Category Archives for "Self Mastery"
Master yourself to manifest abundance
Master yourself to manifest abundance
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival. – Rumi
One of the most cited poems by meditation teachers is The Guest House by Rumi. Heard of it? It is a beautiful piece that captures the essence of a mindfulness practice.
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Buddha was asked, “What have you gained from meditation?” He replied, “Nothing! However,” Buddha said, “let me tell you what I lost: Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Insecurity, Fear of Old age and Death.”
We are in a habit of acquiring things be it a new car, house or a prestigious title to add to our name. The more we acquire, the stronger our ego is. We may even be after a state of bliss when we think about what we can gain out of a meditation sitting. It’s the spiritual ego that gets swollen with false pride.
Our struggles often arise when we are not successful in getting what we want. We become angry, anxious, depressed, insecure and fearful as a result. We act out of our ego selves.
By having more as compared to someone else, our egos believe that we are one up over another. It does not count if everyone has the same material item. Ours have to be bigger, better and more powerful than what our friends, relatives or colleagues have. After all, if it is the same, what is the point on posting the pictures of these things on Facebook or Instagram? The more “likes” we get on social media, the more we feel good about ourselves. Never mind if we don’t even know half the strangers who clicked “like” to our posts online.
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“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” Buddha
You can be the candle that lights up thousands of candles.
Everyone has the same gift.
No exceptions.
To be a candle of light does not mean that you have to do great feats, be a public speaker or become a leader.
In fact, it does not take much to spread some happiness.
A kind word, a warm hug or a smile.
You just don’t know who you may impact.
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Albert Einstein Quotes has become a byword for sayings by a genius. We all know how brilliant a physicist he was. Sometimes, I would find my coaching clients getting this glint of awareness and appreciation when I inject one of his quotes during our conversation.
“The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them.” Albert Einstein Quote #6 below
While I cannot wrap my brains around the Theory of Relativity, I enjoy Einstein’s wit and insight into life and consciousness. Even though we cannot verify whether this letter came from him or not, it is a fact that he has said many wise things in his lifetime. When we want to quote someone wise, his name will invariably come up.
I have used many Albert Einstein quotes on my site as well and I’d like to dedicate a single post to express my gratitude.
So, here is a list of 21 Best Albert Einstein Quotes…
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“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.” Stephen Hawkings
The title of the movie, The Theory of Everything, is intriguing, to say the least. The story is based on a memoir and it is about the tireless search of theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking to find a single universal equation for all existence. More specifically, The Theory of Everything is a theory in physics that unites the four fundamental forces of nature: the strong force, the weak force, gravity and the electromagnetic force.
The movie had turned out to be interesting. I rented the DVD a week ago. I had wanted to watch it after I heard that it won a number of awards. I was extremely curious about the life of Stephen Hawking, his diagnosis of motor neuron disease, and his success in physics; and I was not disappointed.
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“Don’t live your life by default. Claim the life that you are meant to live by manifesting it.” – Abundance Tapestry
Seniha was a lovely client whom I worked with from the start of this year. She was very kind in agreeing to share her story. Here was what she said…..
What is standing in your way of abundance could be money drama that is playing in your head. It may well be the same script that has been playing for many years. Unfortunately, while there are some positive themes, the script plays a mostly negative one especially in the area concerning money. In fact, there are days when it is kind of like a soap play.
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I thought it would be interesting to share my perspective on 50 shades of fear. Clients had been coming to me with their issues which are rooted in various forms of fear. In case you are wondering, I did not read the book 50 Shades of Grey nor have watched the movie. However, I would like to borrow the theme of 50 shades.
As we already know, fear can manifest at different levels and degrees of negative emotions; which is influenced by the story that our minds tell. Our fears make up the stories we tell ourselves.
For instance, fear can be in the form of worry….or in more severe cases, it can grow into depression. Fear can also be in the form of nervousness or a diagnosed panic disorder. We can also express fear in the form of blame or if we feel it strongly, we become antagonistic. Obvious symptoms can range from breaking out in cold sweat, turning ashen white, or the racing of our hearts. Whether a niggling sense of anxiety or intense anger, all are signs of fear.
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“Infinite potential is the quality of conscious awareness. Abundance is the truth of infinite potential realised in the physical.” Evelyn Lim, Abundance Tapestry
Abundance is the soul experience of fullness, completeness and expansiveness. Your physical self experiences the truth of your soul afforded through a time-space reality. Yet, it is via present moment awareness (often afforded via meditation) that your physical self enter into infiniteness. It is from this field that you realize the potential of being and the nature of existential reality.
The physical is the way for truth realization. Your soul gets to experience itself. It is through physical experience that conscious awareness gets integrated. Infinite potential is the quality of conscious awareness. Abundance is the truth of infinite potential realized in the physical.
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“For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.” Steve Jobs
Do you have a Plan B?
If you don’t, perhaps it is time you put some thought into it. Plan B could well be more important than your Plan A.
I was reading a Straits Times article written by a career coach on the importance of having plan B last week and felt compelled to add my thoughts about it.
The Difference between Plan A and B
Plan A forms your corporate life, the one whereby you spend most of your waking hours in an office. On the other hand, Plan B forms your post-corporate life. Plan B consists of activities that you can engage in outside of working hours as an employee. You could be doing social work or it could be something that is income-generating.
Most people – perhaps including yourself – are caught up with Plan A. If you are in a corporate, Plan A alone probably keeps you very busy. Already used to the same routine, you may even experience a sense of inertia to explore avenues beyond Plan A.
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