: Let’s view things from the top)
I have found the Meta-Mirror Model useful in reframing the mind. The Meta-Mirror Model allows you to break down what it means to see things from a higher perspective into practical steps. By going through the steps, it is easier to shift from being ego-centered to one operating from higher consciousness. In the eventual position, you gain a helicopter and macro view of things.
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If you hear a voice within you say “you cannot paint,” then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.
– Vincent Van Gogh
Once upon a time, I dreamed of being a fashion designer. I filled my sketchbooks with pictures of women wearing clothes that I have designed.
I imagined what it would be like to have models walking down the catwalk, wearing my designs.
I imagined what it would be like to be popular because of my beautiful work.
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Labels used in negative self talk can restrict you from being your fullest potential. They are the names you mentally call yourself in your head. Unfavourable outcomes result when you identify who you are with these labels.
Labels can be positive or negative. While it helps to use labels for describing something, they can also be rather restrictive. By identifying yourself with them, whether positive or negative, you prevent yourself from discovering your true essence. Still, it is the labels in negative self talk that create the most problems for us.
Not being able to let go of the past can keep you stuck for years. The suffering of holding on keeps your stories alive. Attachment drives you into heartache. In fact, over time, you could have also gotten used to the suffering. So much so that you may even feel lost at the thought of becoming free from pain.
(Photo: Singapore Botanic Gardens)
It is possible to fear that there will be emptiness when you let go of the past. You are not sure what could be left of you if all the anger, hurt and resentment is gone. After all, you have defined yourself by the stories you believe in. You may think that it is better to cling on the old stories because you fear losing your identity. Well, as I had discovered, this is erroneous thinking.Continue reading
On a scale of 1-10, how much self confidence would you say that you have? You rate 1 if you have extremely low self-confidence and 10 if you have high self confidence. Avoid putting too much thinking into the rating process, the score should come up intuitively.
“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.”- Norman Vincent Peale
There are many everyday signs of low self confidence. It happens when you have little trust, cannot make decisions on your own and are constantly caught in a sense of helplessness. Invariably, your attitude towards life is poor.
Should your self confidence be low, it shows up in your awkwardness in social settings. You may constantly look at the ground, quiver in anxiety and keep apologising for yourself in front of others. One client who came to see me last week about her low self-confidence kept shaking and shifting her legs nervously for a whole one hour.
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Love quotes keep us inspired to love even more!
Love has been the theme this past month, in the light of Valentine’s Day. In fact, not just on this site, you see messages on love everywhere. There have been several love quotes posted on a daily basis on many social media sites. The quotes were taken from poets, authors, spiritual teachers and legends of the past. Each a beautiful reminder on what it means to love unconditionally.
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You may be wondering how to develop self acceptance when it has been a constant battle. The advice “just be yourself” is one that is not easy to follow. Not especially when you are getting into many wrong ideas about what beauty is.
“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.”
– Thich Nhat Hanh
(When you accept yourself, your confidence shows from the inside.)
Bombarded by advertisements, you are encouraged to believe that you need the latest it-bag, platform shoes or anti-aging cream in order to be beautiful. Thus, life becomes a constant strife to acquire these items.
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